Golf Tips to Measure your Results on the Practice Range

Golf Tips to Measure your Results on the Practice Range

Practice is important in any sport and golf is no exception. To really improve your game you must spend time fine tuning your swing. But many golfers simply “hit balls” on the practice range without checking to see if they are improving. Here are some tips to help measure the effectiveness of your practice sessions on the driving range.

First, you must identify your objective on the range. Some people are trying to fix a slice or a hook while others are trying to add distance to their shots. If you do not know what your objective is you will not know if you have achieved it. You may not have a noticeable flaw to correct but you need to train your muscles so you can make good shots consistently. So hitting consistently is your objective in that case. Just make sure you have a clear idea of your purpose.

Second, it does not matter too much if you quit slicing or hooking the ball, or if you add 30 yards to your drive if your shots are spraying to the left or right. You may have eliminated the slice in your ball flight, but did the ball actually go towards your target? I have heard people “oooh” and “ahhh” over their practice shots even though one went well to the left of what appeared to be their target line and the next went just as far to the right. Make sure you identify a target and gauge if you are hitting the ball within a few yards on either side of that target until the balls rolls to a stop.

Third, always hit a variety of clubs in a random order on the range. This will better reflect how a real round of golf is played. You never hit your seven iron fifteen times in a row on a normal round of golf so do not get locked into hitting only your seven iron on the practice range even if it is your seven iron that needs the work. For example, to work on your seven iron try hitting your seven a few times, then hit a 3-wood a couple of times, then hit a four-iron, then a wedge, then back to the seven for a few shots. This will help you practice your set-up routine for various shots since usually you address the ball and take your stance slightly differently for woods, low irons and high irons respectively.

Fourth, do not be in a hurry. Take a break for a minute or two after hitting a dozen balls or so. If you exhaust yourself you may begin making poor swings due to your tiring out that would almost never happen in a round of golf because on the course there is almost always a few minutes between shots that require a full swing.

Finally, take time at home some evening to write down on an index card the swing keys that help you prepare for taking a golf shot. Most people will have a list of five to eight things. Go through your set-up routine in your mind and jot down, in order, what you do to check your alignment, grip, stance, weight distribution, etc… and take that card with you to the practice range. Then read it over before EVERY practice shot for the first ten or fifteen shots. Train your mind to go through that list so it becomes a habit when you are playing a round of golf.

Hopefully you will develop your own list of golf tips from your time spent on the practice range and you will graduate from just “hitting balls” to actually tuning your swing by having a yard stick by which to measure your results on the practice range.

Looking for the best golf swing instruction? Would you invest about the cost of one round of golf on the weekend at your local public course to learn a consistent and repeatable golf swing? Visit Hank’s golf swing instruction site and see how quickly you can be hitting farther, straighter, and with greater confidence.

Know how you can fix the golf slice

Know how you can fix the golf slice

A common golf swing fault is to “slice” the golf ball.  For right handed golfers, a golf slice occurs when the golf ball starts left of the target once struck, but finishes well right of the target.  The golf slice is one of the worse swing faults encountered on the course because it often results in a very poor position to hit the next shot and because there are many causes to the golf slice.  Common causes of the golf slice include an open clubface at impact, too “weak” of a golf grip, poor body weight transfer and/or an out-to-in or “over the top” swing.

To fix the golf slice, the golfer should first ensure that he or she is properly aligned toward the target with hips, shoulders and feet all square to the target line.  Second, the golfer should ensure that the swing path taken is more in-to-out or in-to-square-to –in rather than out-in.  Third, the golfer should ensure a neutral golf grip position and a square clubface at impact.

Practice Drills to Fix the Golf Slice

To fix the golf slice, top PGA teaching professionals recommend practice drills that help incorporate the proper golf swing mechanics into the golf swing and ingrain the correct “feeling” of a well-executed golf shot.  Here are several of the most popular practice drills to fix the golf slice.


Corrects slices caused by OUT-IN swings and encourages proper IN-SQUARE-IN swing path.

• Place two tees and ball right to left diagonally, creating an IN-SQUARE-IN swing path. Allow about 4″x 4″ spacing from each tee to ball.

• Assume normal setup and ball position with 7-iron.

• Hit ball crisply without hitting tees.


Encourages IN-SQUARE-IN swing path and club release.

• Perform drill half-speed with 7-iron and teed ball.

• Select target and assume normal setup.

• Leaving arms in position and club face square to target, rotate feet 45° with back directed toward target.

• Swing along body line and hit 5 to 10 shots.

To quickly get rid of your golf slice, incorporate both of these drills into your practice routine whenever a golf slice creeps into your game.

Improve your golf slice with golf genie’s golf guides. If you are serious about golf and looking for golf training aids its right time to hit the golf ball in the golf course.

How to Fix A Slice With A Driver

How to Fix A Slice With A Driver

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It’s one of the biggest obstacles golfers face and that is how to fix a slice with a driver. Specially players who are relatively new to the game. In this short article I would like to provide you with a few slice tips you should use on the range to help you do away with that nasty curve on the golf ball and start to hit longer, straighter shots each time.

The very first thing you have to realize before you can learn how to fix a slice with a driver is why you slice in the first place. You see in order to hit a slice there are a few major factors which are involved.

1) To much spin off the driver head at impact (right spin for a right hander & left spin for a lefty)
2) Club head is open at impact

In order to be in a position to fix a slice that you need to remove these two factors. How can this be done?

Tip No. 1 – How to take the spin off the driver at impact

If your slicing a golf ball it shows that when the club connects with the ball at impact it’s coming through the hitting zone on a cut angle. Having a cut angle on the club is sometimes called coming over the top and can make you dramatically slice a golf ball or dead pull it.

If you come over the top of the golf ball it means that when you take the club back on the back swing your taking it to far inside the target line. What you ought to do to correct this issue is to focus on taking the club back on a straight line.

Imagine as your bringing the club back that there is a catcher crouched down behind you in a position to catch a fastball from a pitcher in baseball. Take the club straight back to hit the catchers mitt and then straight up on your turn.

*Note: A good drill to work on this really is to simply stand with your back against a wall and make your swing. The wall will not allow you to be able to take the club inside and you’ll be one step closer to learning how to fix a slice with a driver.

Tip No. 2 – How to get the club head back to square at impact

The next reason you could be slicing a golf ball is because at impact the club head is still open. If your club head remains open at impact there is no way you can do anything but slice the ball. As a way to learn how to fix a slice with a driver that you must work on these 2 things:

a) Your grip:

Your grip is a huge part of the golf swing and probably the most overlooked reasons why people are having issues. You must use the proper grip in order to allow the hands to release the club properly to insure you are making solid contact with the golf ball. In this short article it would be tough to go over all the different sorts of grips and the way to apply all so I would like to give you simply a quick overview so you can make a quick change.

When you initially grab the club you need to be able to see two or three knuckles on your left hand-or if you cannot see any knuckles at all-your grip isn’t correct. Make certain when you grip the club all eight of your knuckles are showing. This will make a huge difference when it comes to rotating the hands at impact.

b) Over Swinging

If you are having troubles slicing a golf ball maybe it’s because you are over swinging. Consider this the game of golf is called the sport of opposites. People believe the harder they swing at the golf ball the further it is going to go. That’s not the case in golf. Actually the smoother and more in rhythm you are through out the swing the further and straighter you will hit the golf ball. Sounds crazy I know but it’s true.

Have you ever sat down on a Sunday afternoon and watched the PGA tour pro’s swing at the golf ball? The large majority of them look like they are hardly swing at the ball and then the announcer just says they just hit that drive 305 yards off the tee! Well, if you want to learn how to fix a slice with a driver you must work on being more in rhythm and work on your timing to get the club face back to square at impact. If you are able to do this you will be much closer to meeting your goal.

To Learn Added Ways How To Fix A Slice With A Driver & One Covert Golfing Guidebook That Will Help You Improve Your Scores By At Least 7-10 Shots! Hurry Over To >>>


Golf Slice ? Golf Tips to Cure the Problem

Golf Slice ? Golf Tips to Cure the Problem

The two dreaded words that every amateur golfer fears, the Hook and Slice. The thing is low handicap and pro golfers use these two shots to steer their way out of trouble.

The pro’s will hit a hook spin shot or Draw the ball to provide a shot that can hold straight in a left to right wind and when it hits the fairway it will roll for ages on the grass due to the type of spin imparted on the ball.

The slice spin shot or Fade is used to hold a ball straight in a right to left wind and this shot will land and check quite quickly on the green. For the high handicapper these shots are usually mistakes.

In this article I will give you some tips to cure your slice.

The slice is a very common mistake that 90% of amateurs have to live with. Every golfer has experienced this shot. The slice is so common that every magazine will have an article on the subject.

So what causes the slice?

It is caused by an out to in swing path and usually the club face is open at impact with the ball. The big mistake that most high handicap players make to try and stop their slice is that they aim their body to the left of the target hoping that the ball will land on target.

What they fail to realise is that they set themselves up for an even bigger slice shot.
A Big mistake.

Before anyone can hit a perfectly straight shot you need to line yourself up square to the target line. A handy way during practice is to lay a golf club on the ground aimed at the flag. Set yourself up with your toes against the club and your shoulders and hips in line with the target.

The next thing to do is lay a club on the ground behind the ball as you are looking at it. It should also be lined up to the flag and parallel with the club laid down at your toes.

As you start your golf swing downwards, aim to swing the clubhead through the ball, but also try to keep the club travelling along the line of the club laid on the ground. This is done to keep the club head on a straight path through the ball.

With correct body posture and practice using this method you should see a marked improvement and reduce the likelyhood of that slice.

If you want to improve at golf and take your game to the next level. Subscribe to the Authors Free Golf Tips Newsletter at free golf e-books are included to start your golf improvement today.

Slicing The Ball? Understand Why And Cure It Forever

Slicing The Ball? Understand Why And Cure It Forever

Curring a slice can seem like a lifetimes work but it doesn’t have to be that way.If you understand the mechanics of the golf swing you can get rid of the slice affliction forever. Untill the time comes when you need a great raking curve ball around a tree to half the match with your playing partners.

Ok that said what causes the slice?

The slice happens when the club comes into the impact area from outside the target line, with the club face open and with a steep angle of attack.

This is caused by the upper body ( shoulders ) starting the downswing, throwing the club out and away from the body which is the complete opposite of what you should be trying to achieve.

So if you take the club to the top of your backswing, and we’ll take it for granted that you have made a full shoulder turn ( 90 degrees ) and only 45 degrees in the hips. From here a slice would come from the hips staying still and the shoulders starting things down. This you’ll notice makes the club move away from you and travel towards the ball from about two feet away from your right toes and on a path towards around six inches from your left toes. So steep and outside the target line inside.

Now compare that to the right way.

Back to the top of the swing and now start by rotating the hips first. You’ll notice the right shoulder naturally drops somewhat. Now continue turning and watch the path this time. The club is now coming from about 6 inches from the right toes to impact, more from close to you to impact and away. The opposite to the slice.

The way I got this motion was to hold a football in both hands at your right hip and now take your golf stance and throw the ball over your left shoulder ( right motion ).

Hope this article will help to cure your slice for good.

Steve has been a keen golfer for over 30 years. He still loves the game and plays on a regular basis. His current handicap is 2. If this tip was helpful to you and you would like to see and hear more of the same. Please go here.

How to fix a golf slice-3 Golf Slice Cures

How to fix a golf slice-3 Golf Slice Cures

Article by Terry Gorry

In this article I am going to give you 3 cures to help you fix a golf slice. It is one of the major frustrations of 80% of golfers worldwide and costs a huge amount in the distance your ball travels.

Secret 1-Fix your set up

It is no secret that standing open in your set up will promote an out to in swing which in turn will give you that dreaded distance sapping slice.So make sure that your set up and alignment are spot on ie place a club along your toe line and make sure that it is running parallel, like rail tracks, with an imaginary line from your ball to the target.Initially you can even exaggerate this to fix your slice by standing a little closed ie with your right foot drawn back behind the left so that the line would be pointing right of the target.

Secret 2- Get a proper grip

For many starter golfers and even more accomplished players the grip, if it is too weak/neutral, can mean that coming in to impact your clubface is wide open..not square which will lead to a slice.Consider using a strong grip until you have rid yourself of the slice. By this I mean with your hands turned more to your right shoulder. This should encourage the clubface to square up earlier in the downswing and produce a ground gobbling draw.

Secret 3- Swing from in to out or in to square, not from out to in.

If the ball target line points at 12 o’clock on an imaginary clock, then you need to think about swinging towards 2 o’clock.

If you go to the range and work on these tips, you will lose your distance sapping slice/fade and be playing with a distance gaining draw very soon..and be the envy of your friends.

For more FREE tips and Video and to learn how to fix a golf slice visit now!

About the Author

Terry Gorry owns and runs which is a blog dedicated to helping amateur golfers be the players that they can be.

You will discover FREE tips and FREE video at his blog which will help you to fix your slice and improve your golf game.

How to Correct a Golf Slice – Cure My Slice is the Cry of Golfers Worldwide

How to Correct a Golf Slice – Cure My Slice is the Cry of Golfers Worldwide

Article by Terry Gorry

In this article I am going to give you 2 quick tips as to how to correct a golf slice. They are aimed at the beginner golfer who has not experienced the pleasure of seeing their ball bend from right to left. But who recognises the need for more distance…right through the bag.

1. Release

To correct a golf slice and hit a draw you need a full and free release of the club through impact. This hand action, which is second nature to the professionals who have eaten their meals on the practice tee for years, involves letting the right hand and forearm release freely over the left through impact.

To get a good feeling for this hold the club up at waist height, with no ball to distract you, and swing back and forth slowly watching the opening and closing of the clubhead through the hitting area as you do so.

Then speed it up and experiment with speeding up and releasing earlier so that when you tee up your ball your clubhead will be closing through impact..thereby promoting a draw.

2. In to out Swing

To rid yourself of a slice you need to train and in to square to in path. But with a slice you are already swinging out to in in all likelihood so you need to exaggerate this cure by practicing swinging in to out.

To do this you can place a long tee in front of your ball but you must place it about 4/6 inches ahead and to the right of the ball-target line.

Then try to hit this tee in your follow may be difficult at first but you will be swinging from in to out and giving yourself a great opportunity to hit a draw.

For more FREE tips and Video of a long driving champ in action and to learn..

How to correct a golf slice visit my blog now!

About the Author


How to Draw the Golf Ball

How to Draw the Golf Ball

Article by Christopher J. Johnson

The draw shot off the tee is a very desirable ball flight to have. It penetrates the wind much better than a fade and rolls out farther in the fairway after it comes down. It can be a tough shot to control though. The draw can turn into a hook very easily. Most courses favor people who slice the ball, since that is the most common swing fault of the average player. That means that most courses are more open to the right and much more penalizing when you hit it left.

The draw shot produces top spin on the ball. It is a right to left ball flight for right handed people and a left to right ball flight for left handed people.

The following instructions are for a right handed player.

Line up the face of the club with your target. Line up your feet, hips and shoulders to the right of your target. This closes the face of the club in relation to your body. Now just swing like you normally would. The closed clubface will cause the ball to move right to left. Since you set your body up to the right, the ball will start to the right and turn back towards the target.

There are other ways to create a draw. Basically you want your club to take an inside to outside path in relation to the ball. I believe this way to be the easiest since you can take your normal swing once you have adjusted your stance. Trying to adjust your swing can be much more difficult.

I would like to offer a word of advice. Be sure to try this technique out at the range a few times before using it on the course. If you over do it, a nasty hook could be the result, which will most likely put you in the water or the woods. We are trying to avoid penalty strokes, not create them right?

So there you go. With a little practice, you will be curving the ball around that dogleg in no time. Oh, one other thing. Golf is a game so remember to HAVE FUN!

About the Author

Interested in a simple method of swinging the golf club? I have looked around forever and can honestly say I improved my game using the four magic moves. Take a few minutes, go to and get your free info.

The Golf Pull Hook. Cure Golf Hook With 3 Easy Tips!

The Golf Pull Hook. Cure Golf Hook With 3 Easy Tips!

Article by Pjbergen

Many golfers are challenged with golf pull hook.

Are you?

Regardless of your golf ability you may be hooking.

And you want to know how to get rid of it once and for all!

Here are 3 Tips you need to do in order to stop pulling the ball,have more consistent golf swings and lower your golf scores.

Tip 1-

Adjust your swing path

Face of the club must be square with your flight path at impact. Not being square causes a hook.

The cause of the hook is that the club face is closed.

Adjust your swing path; -concentrate on shifting your weight and your body so that everything is going down the flight path.

Open your stance slightly, swinging with the line of the shoulders

Tip 2-

Adjust Grip Pressure

If your grip is too strong, you’ll pull the club to the inside.

Use only as much pressure as it takes to keep the club face square at impact.

Pay attention to your hand placement.

Follow through with the hands to the target, making sure your wrists do not turn over too soon.

Aim for consistent light pressure on the club.

Tip 3-

Adjust Ball and Stance

You want to place ball position in the middle towards the front of the stance.

When ball is too far back in your stance, you create a hook.

Position your feet square to the target line.

Keep both feet even.

Shift your weight to the front foot and make your swing with your weight on the leading foot.

Golf Drill to Cure Your Hook-

Lay club on grass, parallel to your target.

Place a golf ball 2 inches from inside of club.

Try hitting the ball without hitting the club.

If you’re making contact with the toe of the club your ball will go the right.

If your swing is coming from the inside the toe of your club will be lined up left of your target and straight down the fairway.

Instead of your driver, you can use a plastic pipe.

In Conclusion…….

Start with these tips;

however, there are so many more tips to help eliminate the dreadful golf hook.

Get yourself to the driving range and put these tips into practice now and you will start seeing your results immediately that lowers your handicap.

If you sick and tired of your inconsistent shots, higher scores and missed fairways!

Is your golf frustrating and it’s not fun anymore!

Listen up, you must cure your golf hook, today. Any golfer can easily and quickly get rid of the golf pull hook and cure golf hook once and for all.

Imagine this!

Head over to Cure Golf Hook and get into the fun of golf.

About the Author

Free report available at Cure Golf Hook.