How I Cured My Coffee Addiction

How I Cured My Coffee Addiction

Article by Swayze

I have to admit something. I used to LOVE coffee. I had a cup every single morning after my exercise with a “splash” of half and half and a couple tablespoons of sugar. I could not even imagine starting my day without my little cup of energy.

That was about two years ago. Now, I can’t stand the stuff. The smell alone makes me want to hurl. The fragrance is so strong and bitter. Yuck. I’ll just stick to water, thank you.

So what changed? How was I able to kick my coffee habit over two years ago? Why is just the smell of coffee so aggravating to me now?

Coffee Addiction

When I was much younger, I hated everything about coffee. The aroma, the look of it, the few sips I had tasted. I felt the same way about coffee as a child that I do today.

As I got older, I started having a cup in the morning. I still hated it at first, but it just seemed like something people did. Every adult I knew got up in the morning and fixed themselves a cup of coffee. My Mom drank coffee all throughout the day!

Before I knew it, I was hooked on the stuff. And it only took a few weeks to go from something I despised to something I relied on everyday. If I did not have my coffee, it was very hard for me to stay awake during my first few classes at school. I would usually experience a slight twinge in my forehead as well.

At the time, I thought that this was a sign that coffee was necessary in my diet. When I drank coffee, I felt good. When I stopped drinking it, I felt bad.

The Effects of Coffee

You see, coffee has two effects: a short term effect and a long term effect. The caffeine in coffee is a stimulant and consuming it causes your body to work overtime trying to neutralize it. Your body’s sudden state of frenzy causes you to feel energized and awake for a short period of time. This is the short term effect.

Once these effects have worn off, the body returns (or “comes down”) to its original condition. You now feel sluggish and tired again. This is the long term effect of drinking coffee.

Many people only notice the short term effect. While virtually everyone experiences the “drop off” later in the day (I know I did), they do not associate this with the coffee. In fact, I’m sure many of you attempt to solve the problem by having more coffee!

How to Cure Your Coffee Addiction

The best way to stop drinking coffee is to STOP DRINKING COFFEE! If you continue to drink the stuff, you will continue to be dependent upon it.

Personally, I went completely cold turkey from my one cup a day. I had a couple of slight headaches for a few days, but that was the extent of my detox. After a couple of weeks, I felt much better and no longer longed for coffee. After two short months, I could not imagine drinking coffee at all.

If you drink numerous cups of coffee each day, it might be best to gradually reduce how much you drink. An easy way to do this is to replace each cup with caffeine-free tea. If you choose, you can keep going by replacing the tea with just warm or cold lemon water.

Either way you choose, your goal should be to completely eliminate coffee from your diet. It provides no nutritional value and has no place in a healthy lifestyle.

My hope is that one day coffee drinking will be a thing of the past and people will rely on good ole exercise and nutrition to energize themselves for the day.

A girl can dream, right?;)

About the Author

For more information on the best raw vegan diet, be sure to visit Fit On Raw and subscribe to Swayze’s newsletter Peachy Keen Ezine. By subscribing, you will also receive the free report The 4 Principles of a Healthy Raw Diet as well as the 5-week mini-course The Fool Proof Transition to Raw.

Uncovered – The Foods That Can Create A Winning Mood And Increase Alertness.

Uncovered – The Foods That Can Create A Winning Mood And Increase Alertness.

Article by Max Webster-Dowsing

For hundreds of years throughout the ages people have stated that consuming certain drinks and food will make you feel better, is there any truth in this? I hear you ask, well in fact there certainly is.

Modern science have discovered how our emotions are directly linked to the use of certain brain chemicals thus identifying the abundance of natural chemicals in food that change how our body feels, this is done by the influence of neurotransmitters in the brain also changing the ways how our brain cells behave in relation to our body and releasing mood-altering chemicals throughout the body.

One of the biggest myths out there today is the fact that most of us believe alcohol relaxes us, this is the exact opposite it is a depressant not a mood lifter. The reason this is so commonly believed is that as you may know when you have a couple glasses of wine you feel looser and more exuberant. This is because alcohol relaxes the body’s controls, these are the brain signals that usually stop you from doing something daft such as singing at the top of your voice down your street at 2am or doing a striptease in public.

Caffeine is a very popular food that is a stimulant, hence the abundance on the market now of fizzy drinks with caffeine in. What this does to the body is raise your blood pressure, burns calories faster and is a mood elevator. It is also reported that caffeine improves performance in fitness as it hooks up a receptor in the brain called adenosine which when caffeine latches onto this receptor makes your brain cells react more such as talking faster and your brain working harder and your body has more energy.

PEA – Phenylethylalanine

This is an amino acid that your body releases when you experience lone making you feel good. The most famous food to contain this amino acid is chocolate, hence all the advertising over the years stating how good it is for your mood.But the thing with chocolate it also contains caffeine so in terms of mood food chocolate is right up there at the top.

There is not a food known to man that can change your personality or cure a mood disorder however by consuming certain foods at certain times can make a difference.But you have to get the balance right I am sure it would be great to think we could all eat chocolate as it tastes great and makes us feel good but of we did that we would all be vastly overweight and feel sick, so I repeat balance is key.

To give you an example of what I do if I need to be extra alert and on my toes I will have a cup of coffee for breakfast then have a grilled chicken breast. With the protein content in this it will make you super alert for the morning. For the remainder of the day I would have pasta for lunch with tomatoes and fresh basil, you need the right carbs without high fat food as this slows your brain and makes you feel sleepy. So avoid fats and oils in the day. Again repeat this for dinner (but have a different meal such as grilled fish and cous cous) and to finish off have a bar of chocolate with a glass of chianti. This will give me the feel-good amino acids and by having one glass of wine to be fair is a safe way to relax, but anymore could be a disaster.

The point is to keep in mind that it is a good idea to influence your body in the correct manner to make you feel as healthy and well as possible but of course to exercise the above in moderation.

About the Author

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