What Causes a Golf Shot to Slice or Hook Anyway?

What Causes a Golf Shot to Slice or Hook Anyway?

While there are many variables that can cause a golf ball to curve, only two things can happen at the time the club meets the ball that can affect the direction of the ball. This article explains what causes a misdirected golf shot not how to fix the problems. Information on learning the fundamentals of a sound golf shot are at the end of this article. So the first factor which causes a slice or hook is the direction that the club head is traveling when it hit the ball and the second is the position of the club head at the time it contacts the golf ball.


The Direction of the Club

As the club comes down from the top of your swing it travels inside, or close to your body, and then travels straight down the line leading to your target. After it hit’s the ball it should then travel back inside the line and on to the finish of your swing. At least that’s how it’s suppose to work. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. Now if you swing inside/out then when your club meets the ball it will still be traveling to the right of the target, which will cause the ball to start traveling to the right. If the opposite is true and you swing outside/in, then when the club hit’s the ball you will start the ball off to the left. If you swing inside/out then you initially “push” your shot. And if you swing outside/in then you initially “pull” the ball.

In both cases, if you hit the ball squarely with the club face facing the same direction that the club is going then you will have a push to the right or a pull to the left. Not so bad. If however you have the club face facing the target and the club direction to either the right or left then you will impart a spin on the ball. This is sometimes referred to as cutting across the ball. This will cause the golf ball to curve in the direction of the spin. The result is a draw to the left or a fade to the right.

The Position of the Club Head

Now the other factor that determines a slice of a fade, the position of the club head at impact. This determines whether there will be a side spin on the ball or not. Ideally you will swing directly at the target with the club head facing directly at the target too. This results in a ball that does not have side spin and your golf shot will travel straight providing the wind does not affect it. But if you contact the ball with the club face facing to the right (open face) or with the club face facing to the left (closed face) then you will cause the ball to spin. This spin causes the ball to fade or slice to the right, or draw or hook to the left.

A Deadly Combination 

If you have the misfortune of combining either a push or a pull with an open face or closed face, then you have real trouble. If your shot initially starts to the left and then curves to the right, you have an outside/in swing with an open club face. This will result in a slice. The more you pull the shot or the more open your club face the more extreme your slice will be. This is where that banana slice comes from. You know, the shot that looks like it’s going into the woods on the left only to end up in the water on the right.

Conversely, if your shot starts to the right and then curves to the left, then you have an inside/out swing with a closed club face which will result in a hook. And of course the more you push the shot or close the face the more extreme the hook will be. And we all know where that shot ends up.



What it Takes to Fix it

Now that you know what two factors cause a slice of fade you can fiddle with your swing to see if you can straighten it out a bit. But of course the sure cure is a fundamentally sound golf swing. One that is repeatable and dependable. Weight shift, hip turn, shoulder position, wrist roll are all important to a sound golf swing. Investing in reliable golf instruction may be a wise investment in achieving this type of swing. Especially considering what golf costs these days.


A great affordable e-course is available that will teach you these fundamentals and you can even receive 5 FREE GOLF VIDEOS with no obligation just for checking it out. One of the videos is hilarious and amazing at the same time! You won’t want to miss it. So do yourself a favor and go to www.Golf1.webstarts.com NOW. 





David Faircloth is not a golf pro, just a student of the golf swing. He enjoys helping others improve and enjoy the game of golf more. www.Golf1.webstarts.com

How to Eliminate Your Golf Slice Quickly and Easily

How to Eliminate Your Golf Slice Quickly and Easily

Here’s a really good tip that may help you to get rid of your slice. Best of all, it’s really pretty simple once you get the hang of it, and understand why it’s being used.

Chances are that you have battled with a slice at some point in your golfing days. To be completely direct with you, dealing with a slice really sucks. It hurts your golf game in many more ways than one.

Luckily, it’s fairly easy to fix. I cannot claim that this small tip will completely cure your slice, but there’s a good chance that it will. I hope it does.

First off, please understand that when you come into the impact zone, there are really only 2 factors that can determine the “shape” of ball flight.

The angle of the club face at impact.

The Path the club is taking at impact.

So, here’s a few things you should concentrate on.

Try to keep your leading shoulder “down” on the ball through impact. This is called staying strong through impact. Many times the leading shoulder (left shoulder if right handed) flies up before impact. Now just for a minute, think about what that does to the club head when it’s in the impact zone.

Get up from the computer and actually go though the motions slowly. Let your leading shoulder fly up as you approach impact and you’ll actually be able feel and see the clubface coming from an outside-in path. That’s the cause of the slice you are battling.

See, golf is all about thinking and analyzing your shots to get better. A huge part of this game is understanding “why” you’re getting a certain result, and the physics behind that result. Thinking through your golf swing will provide huge dividends if you’re willing to invest the time it takes.

So what can you do to correct that flying shoulder? Well, for starters, try to learn to keep your leading shoulder strong. Keep that shoulder “Down” on the ball all the way through impact, even after the ball is gone and flying straight down the fairway.

So, after impact the leading shoulder is still down. The triangle between your shoulders and chest is still present. Most importantly, the body has NOT gotten ahead of the hands. This is a HUGE distinction. As you may notice, the left shoulder is actually higher than the right shoulder. So what do I mean when I say “leading shoulder down”?

You have to envision yourself from the back looking down on the ball. When I say “down”, I mean that the leading shoulder and chest is still facing the ball through impact.

So even though it may seem like the leading shoulder is higher than the trailing shoulder, it’s still facing the ball at impact. NOT TOWARDS THIRD BASE in comparison to the ball. If your leading shoulder was facing towards third base at impact, which would mean that you have let the leading shoulder fly up.

Furthermore, hand action is huge in this game. You must learn to release your hands correctly through the ball. This means that you release the hands while the leading shoulder is still “down”, or facing the ball.

The key is to let your arms release through the ball, while your left shoulder is “Down” on the ball. To do this you will need to rotate your forearms correctly, and use your leading ELBOW (not shoulder) as a hinge. So another way to explain this movement would be that your hands are still moving towards the target, but your leading elbow has almost stopped.

Keep the leading shoulder down and let your arms and hands release through the ball and you will see the ball go farther and higher. This will take a while to get used to, but once it clicks, the results will be outstanding.

Carl is a pro golfer. Get discounts when buying golf equipment and purchase from cheap online stores:


Golf Slice ? Golf Tips to Cure the Problem

Golf Slice ? Golf Tips to Cure the Problem

The two dreaded words that every amateur golfer fears, the Hook and Slice. The thing is low handicap and pro golfers use these two shots to steer their way out of trouble.

The pro’s will hit a hook spin shot or Draw the ball to provide a shot that can hold straight in a left to right wind and when it hits the fairway it will roll for ages on the grass due to the type of spin imparted on the ball.

The slice spin shot or Fade is used to hold a ball straight in a right to left wind and this shot will land and check quite quickly on the green. For the high handicapper these shots are usually mistakes.

In this article I will give you some tips to cure your slice.

The slice is a very common mistake that 90% of amateurs have to live with. Every golfer has experienced this shot. The slice is so common that every magazine will have an article on the subject.

So what causes the slice?

It is caused by an out to in swing path and usually the club face is open at impact with the ball. The big mistake that most high handicap players make to try and stop their slice is that they aim their body to the left of the target hoping that the ball will land on target.

What they fail to realise is that they set themselves up for an even bigger slice shot.
A Big mistake.

Before anyone can hit a perfectly straight shot you need to line yourself up square to the target line. A handy way during practice is to lay a golf club on the ground aimed at the flag. Set yourself up with your toes against the club and your shoulders and hips in line with the target.

The next thing to do is lay a club on the ground behind the ball as you are looking at it. It should also be lined up to the flag and parallel with the club laid down at your toes.

As you start your golf swing downwards, aim to swing the clubhead through the ball, but also try to keep the club travelling along the line of the club laid on the ground. This is done to keep the club head on a straight path through the ball.

With correct body posture and practice using this method you should see a marked improvement and reduce the likelyhood of that slice.

If you want to improve at golf and take your game to the next level. Subscribe to the Authors Free Golf Tips Newsletter at http://www.acegolftips.com free golf e-books are included to start your golf improvement today.

How to cure a golf slice

How to cure a golf slice

Playing golf with a slice is like driving a Ferrari in a traffic jam. It takes away the joy from the game and can just leave you wondering why you are spending so much money for nothing. Sure, even the Pros slice the ball from time to time, nobody is perfect, it’s also normal for novice players to slice all the time. But if you want to develop your game, then you must fix your swing.

Let’s start with an explanation of what golf slice is and what are the causes. Here is the mechanical explanation behind a golf slice. Slice is a term describing a specific left-to-right type of trajectory of the golf ball for right-handers, opposite for lefties. A right-hander or a lefty, when a slice occurs, the ball ends up way right or left from the target area. If you examine the game of pro golfers, you will notice that they try to hit the ball squarely and straight, otherwise the ball wills spin which ultimately results in a slice.

To avoid slicing the ball, try to keep the club face squared during the swing until the very moment of impact. If you twist the club in left or right direction, you will slice. To achieve the ideal direction of the club face, you must have a correct grip, proper body setup and good body action.

The most common reason for a slice is the grip is too weak and too tight with the handle in the palm’s tree. Make sure your motion is controllable, it’s about gently swinging the club, not haking it. If you look at how Pro golfers do it, you will see that they don’t put much pressure into their swing, they do it almost effortlessly.

Rhythm and balance are also key elements. The main movement in every golf swing is rotating your upper body back, then rotating it through to the finish. If you perform the motion too fast, then you will loose your balance resulting in poor ball flight. the right setup lays the foundation for a good golf swing. The body weight must be equally balanced between your left and right foot, and then at the point of impact, nearly 75% of your weight should shift to the front foot.

Remember, golf is a mental sport. 90% of the whole thing depends on your mind set. The level of concentration makes the difference. Because, it’s one thing to know it in theory, putting your knowledge into practice is sometimes harder than anticipated. Once you know the theoretical part, it will depend on you and your focus.

Practice, practice, practice. Everything requires effort and you have to put all your new knowledge to the test. It’s a good idea to practice in the driving range as it will save you a lot of money. If you are feeling frustrated about your swing after several unsuccessful attempts, take a break, think about what you are doing wrong and stay positive.

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Golf Swing Techniques-5 Tips How to Cure a Slice in Golf

Golf Swing Techniques-5 Tips How to Cure a Slice in Golf

Article by Terry Gorry

The 5 tips I set out in this article will cure your slice..and add distance to every club in your bag.If they don’t then golf is not the game for you..

Before you get into golf swing techniques in any meaningful way you will need to learn how to cure a slice in golf. Because your slice will cost you miles in distance in the course of a year’s golf.

Here are 5 tips to help you get rid of your slice..

Tip1-Strengthen Your Grip

This is the simplest way to get rid of your slice and it simply involves turning both hands more to the right (if you are right handed) on the grip of the club so that the vees formed by your thumb and forefinger are pointing to or outside your right shoulder.

Tip 2-Sort our your set up

Make sure that your shoulders are not open at set up. Ensure that they are square or even slightly close initially until you lose your slice because open shoulders will cause a downswing that causes you to cut across the ball at impact which will have you slicing all day.

Tip 3-Tilt Your Spine Angle to the right at set up.

This will promote an approach to the ball from the inside, not the outside which will encourage a draw shot.

Tip 4-Favour your right side in terms of weight distribution at set up

This will ensure that you are not hanging on your left side in the takeaway which encourages a reverse pivot and a steep approach to the ball through impact.

Tip 5-Release your forearms through impact

This involves a good free release through impact with the right forearm crossing over the left through impact and on into the follow through.

So before you get too bogged down in golf swing techniques, learn how to cure a slice in golf and these tips will have you hitting raking draws in no time.

About the Author

Terry Gorry runs





where you can access FREE golf video,tips,instruction and all the latest golf equipment, golf swing equipment and golf swing trainers.

Golf Slice Cure- Easy Steps to Resolve the Problem

Golf Slice Cure- Easy Steps to Resolve the Problem

One of the most common golf flight faults encountered by golfers is to “slice” the golf ball.  To identify if you are slicing the golf ball, check out your ball flight.  For right handed golfers, a golf slice occurs when the golf ball starts left of the target and then curves right of the target (often far right of the target)!

Here are several of our favorite golf slice practice drills to use on the driving range to help cure your golf slice instantly!

Golf Slice Tee Drill


Helps corrects slices caused by OUT-IN swings and encourages proper IN-SQUARE-IN swing path.


1. Place two tees and a golf ball right to left diagonally (think of tic tac toe) with a tee in the upper right quadrant, your golf ball in the middle and another tee in the lower left quadrant.  Make sure to leave about four inches of spacing from each tee to the golf ball.
2. Assume normal setup and ball position with 7-iron.
3. Your goal is to hit the ball crisply without hitting either of the tees.

This golf slice drill is helpful because it forces you to take the proper IN-SQUARE-IN swing path to impact.  A common cause of the golf slice is to cut across the golf ball with an OUT-TO-IN golf swing (also known as “over the top”) which can put clockwise spin on the ball and send the ball left to right.  With the “golf slice tee drill” if you swing OUT-TO-IN you will hit the first and/or second tee.

Golf Slice “Right Foot Back”


This golf slice drill helps correct also encourages the proper IN-SQUARE-IN swing path.


1. Use a 7-iron and a teed up golf ball and perform this practice drill at half speed.
2. Take narrow stance, then place your right foot back one foot.
3. Make sure to swing along IN – TO – SQUARE – TO – IN wing path and make solid ball contact.
4. As you begin to hit solid golf shots, bring your right foot back even with your left foot and hit golf shots without the tee.

Now you don’t miss the opportunity to enhance your confidence on the golf course. Bring these drills in your daily practice routines to lower your golf handicap.

Designed by top PGA instructors for on-course play and off-course preparation, Golf Genie™ provides easy-to-absorb golf instruction, golf tips, golf practice drills and golf training aids to accelerate your development and rapidly lower your score.

The Truth about how to correct a golf slice

The Truth about how to correct a golf slice

nearly all advice given to fix your golf slice is incorrect. By that, I’m also referencing numerous professionals who have probably cured their personal golf slice.

Personally, I’m not a pro – I’m actually not even really good. Nevertheless, I’m going to teach you a technique that, should you keep in mind and implement, will fix your golf slice every time.

Definition of a Golf Slice

This is almost a absurd question, since I doubt many of you are reading this without having experienced a slice. Nonetheless, bear with me.

You have hit a slice when the golf ball starts travelling a single path and then curves towards right (for any right-handed golfer) while in the air. Put simply, the golf ball may well begin by flying still left of, straight at, or right of your intended target. Nonetheless, during flight, the ball will veer to the right (again, for any right-handed golfer).

It isn’t a slice when the ball simply flies directly to the right!

Golf Slice Cause

A golfswing is quite complex and, consequently, frustrating. Nevertheless, the cause of the golf slice is comparatively easy, as there’s only 1 cause.

In case you routinely hit a golf slice, it is invariably because your swing is “outside-in”.

Picture a top or a ball spinning on the floor. In case you wanted to keep it spinning, you may possibly use your hand and ‘swipe’ the top or ball in the direction that it is currently spinning. You would NOT use your hand to hit the top or ball this kind of that the impact was straight At the top or ball. A slice is caused by the exact same general ‘swiping’ motion. The golf club head has ‘swiped’ the golf ball rather than hitting immediately at and through the golf ball, thereby causing the golf ball to spin.

Don’t get me wrong: I’m not pretending that it’s not a problem if your golf ball starts out way too far right. However, that alone isn’t a slice. Getting a golf ball begin out too far right is induced through the clubface getting way too open upon impact with the golf ball.

A single quick trick to Fix your Golf Slice

Focus on your follow-through! Invariably, if you are hitting a slice, the simplest method to fix it really is to make sure that you simply end your swing with your shoulders square to your hips and together with your hands (and the golf club) either directly in front of you or else to your right a little. I think that the least complicated method to recognize this is purely to take a bit of time next time you might be at the driving range and attempt to conclude with your hands further and further to your right. Rather than thinking about finishing with the golf club pointed back above your left shoulder (which is how numerous men and women picture the conclusion of their swing), picture finishing with the club pointed back over your right shoulder.

Now let me throw out this caveat: focusing on your follow-through is somewhat of a “trick”. By that I mean that it will not necessarily give you the perfect swing plane, nor will it fix several other problems in your golf swing. However, focusing on your own follow-through will teach you tips on how to feel whether you’re hitting “outside-in” or “inside-out” and will offer you an quick method to fix your golf slice.

If you want a truly impeccable swing, then you need to concentrate on a single basic (grip, positioning, and so forth.) at a time and produce a basic, repeatable swing. Personally, I’ve discovered that one particular specific ebook, The Simple Golf Swing distills a whole lot of info into a very easy and easy-to-follow set of instructions. This book has helped me dramatically in my capability to simplify and improve my golf swing. Click here to go through a review of The Simple Golf Swing.

Hi!  I am 36, from Columbus, and I am currently unemployed but looking for a job in sales. 

How to Correct a Golf Swing Slice

How to Correct a Golf Swing Slice

A golf swing slice can be very frustrating for the passionate golfer. To improve your game and lower your scores it is very critical and important to know how to correct a slice and fix it as fast as possible. If you really want to better your game and fix your slice then read on and use these 3 tips and techniques.

The first tip I would like to show you is the easiest one. Simply film yourself or ask a friend of yours to film you. Do your swing and after your training session have a look at the movie and analyse your moves. This is very helpful and you can see what went wrong with your golf slice. Like I said, it is simple and funny too.

Let us go on with the next tip. You need a good stance to stop slicing. Your shoulders have to be up and aligned to the ball or target. The right foot has to be pointed straight ahead and your left foot slightly to the left. Such a stance can make big difference to your game. A proper golf stance can lower your scores and your golf swing slice will be fixed quite fast.

The third tip I would like to give to you is a proper golf backswing and downswing. A proper backswing has to be a smooth move and starts with your arms and then the shoulders. Keep your eyes on the ball. Downswing is followed with the hips and arms. Again keep your eyes on the ball and do a proper golf swing.

If have listed some 4 bonus basic tips which you can use to lower your scores.

1. Doing some sports outside your golf game. As I mentioned above fitness is important to get a good stand while swinging. I would suggest to go cycling or play tennis. Just something you are interested in. Fun is a big point here. I like playing soccer.

2. You need your own clubs. Try a few clubs that fits to your needs. Are you tall, then you need longer ones. Do not expect good results when you use your friends clubs! So, get a own set of clubs.

3. When you buy clubs you have to consider the shafts and the materials. This depends on your needs like height, weight and swing speed. There are quite a few more factors you have to take care of.

4. At least but not last, your mental fitness has to be good. Concentration during a game is crucial if you want to beat your competitor. There are some good guides that may help you. Some of my friends are doing yoga, but that is not for me.

You see the right training can stop your golf swing slice. Regular training systems can do wonders.

Next, you want to go on and see what kind of training guides and methods are available to correct a slice.

Mark Langer has helped a lot of people to improve their golf swing and showed them how to swing a golf club. Marks Free Online Course and his recommended Golf Swing Guides are jam packed with golf swing tips and techniques. Take advantage from a Golf enthusiast here http://www.golf-swing-guide-reviews.com

Golf Slice Cures – How to Fix a Golf Slice and Outdrive Your Friends in Days

Golf Slice Cures – How to Fix a Golf Slice and Outdrive Your Friends in Days

Article by Terry Gorry

You can outdrive your friends in days if you show up at your club with a draw as your secret weapon. This article gives you 3 slice busting tips to do just that.

Tip 1- Don’t cast or come over the top in the downswing.

You need to swing from inside to out, not out to in. To do this you need to be patient in the downswing and think of 1 word..”Wait”.

Wait to let the club come down in front of you and then, and only then, turn.

Think of down before the around and you will hit raking draws in no time. But if you do the ‘around’ before the ‘down’ ie spin the shoulders open too early you will hit pop up slices all day because the path and plane of your swing is all wrong.

The casting or over the top move at the start of the downswing is a major distance sapper because it sets up an out to in cutting across the ball action which will leave you slicing your way around the course all day long.

Tip 2- Start your downswing from the ground up.

This ties in with Tip 1 and means that your weight should shift back in to your left heel early in the downswing, setting up a nice in to out draw inducing draw.

To do this you can replant your left heel to initiate your downswing, if you raised your left heel in the backswing.

If you did not raise it in the backswing, you still need to ensure that you get your weight back into your left heel in the throughswing by a smooth transition of your weight back towards the target to initiate your downswing.

Tip 3- Have good rhythm

Don’t lunge at the ball from the top of the backswing.

This tip ties into the previous 2 and if this means that you slow your swing right down to get this right, then do that at the range and work on it until you build your confidence and know that when the adrenaline is pumping you will have trained your muscles through muscle memory to swing on the correct path.

Your distance sapping slice will never allow you be the player you know you can be.

For more FREE tips and Free video of a long driving champ in action visit my blog at http://MizunoGolf.info.

Find more golf slice cures and take the moolah off your friends with FREE tips and Video now!

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Golf Slice Cures

Mizuno Irons

How To Fix My Golf Slice For The Desperate Golfer

How To Fix My Golf Slice For The Desperate Golfer

Article by Victor Lorentzo

I’ve been there before and know how embarrassing it is to be the only slicer in a group of golfers. Everybody knows that your ball is going right, no matter how hard you try! The further left you aim the further right it goes. The harder you hit, it disappears in the rough to the right…ouch.

Click here to fix your slice problems

You’ve probably heard suggestions from others, but it gets old. You are looking for the right book or TV show on how to fix my golf slice, but so far nothing is working!? Maybe a few tips from this article will help alleviate some of your pain.

Desperate golfers please listen. There is help! Here are a few basics which will alleviate your slice or at least limit its severity. The first step is probably your stance. Try standing with your big toes about 16 inches apart and slightly pointed outward (move your left toe about an inch forward of your right).

Your heels should be about 6 to 8 inches from each other. Stand up straight and bend from the waste (an arched back is a big mistake), keeping your back straight. As you start to bend, bend your knees slightly and start to sit until you feel comfortable. Remember to keep your weight on the heels for balance. This stance is the one you will use!

Addressing the ball is your next step. This routine will help you get comfortable before swinging. Use an 8 iron and drop the ball about 2 or three inches right of center. (Note: the more left of center, the more slice). Grasp the iron with your right hand as though you were shaking hands with someone. Do the same with your left hand.

Shift your hands to the right on the club slightly. This is a stronger grip and promotes a draw! When you slowly bring your club back keep your right elbow against your body. Keeping your elbow next to your body throughout your swing promotes an in-to-out swing.

Always take a practice swing to relax. Remember to only hit the ball about 75 to 80 percent of your hardest swing. This will help your control! You should make your practice swing the same speed as the swing you’re going to make! When you start your downswing, start slow. Speed up only when you’re about to hit the ball. This will promote follow-thru and control.

If your balls are still slicing, make small adjustments stroking a little more to the RIGHT. That’s correct, RIGHT. For the desperate reader who wants to quit slicing, this should help! Practice these basics for a while and find the swing that works for you! Good golfing!

About the Author

Fix your slice problems now. Visit http://www.curemyslice.net/