Golf Slice Cure Tips

Golf Slice Cure Tips

Article by Mike Murray

One of the problems most golfers have is slicing the golf ball. It causes great frustration and some struggle for years hoping to improve this problem. There are many tips and tricks to eliminate the problem, it’s up to you to identify which areas of your game, grip or stance needs work.

Proper GripStart by moving your hands until they are in proper golf grip position. Take the club in your left hand and place your thumb on the shaft. If the line between your thumb and your index finger is pointing towards your right eye then it’s placed correctly. Now you have to wrap your right hand over the left hand and place your left thumb on the palm of your right hand.Avoid gripping the golf club too tightly if you are right handed, it could cause the ball to hook towards the left. But you could cause the ball to slice towards the right if your grip is too weak; therefore you have to practice having a neutral grip when holding your golf club.

Proper StanceEnsure that your shoulders are aligned with the ball. You are allowed to adjust stance to feel comfortable, but stance does play quite a big role when it comes to eliminating golf slice. Pay close attention to how you stand and address the ball – if you are doing everything else right but still slice the ball, you might want to practice your stance in the mirror and see if you find any areas to improve.

Tips to Avoid Golf Slice* As mentioned previously as well, the easiest to fix is your grip. Don’t tighten up when you get nervous, relax and keep the grip as neutral as you can.* If nothing you try seems to work – experiment with a stronger grip bit by bit. This won’t work for everyone and it should be something you try when nothing else seems to work for you.* During the downswing, your left hip will be leading and during the early downswing it will be your right shoulder that lowers and your right elbow should return to your side. A slice will be produced if your elbow is flying or flapping in the breeze, you must avoid this.* Proper position means your right arm will be closer to your torso than your left, your shoulders will be in line with the target line and your right shoulder will be lower than the left.* Avoid turning your hips too much, limit the movement. If you have too much movement the club will go too far inside and loop over the top.* Move into your forward swing with a leg thrust to the left.

About the Author

Mike Murray is a keen golf enthusiast. He owns and maintains The Golf Pro Online, a professional resource for all golf players and where you can find more great tips on golf slice cures and other effective golf advice.

How to Fix Your Slice – Part 1

How to Fix Your Slice – Part 1

A golf slice can be devastating and very frustrating to a golfer. There are many factors that could cause you to slice the ball. If you find you slice the ball quite often then you will need to fix it.

If you want to improve your overall game and add distance to your shots. Imagine how far the ball would go if you could just straighten out your shot.

A golf slice occurs when your club is open upon impact of the club and relative to the path of the club head.

A wayward left hand is one of the common factors that can cause you to slice the ball far to the right. This happens more often than you would think. When a wayward left hand occurs the back of your left hand will be aligned to the right of the ball and the clubface will be open. This will cause a slice to happen.

If you want to repair a wayward left hand it is important to focus on the back of your hand. The back of your hand should be facing the target at impact. You should at least feel that the back of your hand is facing your target. This will allow you to have a strong grip for the shot so your hand doesn’t slip.

It is important to square your left hand. One of the best ways to do this is by practicing without using a club at all. You will stand with your right arm to the side of your body and rotate your left forearm. Then you will cock your left wrist and swing back. In order to be sure your hand is square practice your swing repeatedly without your club in your hand.

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Straighten Golf Slice

Straighten Golf Slice

When playing golf with your clubs or that golf equipmet online buying, you should know that it is very important to know some tips to make your have better golf playing. In order to make you have a good performance on the golf course, here I would like to introduce you some golf tips for your game of golf. As it is known that golf slice is a key element for your game, so the following tips may help you straighten your golf slice, and enjoy your game more.

Do not choke the golf club

Stop! It is significant to keep in mind. Keep it firmly enough so that you are in control, however loosely enough that somebody can tug it away from your hands.

Build Square

At address, your shoulders, hips, knees, and feet should be parallel to the goal line (the imaginary line from the golf ball to your goal). During exercise, place a PING G15 Fairway Wood across your toes and the other key spots to check for appropriate alignment.

Strengthen Your Golf Grip

Many golf players who slice have got weak hands or a weak grip. In either situation, the hands do not roll over at result, therefore the clubface is open (pointing right) when it matches the golf ball.

Hands Ahead

A lot of slicers begin with the hands right behind the golf ball. At address the left hand need to be ahead of the golf ball therefore a straight line might run down the left arm, through the hands, to the golf ball.

Head Behind

In case your head is not behind the golf ball at address, possibilities are you are not shifting your weight appropriately in the backswing. Motivate the headback location by swiveling your chin to the right just before beginning the golf swing.

Straighten your golf slice can certainly make you have a better playing on the golf course, so why not you take your Callaway Big Bertha Diablo Draw Driver from out and enjoy the game of golf.

Many golf players who slice have got weak hands or a weak grip. In either situation, the hands do not roll over at result, therefore the clubface is open (pointing right) when it matches the golf ball.

How to Eliminate Your Entire Golf Slice Promptly and Readily

How to Eliminate Your Entire Golf Slice Promptly and Readily

Here is a certainly fantastic suggestion that may very well allow you to obtain rid of your entire slice. Most excellent of all, it’s always certainly fairly hassle-free once you get position of the hang of it, and understand why it’s always being put into use.

Luckily, it’s always quite hassle-free to fix. I cannot claim that this small-scale tip will totally cure the slice, but there’s an outstanding chance that it will. I wish it does.

Initial off, please understand that at the time you happen into the consequence zone, there are certainly only 2 factors that can determine the “shape” of ball flight time ..

1. The angle of the club faces at consequence.

2. The Route the club is taking at consequence.

So, here is two or three things you ultimately should pay attention to.

Have a shot at to preserve your entire leading bare “down” on the ball thru consequence. This is called staying effective thru consequence. Many times the leading shoulder (left bare if best suited handed) flies up before consequence. Now just for a minute, think about what that does to the club head at the time it’s always in the consequence zone.

Get handle of up from the computer and really go though the motions slowly. Permit your leading shoulder fly up just like you strategy consequence and you may basically be in a position come to feel and notice the clubface coming by an outside-in path. That’s the bring about of the slice you’re battling.

Notice, golf is almost all related to thinking and analyzing the shots to collect smarter. A huge element of this game understands “why” you are getting a certain end result, and the physics behind that outcome. Thinking thru your entire golf swing will deliver vast dividends if you are willing to invest the time it will take

What exactly can you do to correct that flying glen humeral joint? Nicely, for starters, have a shot at to understand to keep your entire leading shoulder solid. Continue to keep that bare “Down” on the ball all of the way thru consequence, yet following the ball is gone and flying most suitable away affordable the fairway.

So, once consequence the leading bare is even so affordable. The triangle between your entire shoulders and chest is even so present. Most importantly, the entire body offers you NOT gotten ahead of the hands. This is a vast distinction. As you may very well notice, the left bare is basically better than the best suited bare. What do I mean when I say “leading shoulder down”?

You have to envision yourself from the returning looking affordable on the ball. When I say “down”, I mean that the leading glen humeral joint and chest is even so facing the ball thru consequence.

So yet even though it may very well appear similar to the leading bare is higher than the trailing bare, it’s always even so facing the ball at consequence. NOT TOWARDS Third BASE in comparison to the ball. If the leading shoulder was facing towards 3rd base at consequence, which might mean which you get enable the leading glen humeral joint fly up.

Furthermore, hand action is vast in this performance. You should find out to release your hands in the desirable way thru the ball. This means which you discharge the hands even when the leading shoulder is even so “down”, or facing the ball.

The essential is to let your entire biceps and triceps release thru the ball, even when your entire left shoulder is “Down” on the ball. To do this you may want to turn your entire forearms properly, and receive advantage of the leading elbow as a hinge. So another way to explain this movement may be that your entire hands are even so moving towards the target, but your entire leading elbow possesses nearly stopped.

Always keep the leading glen humeral joint affordable and allow your biceps and triceps and hands discharge thru the ball and you’ll see the ball go farther and better. This will take a even when to obtain put into use to, but the moment it clicks, the final results will be outstanding.

To eliminate your entire golf slice, this is article is quite useful, however besides by following some good golf tips, you also need a good set of golf equipment to help you to achieve this. So welcome to our discount golf clubs online store-Easygolforder to find your style of golf clubs, and then you can find golf playing is really easy!

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How to Fix A Slice With A Driver

How to Fix A Slice With A Driver

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It’s one of the biggest obstacles golfers face and that is how to fix a slice with a driver. Specially players who are relatively new to the game. In this short article I would like to provide you with a few slice tips you should use on the range to help you do away with that nasty curve on the golf ball and start to hit longer, straighter shots each time.

The very first thing you have to realize before you can learn how to fix a slice with a driver is why you slice in the first place. You see in order to hit a slice there are a few major factors which are involved.

1) To much spin off the driver head at impact (right spin for a right hander & left spin for a lefty)
2) Club head is open at impact

In order to be in a position to fix a slice that you need to remove these two factors. How can this be done?

Tip No. 1 – How to take the spin off the driver at impact

If your slicing a golf ball it shows that when the club connects with the ball at impact it’s coming through the hitting zone on a cut angle. Having a cut angle on the club is sometimes called coming over the top and can make you dramatically slice a golf ball or dead pull it.

If you come over the top of the golf ball it means that when you take the club back on the back swing your taking it to far inside the target line. What you ought to do to correct this issue is to focus on taking the club back on a straight line.

Imagine as your bringing the club back that there is a catcher crouched down behind you in a position to catch a fastball from a pitcher in baseball. Take the club straight back to hit the catchers mitt and then straight up on your turn.

*Note: A good drill to work on this really is to simply stand with your back against a wall and make your swing. The wall will not allow you to be able to take the club inside and you’ll be one step closer to learning how to fix a slice with a driver.

Tip No. 2 – How to get the club head back to square at impact

The next reason you could be slicing a golf ball is because at impact the club head is still open. If your club head remains open at impact there is no way you can do anything but slice the ball. As a way to learn how to fix a slice with a driver that you must work on these 2 things:

a) Your grip:

Your grip is a huge part of the golf swing and probably the most overlooked reasons why people are having issues. You must use the proper grip in order to allow the hands to release the club properly to insure you are making solid contact with the golf ball. In this short article it would be tough to go over all the different sorts of grips and the way to apply all so I would like to give you simply a quick overview so you can make a quick change.

When you initially grab the club you need to be able to see two or three knuckles on your left hand-or if you cannot see any knuckles at all-your grip isn’t correct. Make certain when you grip the club all eight of your knuckles are showing. This will make a huge difference when it comes to rotating the hands at impact.

b) Over Swinging

If you are having troubles slicing a golf ball maybe it’s because you are over swinging. Consider this the game of golf is called the sport of opposites. People believe the harder they swing at the golf ball the further it is going to go. That’s not the case in golf. Actually the smoother and more in rhythm you are through out the swing the further and straighter you will hit the golf ball. Sounds crazy I know but it’s true.

Have you ever sat down on a Sunday afternoon and watched the PGA tour pro’s swing at the golf ball? The large majority of them look like they are hardly swing at the ball and then the announcer just says they just hit that drive 305 yards off the tee! Well, if you want to learn how to fix a slice with a driver you must work on being more in rhythm and work on your timing to get the club face back to square at impact. If you are able to do this you will be much closer to meeting your goal.

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The Golf Swing Slice

The Golf Swing Slice

Article by Garry Booton

The slice is often a very common problem among golf players and once you have an understanding of what creates the slice you are in a better position to remedy your golf swing slice.

The slice is caused by the face of the club looking to the right of the course the club is moving through at the time of impact with the ball. This leads to clockwise spin on your ball making it curve towards the right. Typically the club will also be travelling towards the left significantly increasing the angle on the glancing contact even more.

To begin with we need to distinguish between a slice and a hook shot. If you happen to be right handed and the ball is going to the right when you hit it that’s known as a slice. If the ball is moving too far to the left then this is a hook. One of the causes of your slice is that you may have been trying to hit the ball far too hard and you had no feel for what the club face was really doing.

So what can you do to cure the slice shot?

You will need to have a feel for squaring the club and there is an easy exercise you can apply to achieve this. You need to use a 5 or 6 iron and hit the ball softly so that it travels no more than 30 yards. You need to make sure that you square the face on the shot so the ball goes straight. When you can achieve this you need to use the same club and hit the ball so it is travelling about 100 yards. Remember to be sure that the club face squares up with every shot and that the ball is moving straight.

Keep carrying out the same exercise in time moving up to your driver. Do exactly the same procedure as before by hitting the ball no more than 50 yards in a straight line. It will pay off if every now and then you move through your downward swing in slow motion and slow it right down so that you stop right behind your ball, feeling and seeing the position of the club face at that stage.

By taking some time to generate a feel of squaring your club your body will adapt for the swing you are working on, and soon it’s going to become second nature for you to present the club face correctely to the ball consequently preventing a golf swing slice.

About the Author

I also developed a slice shot in my game and put up with for months before finding a simple way to eliminate it.

How To Straighten A Golf Slice

How To Straighten A Golf Slice

Are you getting tired of living with the golf slice which does not want to go away? Every long shot you play you have to aim to the left of the target to allow for the inevitable swing of the ball to the right.

Sometimes it does not curl as it usually does, instead it goes straight, but always right of the target. The trouble is, you don’t know why it bends or why it goes straight? If this is you, then read on.

Here are some tips to straighten your golf slice.

1. Have a look at the angle of your divot. If it goes left of the target you are cutting across the ball at impact. There are different reasons why you are doing this.

2. You could be standing too close to the ball. If you are not sure how far away you ought to be standing, let your arms hang down loose, and that is the desirable distance from the ball. The club head should be flat on the ground at the address.

3. Check your grip, especially that your right hand is not too far over the club. If it is, move it more to the left.

4.Take the club back straight at the start of the backswing, or slightly to the inside, and try not to snatch at the top of the swing. Begin the downswing by turning the hips first.

By following these simple tips you will have taken positive action to straighten your golf slice.

Philip is passionate about golf and is always looking for ways to get rid of my golf slice See also: Golf Swing Tips Online for more helpful golf tips and advice.

Golf Swing Slice – How to Fix a Slice and Improve Your Golf Game

Golf Swing Slice – How to Fix a Slice and Improve Your Golf Game

The golf swing slice is damaging to your game and your prospects of scoring well because as you know it costs you huge amounts of distance in every round you play.

Some amateurs delude themselves and consider that they play with a fade..but most of the time it is a plain old fashioned slice.

Many professional golfers play with a fade..but what many amateurs fail to realise is that a real power fade is a shot that for most of it’s flight is straight and at the end, and only then, of it’s flight does the ball fall gently to the right.

So the first thing to do if you are losing a lot of distance in your golf game and your ball always curves to the right in flight, quite dramatically in adverse weather conditions, is to recognise that you have a golf slice..and not a power fade which some professionals play with.

How to fix a slice and improve your golf game comes down to developing a draw shot which will immediately see you adding 10-20% increased distance to your long shots, and in some instances, if your slice is really bad the improvement in ball striking and distance will be even more marked.

To fix your slice you will need to recognise which of the fundamentals such as grip, alignment, posture or stance is causing your slice. You will also need to look at your swing path and commit to some basic and simple drills which will improve your fundamentals and allow you to firstly identify and secondly fix your slice.

If you slice you are at the top of your is very difficult for you to improve but to help you fix your slice..

If you would like to learn 4 simple but incredibly effective drills which will help you fix your golf swing slice stop by my blog now!

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Golf Slice Cures – How to Cure Your Golf Slice in 3 Easy Steps

Golf Slice Cures – How to Cure Your Golf Slice in 3 Easy Steps

Article by Terry Gorry

In this article I am going to give you 3 golf slice cures to cure your golf slice. And you should be hitting the ball with a draw in weeks. Your golfing buddies will no longer tease you and tell you to ‘take the headcover off that driver’!

Step 1

The first place to look for a golf slice cure is your grip. Strengten it. Turn both hands more to the right so that the ‘v’ s formed by your thumb and first finger are pointing outside your right shoulder.

This is a pretty dramatic move but will give you the sensation of hitting a draw or hook pretty quickly. When this happens you will fill with confidence and soon will be able to aim down the right hand side of the fairway and know that your ball will draw back into the middle of the fairway.

Don’t overdose with this cure though..after a little while if you are getting into trouble on the left hand side of the course you can tweak your grip again, but this time you will be doing it with the confidence of hitting draw shots rather than slices and your set up and alignment will improve as a result.

Step 2

Make sure your set up and alignment are spot on..when you slice you will overcompensate for this by aiming to the left. The result of this is that you can acquire the bad habit of open shoulders at address. Playing with a stronger grip will automatically force you to turn your shoulders slightly more closed rather than open.

Step 3

Work on your release through impact. What you need to aim for is a full flowing release with the right forearm climbing up and over the left through impact and into the follow through.

Practice this release without a ball and work also on swinging the club about knee height and watch as the club closes through impact.

Still slicing? Close that clubface earlier in the downswing.

To read more..

To discover more golf slice cures and help to cure your golf slice drop my blog now!

You will discover FREE tips, instruction, video and the latest golf equipment at

About the Author


Golf Slice Cure – Is There An Easy Golf Slice Cure

Golf Slice Cure – Is There An Easy Golf Slice Cure

I was so excited, my first round of the year. This year I am going to break 80, me and my three buddies are standing on the first tee talking about how great this new driver I bought was. This is finally going to be my golf slice cure…Until I hit the first drive. Right in the water, not how I wanted to start the golf season. Another 0 on a driver down the drain.

If this story sounds familiar, I can understand. This story is a true story, unfortunately it’s my story.
I started golfing at the age of 23 and for the first six years I was constantly frustrated with a severe slice. I would aim 50 yards to the left and still miss the fairway to the right. Then for no reason I started hitting the ball straight. I would aim down the middle again and then I would start slicing again.

I must have invested over 00 in different drivers, each time thinking this was the club that would fix my slice. I tried offset drivers, higher loft, lower loft, even driving irons. Nothing seemed to work. I took some lessons and that seemed to help for a while but I was still very inconsistent. Some times it worked some times it didn’t.

Then I met Dave. Dave showed me four easy things to do that cured my slice for good. I have lowered my handicap by 8 shots and am saving a ton on golf balls! Finding the golf slice cure has meant the world to me. The steps are easy. Proper golf stance, proper grip, correct swing mechanics and positive swing thoughts. That’s it. As human beings we want all our answers to be complicated technical stuff but as with most things in life, if you keep it simple you will see instant results, and be more consistent because there is not much that can go wrong. Yea I still hit a bad drive once in a while and I am not the longest hitter in the world. Because I keep the ball in play I have lowered my scores.

If you would like to meet Dave and find the Golf Slice Cure for yourself go here