How to Get Fast, Effective and Permanent Chronic Back Pain Relief Naturally

How to Get Fast, Effective and Permanent Chronic Back Pain Relief Naturally

Article by Grant Ramey

Treatment for chronic back pain relief (and other chronic pain relief) is easier, more effective and much more comfortable than you may think.

One of the biggest problems with the traditional body manipulation pain relief techniques is that the treatment is done to you, i.e. somebody else manipulates your body to give you relief. Examples of this are massage, chiropracting, and physiotherapy.

One of the biggest lessons for me was in realizing that body manipulation therapies do not permanently relieve pain. In fact, it is likely that the more often you go to a body manipulation therapist, the more frequently you will need to return.


Well, when your body is treated by somebody else, the results are temporary because you don’t learn how to put yourself into that state. The focus is on getting somebody else to “fix” you… so there is no responsibility taken for bringing awareness to your own unconscious patterns or for creating your own healing.

I began to realise this fact after years of trying many innovative and established pain relief techniques to relieve my chronic, back, neck and shoulder pain. I discovered that the more dynamic the pain relief technique the more the pain continued.

In fact, after years of using “common” pain relief techniques and getting no permanent relief, I began to become less and less active, eventually hoping to find pain relief just lying around. Although my chronic back, neck and shoulder pain decreased with inactivity, I could still feel areas of immobility, pain, and a lack of energy.

This led me on my search for simple and permanent pain relief that I could do myself.

After years of research and exploration into self-healing, I began to understand that true comfort and freedom from pain comes from the spirit within. It is only through acknowledging our pain can we truly heal and live a joyous pain-free life.

But the question remained, how do we go within when there is so much outer all-consuming chronic body pain?

Through trial and error, I found the greatest relief of chronic pain occurred when all parts of my body were simultaneously supported. This meant that all of my body was held in a precise, relaxed position where all joints were centered and all voluntary muscles were disengaged.

So I asked myself, “Where do I remember being the most relaxed and pain-free?” The answer that came to me was: “when I was entirely submerged in water”. It was basically when I felt weightless!

Then I had a moment of revelation. I realized that my body became completely relaxed when underwater because all my joints were centered and all my muscles and fascial sheaths were allowed to rest in their natural length. This allowed my body energy to flow unimpeded (a position we don’t often experience with the tension and stresses of day-to-day life).

Since I did not relish the lack of oxygen under water or the shriveling of my skin after a period of time in water, I decided to recreate this “weightless” body position on land.

So, after a period of combining cushions to support my body in this “weightless” position, I eventually developed a solution that provides permanent relief from chronic pain without the need to do anything! The result is actually so profound, that after a few months of use, I no longer needed to use it because I no longer had pain.

And the final result? I achieved my goal of finding a way to easily self-heal; where there is no more need to rely on somebody else for your own well-being!

About the Author

Article by Grant Ramey of – creator of a simple and permanent solution for natural relief of chronic pain, such as back, neck and shoulder pain relief, for joyous and happy living.

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Natural Acid Reflux Relief – Cure Acid Reflux Forever by Throwing Away Your Antacids

Natural Acid Reflux Relief – Cure Acid Reflux Forever by Throwing Away Your Antacids

Is natural acid reflux relief as easy as throwing away your Tums? No, but you can cure acid reflux with simple neutralizing tips that have made companies like Tums and Prilosec multi-billion dollar companies. And besides neutralizing your stomach acid, you can also restore your esophagus (tube that carries food to stomach) and your lower esophageal sphincter (LES) with secrets that could destroy antacid companies.

Is your acid reflux only getting worse? Are there particular foods that cause your heartburn? Are you sick of dealing with GERD?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, it is time you allow natural acid reflux relief remedies to neutralize your acid and heal your digestive system.

Why Relief is Days Away

My dad, Bob Barton, was once a GERD sufferer. He dealt with every kind of problem with acid reflux including: heartburn, hiatal hernia, gastritis, esophageal reflux and bile reflux. He was diagnosed with them all.

In fact, almost 30 years ago he was lying on a surgeon’s table being operated on for a stomach surgery. His hopes of being cured from his reflux were only made worse from the surgery. Antacids were no longer effective and he was now choking on his reflux almost 4 times a day.

Fortunately, he found a simple reflux cure that is probably in your refrigerator right now. My dad found that a slice of apple was all that his body needed to remedy his problem.

But will an apple work for you?

Curing Reflux with Natural Health

An apple will work for some but since everybody is different, so is a cure! However, many of our customers begin with their treatment with these secrets that are costing antacid companies millions.


For instance, one simple remedy is apple cider vinegar. Did you know that most cases of heartburn are actually caused by too little acid in your stomach? This makes sense if you understand what is going on in your body. If you stomach isn’t producing enough acid to digest your food, then more food (and gas) will stay in your stomach for longer period of time without getting digested.

Since apple cider vinegar is so acidic, it immediately starts digesting food in your stomach and eases your heartburn quickly. This could be why an apple is effective for simple relief.

Natural Cure = Restoring Tissue

Fact: Did you know that most antacids have warnings (in fine print) about not taking antacids for more than 2 weeks? But natural treatments have no side effects or warnings!

An apple and apple cider vinegar are two great weapons to fight again reflux. Though these remedies will be great for keeping acid in the stomach, you should also begin a treatment to restore the tissue of the damaged esophagus and sphincter.

To find natural acid reflux relief in hours, please visit our website to learn about the only 100% guaranteed, step by step remedy on the e-market. Our hours of research are guaranteed to leave your reflux-free and an expert on curing your GERD.

Cure Acid Reflux

Joe Barton is the author of the only Natural Acid Reflux Remedy Report. This 100% guaranteed report has helped thousands with its thorough research and step by step remedies. Try it risk-free today!

Natural Acid Reflux Relief