How to Take Advantage of Demo Days at Your Local Driving Range Or Golf Club

How to Take Advantage of Demo Days at Your Local Driving Range Or Golf Club

Golfers are a funny breed of people. No matter what clubs they have in their bag it’s never good enough. Modern technology, with titanium inserts, appear to be revolutionizing the game and so the golfer looking to maximize their chances is forever on the lookout for the best advantage through technology. Demo days are an ideal way to keep up to speed with the latest golfing technology allowing golfers of all abilities to gain that extra advantage.

Demo golf days

Demo golf days or demo days are usually put on by golf clubs or driving ranges and are the perfect avenue to see what clubs or drivers are best for your game. But you need to go in there with a game plan if you are serious about upgrading your equipment and finding the perfect set of clubs or new driver.

At the outset you want to concentrate on just one aspect of your game. If you need a new set of irons then make that your focus and vica versa if you are looking for a new driver or hybrid club then put all your efforts into that. You will need the extra time and concentration to really differentiate between the various options on the day.

Let’s say you are looking for a new set of irons. Make sure to do plenty of research online before heading down to the range and golf review sites will give you that perfect opportunity. With your research in hand you should be focusing on only 3-5 different irons sets ensuring you don’t have too many options.


Get your swing in the groove

Ideally your swing should be in the groove, meaning you want to head down to the demo day with a good understanding of where you are hitting it. The more consistent you are hitting it prior to the demo day then the better chance you’ll have of working out whether or not the upgrade is worth the expense.

No time for idle chit chat

Once you are down there, keep the chit chat to a minimum and have a handful of questions ready to fire for the club manufacturers that you have researched. Grab a couple of buckets of balls from the driving range and begin some testing. At this stage don’t rush into it. Be sure to use your own clubs as alignment guides on the ground. By doing this you’ll be confident that you are aligned in the right direction. Nothing worse than hitting the first 20 balls with big hooks only to realize it’s not the clubs it’s your alignment.

Draws, fades, high and low shots

Now that you have all the basics set up start hitting some shots alternating between the various clubs you’ve short listed. Consider distance control, ball flights and the feel off the clubface. Once you gain some confidence in the direction you are hitting it start to work the ball both left to right and right to left. Throw a fall high shots and punch shots in there with each and you should have a good idea of the suitability of each club. That is how to take advantage of the free demo days at your local golf club or driving range.


Now Pay Close Attention —

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Golf Tips to Measure your Results on the Practice Range

Golf Tips to Measure your Results on the Practice Range

Practice is important in any sport and golf is no exception. To really improve your game you must spend time fine tuning your swing. But many golfers simply “hit balls” on the practice range without checking to see if they are improving. Here are some tips to help measure the effectiveness of your practice sessions on the driving range.

First, you must identify your objective on the range. Some people are trying to fix a slice or a hook while others are trying to add distance to their shots. If you do not know what your objective is you will not know if you have achieved it. You may not have a noticeable flaw to correct but you need to train your muscles so you can make good shots consistently. So hitting consistently is your objective in that case. Just make sure you have a clear idea of your purpose.

Second, it does not matter too much if you quit slicing or hooking the ball, or if you add 30 yards to your drive if your shots are spraying to the left or right. You may have eliminated the slice in your ball flight, but did the ball actually go towards your target? I have heard people “oooh” and “ahhh” over their practice shots even though one went well to the left of what appeared to be their target line and the next went just as far to the right. Make sure you identify a target and gauge if you are hitting the ball within a few yards on either side of that target until the balls rolls to a stop.

Third, always hit a variety of clubs in a random order on the range. This will better reflect how a real round of golf is played. You never hit your seven iron fifteen times in a row on a normal round of golf so do not get locked into hitting only your seven iron on the practice range even if it is your seven iron that needs the work. For example, to work on your seven iron try hitting your seven a few times, then hit a 3-wood a couple of times, then hit a four-iron, then a wedge, then back to the seven for a few shots. This will help you practice your set-up routine for various shots since usually you address the ball and take your stance slightly differently for woods, low irons and high irons respectively.

Fourth, do not be in a hurry. Take a break for a minute or two after hitting a dozen balls or so. If you exhaust yourself you may begin making poor swings due to your tiring out that would almost never happen in a round of golf because on the course there is almost always a few minutes between shots that require a full swing.

Finally, take time at home some evening to write down on an index card the swing keys that help you prepare for taking a golf shot. Most people will have a list of five to eight things. Go through your set-up routine in your mind and jot down, in order, what you do to check your alignment, grip, stance, weight distribution, etc… and take that card with you to the practice range. Then read it over before EVERY practice shot for the first ten or fifteen shots. Train your mind to go through that list so it becomes a habit when you are playing a round of golf.

Hopefully you will develop your own list of golf tips from your time spent on the practice range and you will graduate from just “hitting balls” to actually tuning your swing by having a yard stick by which to measure your results on the practice range.

Looking for the best golf swing instruction? Would you invest about the cost of one round of golf on the weekend at your local public course to learn a consistent and repeatable golf swing? Visit Hank’s golf swing instruction site and see how quickly you can be hitting farther, straighter, and with greater confidence.

How to Build a Driving Range in Your Home or Garage

How to Build a Driving Range in Your Home or Garage

Article by M Putterman

If you play golf, it can become an obsession. Whenever you pick anything thin and cylindrical up your hands immediately go for the overlap or interlocking grip. Golf becomes second nature. When you see a giant rolling field you can’t help but think, “Whoa, that area would make one awesome back nine.” As much as you like getting out to the golf course, or even just the range it isn’t always an option if you don’t have the spare time. Public courses and driving ranges can be extremely expensive (The closest public golf course to my home town in Wisconsin is up to 500 dollars a round). Even if you can’t always make it to the range, it doesn’t mean that you can’t be practicing. Let’s set the record straight on what practicing is and isn’t, practicing is not taking swings on your lawn with no target and no ball. You might improve your form, but when it comes time to actual hit a golf ball the whole process will feel alien. If you don’t regularly practice making contact with a golf ball you aren’t really practicing. You need to be able to hit real golf balls with real golf clubs to get real practice.There is a simple and easy way to set up an at home driving range that is safe and can be used all year long. If you are a homeowner and you have access to a garage or basement that provides enough height to be able to comfortably swing a golf club while inside, you are in the clear. By getting a few weighted safety nets and a synthetic turf matt with a built in tee, you can have your own driving range that is accessible twenty four hours a day and seven days a week. Imagine being able to practice hitting your 3 wood in the comfort of your own home. Any reputable sporting equipment dealer or internet golf retailer should have golf netting in stock. These weighted nets can handle golf balls being hit into them at maximum velocity. After the ball hits the net, it falls to the ground and stays by the netting for easy collection. Even though you can’t see where the ball would have ended up if it wasn’t stopped by the net, you can still tell when you make a good, solid, clean connection with the club face. If you have a tall enough ceiling you can string up an area as little as twelve feet by ten feet and have the perfect place to practice all year long. The instillation process is simple and all you really need is a hammer or a power drill, some hooks and the golf netting itself. It’s important that you use actual weighted golf netting and not random netting that you can purchase from other retailers that wasn’t expressly made for capturing golf balls. Other types of nets may let golf balls through the netting, which could damage your walls or even break a window. By using real golf netting you are making sure that accidents won’t happen.Even if you are a member of a golf club, or have a fairly accessible public course right by your home, those courses won’t be open during the off season. Imagine the upper hand you can get if you were to practice all year round, you could perfect your golf swing while your buddies are getting pudgy sipping hot coco by a fire place!

About the Author

M Putterman and company offer a wide variety of Sports Netting , Tennis Windscreens and Gym Floor Covers .

The Golf Fix: Fix Your Slice

Michael Breed shows how to hit “through the door” to fix your slice. Watch the Golf Fix Mondays at 7 pm ET on Golf Channel. For more help with your game, visit

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