How to Get Fast, Effective and Permanent Chronic Back Pain Relief Naturally

How to Get Fast, Effective and Permanent Chronic Back Pain Relief Naturally

Article by Grant Ramey

Treatment for chronic back pain relief (and other chronic pain relief) is easier, more effective and much more comfortable than you may think.

One of the biggest problems with the traditional body manipulation pain relief techniques is that the treatment is done to you, i.e. somebody else manipulates your body to give you relief. Examples of this are massage, chiropracting, and physiotherapy.

One of the biggest lessons for me was in realizing that body manipulation therapies do not permanently relieve pain. In fact, it is likely that the more often you go to a body manipulation therapist, the more frequently you will need to return.


Well, when your body is treated by somebody else, the results are temporary because you don’t learn how to put yourself into that state. The focus is on getting somebody else to “fix” you… so there is no responsibility taken for bringing awareness to your own unconscious patterns or for creating your own healing.

I began to realise this fact after years of trying many innovative and established pain relief techniques to relieve my chronic, back, neck and shoulder pain. I discovered that the more dynamic the pain relief technique the more the pain continued.

In fact, after years of using “common” pain relief techniques and getting no permanent relief, I began to become less and less active, eventually hoping to find pain relief just lying around. Although my chronic back, neck and shoulder pain decreased with inactivity, I could still feel areas of immobility, pain, and a lack of energy.

This led me on my search for simple and permanent pain relief that I could do myself.

After years of research and exploration into self-healing, I began to understand that true comfort and freedom from pain comes from the spirit within. It is only through acknowledging our pain can we truly heal and live a joyous pain-free life.

But the question remained, how do we go within when there is so much outer all-consuming chronic body pain?

Through trial and error, I found the greatest relief of chronic pain occurred when all parts of my body were simultaneously supported. This meant that all of my body was held in a precise, relaxed position where all joints were centered and all voluntary muscles were disengaged.

So I asked myself, “Where do I remember being the most relaxed and pain-free?” The answer that came to me was: “when I was entirely submerged in water”. It was basically when I felt weightless!

Then I had a moment of revelation. I realized that my body became completely relaxed when underwater because all my joints were centered and all my muscles and fascial sheaths were allowed to rest in their natural length. This allowed my body energy to flow unimpeded (a position we don’t often experience with the tension and stresses of day-to-day life).

Since I did not relish the lack of oxygen under water or the shriveling of my skin after a period of time in water, I decided to recreate this “weightless” body position on land.

So, after a period of combining cushions to support my body in this “weightless” position, I eventually developed a solution that provides permanent relief from chronic pain without the need to do anything! The result is actually so profound, that after a few months of use, I no longer needed to use it because I no longer had pain.

And the final result? I achieved my goal of finding a way to easily self-heal; where there is no more need to rely on somebody else for your own well-being!

About the Author

Article by Grant Ramey of – creator of a simple and permanent solution for natural relief of chronic pain, such as back, neck and shoulder pain relief, for joyous and happy living.

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Article by BIVO

Embarrassing. I am a prideful person and a carrying husband. However, when it comes to sleep I saw logs that would make a lumberjack proud and often times I wake my wife up in the middle of the night. Sometimes I snore so loud, I wake myself up. If I go to bed before my wife, she will not be able to get to sleep so I stay up way too late to make sure she gets to sleep before me. I am always tired the next day. More often then not, we don’t go to bed at the same time anymore which is no fun at all. I will not travel with my friends and stay in the same room for I know that my nightly cattle call will keep them up all night and thus I will have a dearth of friends. I actually turned down a golf outing and camping trip because the gaggle wanted to stay in one tent. I was embarrassed for sure. I have tried nose strips and over the counter solutions that say they stop snoring – no luck for me! Surgery is too expensive and a breathing machine (CPAP) will assuredly work but I don’t want to be hooked up to a machine every night. Does this sound familiar?

A good friend of mine inquired why I had been so tired so I shared that I just get too little sleep because of my snoring issues so he suggested that I gander the book Stop Your Snoring Naturally (here is the link)

He says that the information in the book has done wonders for him and I am hoping for the same results for me. As the site intonates, “You Spend Over A 1/3 of Your Life Sleeping, Shouldn’t You Get The Most From It?” Amen!!

Here are Five Key Benefits from No Longer Snoring:1) Say “Goodbye” to sleepless nights where you’re constantly woken up by your partner in the middle of the night! 2) Travel without worry! Ever traveled with a friend and got a separate hotel room just because you know you snore too loud, I know I have.3) Wake up feeling energized, healthy and ready to take on the day! No longer will you start wearing down in the afternoon because of a dearth of sleep. You will be refreshed throughout the day.4) Sleep apnea can be the cause of your high blood pressure and your doctor would never know! 5) Go to bed at the same time as your spouse without fear of you falling asleep before they do and thus keeping them up all night!

About the Author

Use an Unusual Method to Cure Acne Naturally

Use an Unusual Method to Cure Acne Naturally

Anybody who suffers from acne may experience a variety of emotions. Acne may lead to a person having a low self esteem, and cause them to be introverted. Teenage years are tough already without adding acne into the equation. Some have learned to accept it, and others will do whatever, they can to get rid of it. Expensive treatments can actually do more harm than good to the skin because of harsh chemicals. The best way to treat acne, is with a natural remedy.

Natural remedies are easy on the skin, and most people do not experience any adverse reactions to the ingredients. There are a number of different topical treatments that are made with natural ingredients, are just as effective as traditional medicines. Oatmeal and aloe are often used on people with sensitive skin. An aloe vera plant is inexpensive and can be grown at home. Aloe is useful in treating skin that is damaged due to acne.

Now some of the following treatments might sound silly, but people have been using them for hundreds of years with success. Potato slices applied to the acne covered skin can help clear up whitehead pimples. Using the potato as an exfoliant is also a good idea. A couple of drops of oil of oregano mixed with a cup of water can be used as a spot treatment for pimples. Witch hazel is another herbal remedy that can be used as a daily cleanser for the face. These remedies can be purchased at a health food store or online.

A person’s diet and lifestyle are contributors to acne outbreaks. For females, it is a good idea to wear as little makeup as possible. The skin needs to be clean and able to breathe. A diet rich in raw fruits and vegetables will ensure your body is getting plenty of vitamins that aid in skin rejuvenation. The body needs lots of vitamin E, C and A for healthy skin. Supplements can be taken if necessary.

Naturopath doctors use a holistic approach to treating ailments. A naturopath can provide a wealth of information on different natural cures that are more specific to the type of acne a person has. Holistic medicine is becoming more popular these days, and some insurance providers will cover a visit with a naturopath.

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How to Cure Acne Naturally With Vitamins, Diet, and Exercise

How to Cure Acne Naturally With Vitamins, Diet, and Exercise

Anyone who has ever suffered from acne knows the embarrassment of it. When ailed by these frustrating facial marks you become desperate to get rid of them. Causing people to spend a lot of money on expensive products that sometimes can make your acne worse. It doesn’t have to be that way. By using all natural products you can cure your acne naturally and without spending a lot of money.

Some products people have had great success with reducing and even eliminating acne is tea Tree Oil, Aloe Vera, Vitamin A, and Zinc. Although some of these products contain certain chemicals for preservation, it is advisable to consult your doctor if pregnant or nursing before using. It is extremely important to drink at least four pints of water a day when you suffer from acne. Water is beneficial in flushing impurities out of your body and keeping pores clean. Adding leafy green vegetables and fresh fruit to your daily diet will help to improve your complexion as well.

Making a mask out of certain foods and applying to your face a couple times a week can help also clear up acne. One mixture that has had great success; rose water, honey and real tomato pulp applied to your inflicted skin for at least 20 minutes every other day. This mask helps to neutralize your skin’s natural PH Balance. Another popular mask is; a nightly cream of banana, glycerine, and lemon juice. Let it stay on your area of acne for at least 15 minutes four times a week.

Exercise also plays a huge roll in the health of your skin and your overall body health. By getting at least 30 minutes of regular aerobic exercise 3 to 4 times a week you can greatly reduce your acne. Exercising causes you to sweat and sweating helps flush unwanted toxins from your body. Regular exercise also keeps your body’s natural balance in check. If your enable to do rigorous exercise yoga is a good option. Yoga helps the mind, body and soul.

It is important when inflicted by acne to remember you don’t have to spend a lot of money or time on clearing your acne up. It’s best if you go with natural products to avoid any excess problems that can occur with some of the over the counter products. You’ll find it less frustrating and more rewarding by using natural products.

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How to Cure Acne Naturally

How to Cure Acne Naturally

Acne is usually caused by natural oils found in the body at times it can be caused by a hormonal imbalance. Some experts believe that stress or psychological upsets may also contribute to outbreaks of acne.

Before trying chemical methods to cure acne there are some natural treatments you can try. One natural acne treatment is aloe vera. The aloe vera plant contains a juice that is said to be full of enzymes. It is also stated to work as an anti inflammatory and anti-bacterial. Many individuals that suffer from acne state that drinking aloe vera juice along with using the plant juice topically helps rid their skin of acne.

Another form of an all natural acne treatment is to combine the use of vitamins and minerals. These include Vitamin E, Vitamin A and Zinc. Used as a topical face wash these three ingredients are said to help clean the skin without drying it out.

Tree tea oil is recommended by many as an all natural cure for acne. Using it on a daily basis appears to help it work better. There are many tea tree oil products available on the market for sale. It has become a very popular natural treatment for acne. Tea tree oil is made from the Melaleuca tree that grows in Australia. It is said to have many bacteria fighting agents that will help treat acne.

One all natural way to prevent acne from reappearing is to make sure you don’t place your hands on your face. Our hands pick up dirt and oil off of every object that we touch. Placing your hands on your face only contaminates pores that may be open. Keeping your skin clean is very important for preventing acne. Daily hygiene is a must. It is important that you don’t use harsh soaps or cleansing agents because they will dry the skin and make it produce more oil which in turn produces acne.

Drinking plenty of water is also a great all natural way to prevent acne from reoccurring. It is recommended that you drink at least four glasses a day. Adding extra green vegetables to your diet is also recommended as an all natural way to prevent acne flare-ups.

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How to Treat, Cure and Get Rid of Acne Fast and Naturally

How to Treat, Cure and Get Rid of Acne Fast and Naturally

Article by Julian Hooks

How would it feel when your beautiful facial image and undying personality is suddenly chattered by numerous pimple infections? Devastating to be exact! Although known to many as a pimple disease, it is possible to get rid of acne much faster with very reliable tips.

If you happen to be suffering from acne, you should never, at all costs, break the pimples so as to avoid dark scars that take years before they disappear. Despite its predominance among many youths and old people alike, one can cure acne naturally, without having to hurt your face in any manner.

First of all, you should slowly avoid eating too many foods rich in fats and sugars. Ensure that you take in lots of healthy meals rich in whole grains and beans. Vitamins from fruits and vegetables largely help in keeping our skins soft and protected from harmful bacteria. Another natural way of keeping acne at bay is by drinking plenty of water, ten cups a day to be precise. And lastly, make certain that you clean your face regularly with clean water so as to prevent bacteria from blocking the vital sweat pores.

Now, there are various ways that acne treatments can be done naturally. You can make acne dry up fast enough by applying white egg on the infected skin and then leaving it for some time before washing it with clean water. Or you can rub on the infected skin with wet peels of the cucumber and leave it overnight before washing. Make a mixture of cornstarch and vinegar, apply it and then wipe it off with warm water and cloth piece. More so, you can keep you skin soft and smooth by applying a mixture of yogurt and half a lemon before you go to bed.

Nevertheless, the most preferred way of reducing acne is by changing your bad lifestyle habits. This is achieved by having less stress, eating health by diets, getting plenty of sleep rest, drinking plenty of water and balancing your inner emotions through frequent meditations.

In addition, you can also reduce acne scars by using moisturizers rich in vitamin E, skin care products with Aloe Vera dominance, detoxifying your entire body and rubbing ice cubes on the darkened scars. Only go for dermatological treatment if none of the natural ways are helping. Remember to avoid heavy make-up, pricking pimples and touching your face all the time. Stay natural, look tremendously beautiful.

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To get the facts on exactly how to eliminate your Acne from the root 100% naturally and permanently, and achieve lasting clear skin without spending your hard-earned money on drugs and over the counter products…

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Powerful Tips For How to Cure Acne Naturally

Powerful Tips For How to Cure Acne Naturally

Acne is a skin problem that can be treated with medication and over the counter products. However, there are many natural treatments that are just as effective. Here are some tips that will show you how to cure acne naturally.


A healthy diet is important for good skin. If you are lacking certain nutrients, your pores will become clogged, and your acne will become worse. Your skin will not be able to fight off bacteria, so a multivitamin will provide you with the nutrients that your body needs.


Carrots contain Vitamin A, which helps to eliminate and prevent acne. It contains powerful antioxidants and it works to eliminate toxins in the body. Studies show that a Vitamin A deficiency can cause blemishes.


If you want to know how to cure acne naturally, supplement with chromium. Many people take chromium when they need to lose weight, but it also works for healing skin conditions. Take one chromium supplement per day to prevent breakouts and eliminate acne.

Acne Soap

Wash your skin and face with acne soap every day. Acne soap was designed to treat breakouts, and you should use it at least two times a day. Be careful not to scrub too hard or wash too many times, because your acne may get worse.


If you want to cure your acne, apply a natural honey mask a few times a week. Honey works to eliminate bacteria, and it heals blemishes. Honey is natural, safe and gentle on the skin, and it will help you prevent further breakouts.

Furthermore, if you want to cure acne, you should get enough sleep. Your immune system is more powerful when you sleep enough. It will help you reduce your stress levels and control your hormones, which can lead to breakouts. Also, you should drink a lot of water each day to flush out toxins and keep the skin looking vibrant and healthy. You should eat a healthy diet that includes fruits and vegetables. These foods contain essential vitamins that will fight off bacteria and heal your blemishes. Further, you should avoid wearing makeup on the skin, because it will clog the pores and cause acne. If you do wear makeup, make sure you wash your skin as soon as you can.

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How to Cure Acne Naturally by Changing Your Makeup Routine

How to Cure Acne Naturally by Changing Your Makeup Routine

Many people are not aware that there is a huge connection between acne and the type of makeup that you use. Many makeups contain oils, chemicals and other ingredients that clog your pores and cause acne on your face as well as on the side of your face. There are ways though to alter your makeup routine and thus help reduce the amount of acne you have currently and preventing any future acne breakouts.

To begin with you will want to avoid makeup that contains the oil that most makeup manufacturers use when their makeup is made. For those who must wear foundation look for one that says “oil free” on the packaging. There are a few different types of these out on the market as well as some powder foundations that are oil free, which are safe to use when you are trying to cure your acne naturally by changing your makeup routine. If you can avoid using foundation unless it is for a special occasion you will have a better chance avoiding getting the acne. A good loose powder for your face is a much better choice for those with acne. Be sure to check the packaging on these as well to avoid powders with an excessive amount of oil.

You have probably heard of the new mineral makeup types that are out there. These are generally a good choice for those who are trying to cure their acne. They contain natural ingredients that will not clog your pores like regular makeup types do. They will also be less likely to irritate your skin. These are available at many different locations and are usually around the same price as normal makeup.

Cleaning your makeup tools properly is also imperative to helping cure acne naturally. This is very simple and something that can be done every day. If you use a makeup pad every day, after you use it simply wash it thoroughly and leave it out to dry. You can also invest in some inexpensive ones so you are able to have a new one each day. By not cleaning these pads and brushes properly you are allowing bacteria build up which will then be transferred to your face increasing the chance of breakouts occurring.

Lastly you can help cure acne naturally by changing your cleanser. When you go to remove your makeup and use your cleanser look for a cleanser that is meant for normal or oily skin. There are many cleansers that do more harm than good. You may have to try a couple before you find the right one but once you start to see your skin clear up you will be glad you changed your makeup routine to cure your acne the natural way.

To get the facts on exactly how to eliminate your Acne from the root 100% naturally and permanently, and achieve lasting clear skin without spending your hard-earned money on drugs and over the counter products…
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