Online Dating-3 Things To Look For In Online Profiles

Online Dating-3 Things To Look For In Online Profiles

Article by Vivian Johnson

When you are faced with tens of thousands of online profiles, there must be a way to sort through them and find just the ones that would suit you best!

One of the first things to look for in online profiles is compatibility. As Singles, if we have been lonely for awhile, we stop looking for what we “want” and start looking for what we will “accept”. That is a big mistake!

When looking for someone you are compatible with, be honest with yourself. If you have never spent the night outdoors, even as a child you never caught caterpillars in a jar to see if they would really change into butterflies; do not try and “accept” someone that adores the outdoors! All of their vacation time and holidays is spent outdoors! Trust me, it will not work.

Second, is location. If you are an extremely social person and hate spending time alone, then I will tell you now that long distance relationships are not for you.

Please decide in advance whether or not you want a long distance relationship. The mistake a lot of Singles make is getting to know someone that is thousands of miles away. Eventually they develop feelings for this person. At this point in the relationship they find themselves at a “fork” in the road; abandon a relationship that could possibly lead to love? Or try and cope with a long distance relationship. This should not be an “after thought”. It could have been avoided…

Third, make sure you and the Single you are looking for are both looking for the same type of relationship. If you want to find a partner for life do not link up with someone that is looking for a casual “hook-up”

So, the three things to look for are compatibility, location, and relationship type. Keep these in mind…add a few more online dating skills and you will be good to go! Now get going…!

About the Author

Vivian has been involved with online dating since it’s inception! This is her main dating forum, since there is no other place in the world where you can have access to millions of eligible singles!

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