How To Purchase Left Handed Golf Clubs

How To Purchase Left Handed Golf Clubs

Being left-handed can be annoying. This really isn’t meant to be literal, although there are times that residing in a right-handed world can cause some bumps and bruises. It merely refers to how distressing it can be to live among a society that primarily caters to right handed people. Take a look at the new iPhone! When left-handed people hold it, they cover the antenna and the calls are dropped. Why wouldn’t the engineers have thought about this? As a left handed person, one place that can be inconvenient is out on the golf course. Unlike other sporting equipment, golf clubs do not work the same way when you hold them left-handed. If you want to be able to play the whole course course, it is crucial for you to have left handed golf clubs. But who sells those?

The Delta Ladies Left Handed Pro Hybrid Golf Club Set is the most popular leftie golf set on The set, at the time of this article’s writing, costs around one hundred and twenty dollars. Reviewers have rated this set of ten clubs at five stars. The marketing for this set describes them as being designed for the “lady golfer”. From what we can tell there isn’t a lot of difference between women’s and men’s golf clubs. We’re pretty sure that men can use these clubs just as easily as women can. Check the classifieds section of your local paper. It’s quite common for golf clubs to be sold this way. Of course, it’s not as easy to find left handed golf clubs. but they do appear, so keep looking. It’s good to find a local seller, because this way you’re able to pick them up and get a feel for them before you decide if you want them. You are always better off seeing something in person if you can.

But the best place to search for left handed golf clubs is with the largest selection available. The offerings include clubs of various kinds that are designed for men and women. They also offer various types of putters. You can customize your purchase by buying single clubs or sets. You won’t be able to test the clubs before purchasing them though, as this company is solely online. So, in case the clubs don’t end up working for you, be sure to research their return policy before purchasing anything.

Buying left handed golf clubs does not have to be a major ordeal. Purchasing left handed clubs has become quite easy thanks to the increase in left handed awareness. As each day passes more and more golf equipment manufacturers are developing left handed equipment.

Just look around-you’ll probably find a much bigger variety of clubs than you originally thought existed.

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How to Draw the Golf Ball

How to Draw the Golf Ball

Article by Christopher J. Johnson

The draw shot off the tee is a very desirable ball flight to have. It penetrates the wind much better than a fade and rolls out farther in the fairway after it comes down. It can be a tough shot to control though. The draw can turn into a hook very easily. Most courses favor people who slice the ball, since that is the most common swing fault of the average player. That means that most courses are more open to the right and much more penalizing when you hit it left.

The draw shot produces top spin on the ball. It is a right to left ball flight for right handed people and a left to right ball flight for left handed people.

The following instructions are for a right handed player.

Line up the face of the club with your target. Line up your feet, hips and shoulders to the right of your target. This closes the face of the club in relation to your body. Now just swing like you normally would. The closed clubface will cause the ball to move right to left. Since you set your body up to the right, the ball will start to the right and turn back towards the target.

There are other ways to create a draw. Basically you want your club to take an inside to outside path in relation to the ball. I believe this way to be the easiest since you can take your normal swing once you have adjusted your stance. Trying to adjust your swing can be much more difficult.

I would like to offer a word of advice. Be sure to try this technique out at the range a few times before using it on the course. If you over do it, a nasty hook could be the result, which will most likely put you in the water or the woods. We are trying to avoid penalty strokes, not create them right?

So there you go. With a little practice, you will be curving the ball around that dogleg in no time. Oh, one other thing. Golf is a game so remember to HAVE FUN!

About the Author

Interested in a simple method of swinging the golf club? I have looked around forever and can honestly say I improved my game using the four magic moves. Take a few minutes, go to and get your free info.