How to Put on a Duvet Cover and More

How to Put on a Duvet Cover and More

Article by Linda Aviles

Duvet covers are coming to the rescue! Not only do they protect our beloved down comforters from horrible juice stains and our dogs muddy paw prints but they are also very convenient to wash. Remove the comforter and throw it in the wash, that simple. But what exactly do we need to know about the comforter cover before finally making the big purchase. There are two important factors you will need to know. The size and how to put one on the famous cover. The size of the bed is very important when making any bedding purchase. Whether the bed be a Twin, Twin XL, Full, Queen, King or California King. Purchasing anything too small for your bed will leave you very disappointed. Measuring the bed before making a purchase is always a smart idea.

What exactly would we need to begin measuring the bed? Simple: a paper, pencil, measuring tape and maybe some assistance. First start by keeping the measuring tape as flat as possible. Measure the mattress length from top to bottom. Next, place the measuring tape across the center and measure the mattress from left to right. Determine the “drop” of the bedding by placing the tape measure once again on the top edge of the mattress, where you stopped measuring for the width. Pull the tape measure down to the point where you would like the bedding to fall. Make sure to write down these measurements on the paper and have them handy when its time to make your purchase.

Once you have made the purchase, it is time to put on the famous comforter cover. It may not be as easy as putting a pillowcase on a pillow but it does not have to be difficult either, just as long as you follow these easy steps: First, turn the duvet cover inside out. Reach down into the cover and grab the top corners with each hand. Next, pick up two corners of the comforter with your hands still inside the cover. While holding tight to the top corners of the duvet cover and the comforter, flip and shake the duvet cover over the comforter. Pull down the sides of the cover if necessary and spread the bedding on the bed. Tuck in the bottom corners, fasten the cover close and you are done. Finish off the look with some matching sheets and a couple of decorative pillows.

At Bedroom Duvet Spot, you will find a large selection of duvet covers, quilts and coverlets from Le Vele Bedding, Royal Hotel Collection and more.

About the Author

Linda Aviles enjoys reading, writing and giving advice on interior decorating.

How To Buy Golf Clubs

How To Buy Golf Clubs

There are many variations in the types and styles of golf clubs and their uses. For example, if you’re trying to make a shorter shot, irons may be your best bet. Irons are usually available in sets that include several different sizes. You must also take into consideration the style, size, and type of material used to make the golf club shaft. One of the less expensive materials is steel. Clubs with a steel shaft weigh more but can be longer-lasting than other types. The steel shaft may also give you more control over those fast swings. If you choose a graphite shaft, it will be lighter than steel but will be more costly. This type of club is used for long distance shots or for slower swingers.

try to understand how often you will be playing the game. If your only intention is to play a couple of times a year in the company scramble or better ball, then it is probably best to stick with a cheaper set of golf clubs, rather than spending a ton of cash on a brand new set of clubs. But if you’ve tried the game and enjoy it and feel that you want to take it up more often you should do a little research and determine which golf clubs are best for you.

Your level of interest, dedication, time and of course cash flow are important factors in how many times you’ll be getting out on the golf course. If you’re not sure what these levels are, then you should probably look for a cheaper set of clubs or even some second-hand clubs. They will work out the best for a new player who is testing out their enjoyment in the world of golf. If your interest continues to grow, you can always buy a new set of clubs down the road and by then you would probably have a better understanding of your game and commitment.

If at first you are not sure what type of clubs you should buy, then you can ask and see what other people or friends who have some understanding of the game think will suit you best. Try asking the friends who like to play golf and who have probably been with you on your first or second outing. They would be able to point you in the right direction, especially if they’ve seen you play. Or ask at your local pro shop and see what they would recommend for you. Asking people who play the game is the best way to get ideas for which set of golf clubs could be the best fit for you.

The goal when buying golf clubs should be to own the best golf clubs you can afford, whether they are name brands, used, or a reproduction of one of the name brands. Golf clubs can be purchased at many different types of establishments such as discount stores, buying clubs, specialty shops, catalogs, or the Internet, which offers an almost limitless variety of clubs and bargains, including used golf clubs.

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