Important Advice for Golfing Novices

Important Advice for Golfing Novices

Article by Focke

Warren LinckleAt one time, one of your friends might have treated you to a game of golf and took a few swings and made the decision that you wanted to learn how to play the right way. However, before you rush out and purchase everything that you see, to become an actual golfer, you must learn a little about the game first. This article will give you a few important suggestions to help when you begin learning about golf.If you have never played the game before, you probably want to race to the store and buy the most expensive golf clubs that money can buy. However, this is the wrong thing to do if you have not played the game previously. In fact, your first few games of golf should be played with rental clubs until you determine whether or not you like the game. Why waste money before you are positive that you like the game and want to play it on a constant basis. If you have gotten hooked and have played a few games, then you might consider getting a set of customized golf clubs. Although they are not cheap, they can be valuable because of the thickness of the grip to the length and the stiffness of the shaft The easiest approach to learning or improving your golf game is to hire a professional instructor. However, you will need to benefit the most from your instructor, since you will be paying money New York Yankees Jerseys for his time.This means that you have to get your shyness in check and talk to him. If something does not seem logical to you, then let your instructor know. You shouldn’t be afraid to tell them what your goals are and what problems you have been having. Also, try to remain unruffled. This is because if you’re nervous, you will swing too quickly and you won’t be able to concentrate. You must focus on the game and instructor or you are wasting valuable time and will not learn a thing.Having a great golf swing is the key to having a great golf game. Owning the perfect golf swing consists of many different factors. But one of these aspects consists of obtaining the proper aim.Numerous golfers place their feet to the right of their mark and end up swing too far to the left. The smartest method for aligning yourself is to have your toes parallel to the target, with the head of the club facing in the direction you want to the ball to go. On the same note, if you desire a good distance swing, then you need to generate some strength. While strength is important to generating sufficient power, your swing also plays an important role. The way to generate the optimum amount of power is to turn so that your left Oakland Athletics Jerseys shoulder is over your right foot on the backswing. Whether you choose to go it alone or get professional help to improve your game, these tips will come in handy. Don’t forget that your game will perk up when you are better relaxed. So, do not get all worked up about little things. Besides, you are playing golf to have fun.

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How Important Is It To Having A Sound Mental Health Golf Swing?

How Important Is It To Having A Sound Mental Health Golf Swing?

Golf is a great game made up of rules and standards. It’s more than that however! Golf is a mindset and self-confidence game. It’s made for those golfers who want to take on challenges away from the everyday grind and problems that we must endure in our lives.

That is why for an average golf round of 4+ hours we can forget about everything else in our lives and just focus on one’s own self interest in improving our own golf swing or scores. You can call it arrogance and self-absorption but, the original inventor of this game did come from royalty.

If you are confident enough in your own ability to swing a golf club, then you will have no fear of sending that golf ball where ever you want it to go. Confidence is simply knowing that the golf ball will fly towards its intended target.

The opposite of confidence is fear. Lack of self- confidence in golf is knowing before hitting the golf ball what the consequences of the end result is going to be. When you are afraid of hitting your golf ball into trouble, you are no longer in the present moment. You are now thinking about all of the negatives of hitting the golf ball and what the final consequences is going to be. Loss of pride, loss of strokes, loss of match, loss of money and tournament.

Most professional golfers have one shot that they hit more or less religiously, whether it be a fade, draw, straight, whatever. While some work the ball on most shots, very few try and work the ball in a different direction for each shot, and this includes the best golfers in the world.

So what is the biggest difference between an amateur and a professional? The golf swing is built on belief, self-confidence and trust. They own their shots and feel most comfortable when they stay consistent with their grooved golf swing. It becomes instinctive, second nature and they feel most comfortable with it.They don’t ever veer from their money maker golf swing.

They don’t cut into the quality of their practices by trying to maintain three different ball flights. They don’t try and hit a golf shot that they haven’t practiced for thousands of hours. They stick with one and that gets all their attention and focus. They know they can count on it because their game was built around that one shot, rather than hitting shots they are less comfortable with in order to fit a particular hole. Why reinvent the wheel, when your golf swing has held up under pressure.

Many of the greats, from Ben Hogan to Jack Nicklaus have had one ball flight that they preferred to hit over any other and they have stuck with it. Always being the majority of their golf shots, and not trying to hit something on a consistent basis that was against their behavioral instincts.

Focus in golf is critical to successfully executing a golf shot to the best of your ability. The mind works best when a golfer narrows his focus to the smallest point possible. Often times amateurs will freeze up and get tense when trying to narrow their focus to such a specific point and say “they can’t do it!” Immediately, they realize that they’re simply trying way too hard to concentrate and must simply allow the mind to wander away from its intended target.

For a weekend golfer it’s very difficult to put your everyday life on hold while playing and only think about golfing. During play many thoughts do run across your mind and it only results in bad swing flaws. This can creep into your mind at any point on the golf course, and the end results normally is bad scores. For trained elite golfers they will often focus on only the small tasks at hand. Their focal point is that every golf shot counts and one bad mishit can cost them thousands of dollars.

A positive mental attitude creates emotional stability. Golf is one of the very few sports where you can go from pure joy to absolute devastation with one golf swing. A golfer with a positive mental attitude living in the very moment takes the great shots with the bad, knowing that full well everyone hits horrible and great shots everyday. P.G.A. Tour pros will only hit 12 or 13 greens per round on the average. So cut yourself some slack.

A golfer must stay in the present moment at all times. He must never deviate and get way ahead of himself, adding up his score or thinking about the next shot. How many times have you seen a golfer add up his score after 9 holes and say well, “I shot 39 on the front so I’m looking to shoot a 78?” The score you shot on the front has absolutely nothing to do with what you can or will shoot on the back side. Staying in the present moment keeps the golfer from fearing the consequences of this shot or the next, or remembering the last time he double bogeyed a particular hole.

He is only concerned with what he can control in this very moment, freeing up his mind from doubts and fears. Being tense is the perfect way to ruin a great golf swing. Tension in the muscles removes their coordination, suppleness and flexibility. Tension is most often caused by fear, doubts, poor golf swing mechanics, or all of the above. The greatest issue with tension is that it is controlled by the conscious mind, whom happens to be a horrible golfer.

Your conscious mind is amazingly capable of handling the demands of such things as the mechanics of your golf swing. On average the golf swing is said to be completed in less than 2 seconds. During that time, how many thoughts do you really think you can process and communicate to your body what to do next? Your mind must filter on average about two seconds of the full mechanics of your golf swing. This is simply an impossible task to ask of your mind and body. You’re not wired that way, no one is. Swinging the golf club is not about getting the club and body into certain positions, it’s about swinging the golf club. That’s it!

One of the most important processes in a golf shot is visualizing the golf shot. For many, this seems difficult or they don’t believe they can do it. Visualization is like programming a computer to perform a task. In this case, the computer is your subconscious mind and the most efficient programming language for this computer is imagery.

Visualizing goals gives us direction, motivates us and creates an internal drive that gives the momentum to achieve some thing big. Visualize what it will be like when you break 70 or 80 for the first time. Whatever your goals are they must be something that drives you to achieve.

Many people say that the reasons the pros can visualize their shots is because they have such great physical control over their golf ball. The truth is they have such great physical control is because they visualize their golf shots. If you don’t have an image of what you want the golf ball to do, then what do you expect the ball to do?

You must know where you want to go and the path of how to get there. In golf, the where is the target and the path is the flight of the ball. You know where you want to end up and there are many ways to get there. You need to consider the best way possible for you to get to your destination given your abilities and the elements. The journey is just as important as the destination.

Trust is something that must be built and nurtured through both mental and physical practice in golf. Trusting in your golf swing and your ability is one of the most important principles in golf. Without trust, there can be no confidence and fear is the first thing to replace trust. Trust is believing in your ability to hit the perfect shot. Trusting in yourself requires that you block out the past negative thoughts of golf swings that had poor results and believe in yourself now, in this very moment.

If you’ve ever hit one good shot with the golf club in your hands, then you are capable of hitting a thousand more like it. A bad attitude sees a bad shot and says that I am a horrible golfer, “I can never get off this tee”, and “I can’t hit this club.” Speaking positively about oneself is a method to creating your own reality. It is the self-fulfilling prophecy that we have all seen fulfilled in life and on the golf course. A positive mental attitude will allow you to enjoy the game and have fun at the same time.

The article is all about having a positive mental attitude and how it relates to your ability to swing a golf club. There are many different parts of a golf swing besides mechanics, What Are They?
Author:Scott E. Kowalski

How Can You Develop a Proper Golf Swing? Listen To This Important Advice!

How Can You Develop a Proper Golf Swing? Listen To This Important Advice!

The first question you have to ask yourself is – What is a proper golf swing? All golf swings have the same three main components – the backswing, downswing and the follow through. Sounds simple, but to develop these three components into a strong, powerful swing takes a lot of practice on the course, as well as some training off the course.

In the game of golf, no two people ever have the same golf swing. The way one person swings a golf club may not work for another person, even if they are near in body types. Every golfer has to find the playing style that fits him or her to help them produce the results that they want. Practicing the fundamentals of golf will build a solid foundation upon which you can build upon to create that powerful swing. All the great golf players of the world did this and now it is simple and easy for them to drive a golf ball down the course.

One of the essential things that will affect all three of the golf swing components is your grip. Many golfers feel tension when they address the ball and get ready to execute their golf swing and this results in a tight grip on the club and stiffness in their arms. After the first swing that did not go as they wished it would, the tension builds and starts a vicious cycle that will affect the rest of their swings.

The first thing you can do to help develop a proper golf swing is to relax. Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, and visualize the result of your swing – the ball screaming down the course.

Next, take a firm but not tight grip on the club and think about the golf swing sequence.
The backswing – draw your club back in a smooth arch until the knuckle of your thumb is above your right ear. As you draw back, the club head will trace out a large circle and at the top of your backswing your chest will be pointing away from your target.

The downswing – this is where you swing your golf club down and the club head makes contact with the ball. Let the natural motion of your body carry the club head through the golf balls position down the range toward the target.

The follow through – your body continues and completes the swing arc after contacting the ball. Your finish position is part of your golf swing, so do not stop abruptly and try to keep your motion fluid.

When you start your backswing, take a deep breath as you draw back and release it slowly as you start your downswing. Holding your breath will create stiffness in the upper body that will affect the fluid motion you are trying to develop in your golf swing.

Here are some tips to remember while visualizing your golf swing:

– Keep your left elbow straight during the backswing as the club goes straight up and back.
– Let your left arm roll slightly clockwise at the start of your downswing.
– Your wrists should be at a 90-degree angle when your left arm is parallel to the ground.
– Start your downswing with your lower body, NOT your shoulders.
– As you bring the club down, turn your hips as fast and powerful as you can towards the target.
– At the bottom of the swing arc, your wrists should snap and you will start the follow through.
– Your right arm will swing across your body and end up near your left shoulder.
– Your shoulders will be perpendicular to the target.

At the completion of the follow through portion of your golf swing, your weight should be balanced on your front hip and your back toe should be on the ground. Your hands will come to rest above your left shoulder and with your left knee facing the hole.
Now, going back to the original question What is a proper golf swing? First off there is no simple golf swing as many people try to believe. People who have never played golf will tell you that hitting the golf ball is easy. Just take a club and hit the ball as hard as you can. However, as any golfer will tell you it is never that easy because there are quite a lot of variables and small nuances that go into developing a good golf swing. Therefore, a proper golf swing is one that you can execute repeatedly, and feel good about the results.

To develop your own golf swing, it will take practice and training both on and off the golf course. Take some time to build your body off the course through a golf specific fitness training and conditioning program, and then get onto the course to develop your own proper swing by practicing the fundamentals of golf until they are second nature. Anything you do in life, your overall attitude and expectations of yourself, will ultimately determine your enjoyment of the game. View each golf swing, water hazard, hook and slice as another opportunity to improve. Remember, great players are not born; they work at becoming a great player through training and practice.

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Why An Early Break Is So Important In Golf

Why An Early Break Is So Important In Golf

Article by Gerald Mason

Whenever we go to a golf tournament and see a really good player hit the ball, we receive two vivid impressions. The first is how far the ball goes with seemingly so little effort. The second is of a certain measured cadence in the upward and downward movement of the club. Both are accurate impressions.

Now if we happen to be on the practice tee, where we can watch this player hit shot after shot, we will notice two other things. One is that he swings all his clubs at about the same speed; he doesn’t seem to hit the 3 wood any harder than he hits the 7 iron. The second thing we notice, when we let our gaze wander to other players practicing, is that while most of them are deliberate, there are differences in their swinging speeds.

Timing is the answer to the first accomplishment–the long hit with little effort. Rhythm produces the measured cadence in the upward and downward movement of the club. And the differences we notice in swinging speed among other players are differences in tempo.

The hands will take over soon enough, as an automatic, reflex action. The problem is to keep them out while still keeping them moving. If we keep them out while our body moves the club from the top, our timing will be far better

Yet the ball still flies out much farther than it should, for the effort the player seems to be putting into it. This is very marked in the graceful players of smaller stature, such as Gene Littler, 1961 National Open champion, and Dow Finsterwald, former National PGA champion.


The answer to the effort-distance puzzle being timing, just what is timing? For one thing, it is a word that has been used more loosely, perhaps, than any other in golf literature. We have been blandly told that we should work to improve our timing, that our timing is off, that without good timing we cannot hope to play well. But there, having given the word the once-over-lightly treatment, the oracles have left us. They have never adequately explained timing or told us what we should do to improve ours. Our private guess is that they don’t know themselves what it is.

A dictionary will tell you that timing is: “The regulating of the speed of a motion, stroke, or blow, so that it reaches its maximum at the correct moment.” In golf, obviously, this would mean regulating the speed of the club head so as to cause it to reach its maximum as it hits the ball.

The key phrase is “regulating of the speed.” The better the speed is regulated, the better the timing; the poorer the regulation, the poorer the timing. It is here that at least 95 per cent of all golfers have their worst trouble.

They have it because the regulation of the speed depends not on how the club head is manipulated by the hands but on how and when other parts of the swinging system operate: the hips, the shoulders, the arms, the hands. If these move in the right way and in the right order, they will automatically regulate the speed of the club head so that it reaches its maximum as it hits the ball. It is, in effect, a chain reaction of movement, with the club head getting the final effect.

The reason the vast majority of golfers have such trouble timing a shot satisfactorily is that, subconsciously or consciously, they try to regulate the speed of the club head directly with their hands, without using the intermediary links of the hips, shoulders, and arms. When they do this they get an early but never very great reaction, in terms of speed, from the club head. This is the old familiar “hitting too soon” or “hitting from the top.” When the intermediary links are used and the chain reaction is allowed to take its course, there is a late reaction by the club head, which then accelerates to great speed at impact. There is a common expression to describe the player who uses the chain reaction: “He waits on the club.” It may not be grammatical but it is descriptive.

What this all comes down to is, the expression of good timing is the late hit. The expression of poor timing is the early hit. We have already, in previous chapters, explained the moves that produce the late hit and the early hit. Here, as we discuss timing, we isolate one key move that leads to good or improved timing. It is this: Let the body not the hands start moving the club on the downswing.

Once you can do this you are on the road to vastly better golf. You will have the feeling that you are starting down with arms and club close to the body close to the axis where they should be at this time.

So much has been written over the years about the importance of the hands in swinging the club, that many of us are entirely too hand conscious. A standing vote of thanks is due Bill Casper for stating, in a description of his swing as it reached the hitting position: “At this point my body is still swinging the club.” Many of us have been sure of that for years, but Casper, to our knowledge, was the first of the top tournament pros with the courage to say it.

Nearly all good players will give us impressions of timing and rhythm. The more graceful the player, the more vivid the impression will be. Sam Snead, among the moderns, is the perfect example. Among the giants of the past, Bob Jones’s swing was once called the “poetry of motion,” and the late Macdonald Smith was probably the most effortless swinger who ever played the game. The players of today swing harder at the ball than did their predecessors, with the result that theirs is more of a hitting than a swinging action.

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The Most Important Golf Equipment That All New Golfers Should Have

The Most Important Golf Equipment That All New Golfers Should Have

Article by Edward Meyer

Most new golfers go on an unnecessary spending spree. Certain pieces of golf equipment will help you get your game off on the right foot. But not every product advertised on television or in infomercials will help improve your game. Most of these products will only hurt your wallet, not help your game. When you first start playing, you’re better off focusing on a few key pieces of equipment and saving the more advanced gadgets for later.

The first thing you need to invest in is a good driver. The primary thing you should know is there happen to be some “specialty” drivers out there, which aren’t exactly PGA sanctioned. Depending on where you are and what your goals as a golfer may be this might not be a problem for you. Different people have different needs when it comes to drivers. In general, drivers with flexible shafts provide greater distance but less control. If you have problems with hooks, slices, or rogue balls you might prefer sacrificing distance for added control by using a steel shafted driver.

You should also spend some time to look at the most comfortable shaft length for you to use before you buy also. This will take some trial and error to figure out what the ideal length is, on the contrary it will be time well spend when it comes to having lesser back pain after 18-holes.

Ball markers are also important pieces of golf equipment to have. This is especially important if you play with a group. These markers are used to mark where your ball stopped on the green and won’t interfere with the play of the others in your group. Golf etiquette dictates that the person farthest from the hole plays first. The play of the others in your group could be disrupted by your ball if a marker is not used on the green. It is important to have this inexpensive equipment when playing in a group.

You will need to invest in a decent divot tool, as well. It won’t help your game play but golf is a gentleman’s sport. Golf etiquette states that you should repair any damage done to the green so as not to impair subsequent players with nicks and clumps you’ve left behind.

When buying starter golf equipment, start small. You can add more expensive pieces as you learn the game more and work on building a set that will help you accomplish your goals on the course. Follow these tips to get the most value for your money when you first begin golfing.

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Edward’s websites: Sun Country Airlines, Viking Airlines, VirginTrain and MAS Airlines Online Booking.

Important Facts About Beginning Golf Equipment

Important Facts About Beginning Golf Equipment

Article by Edward Meyer

Most beginning golfers go immediately on an unnecessary spending spree. It is essential to have certain pieces of equipment so you can get your game off on the right foot. But not every product advertised on television or in infomercials will help improve your game. More often than not these pieces of equipment will do little to help your game and a lot to hurt your wallet. You’re better off focusing on a few key pieces of golf equipment and saving the advanced gadgets for later.

The first thing that you should devote your money toward is a nice driver. The first thing you need to be aware of is that there are some “specialty” drivers which aren’t quite certified by the PGA. In keeping with where you are and what your aspirations are as a golfer, it’s possible this is not a snag for you. Everyone has his or her own needs when it comes to driver. Most of the time drivers with flexible shafts permit for more distance although less power. If you have problems with hooks, slices, or rogue balls you might prefer sacrificing distance for added control by using a steel shafted driver.

You should also take a bit of time to delve into the most comfortable shaft length for you to utilize prior to spending money also. This will take some trying out to discover the greatest length, although it will be time spent well when it comes to not having as much back pain after 18-holes.

Having ball markers is also important.They are especially important if you’re playing in a group. You will use these markers to mark where your ball stopped on the green without interfering with the play of the others in your group. Golf etiquette states that the person whose ball is furthest from the hole plays first. So without a ball marker to mark your ball’s spot, it could interfere with the play of the other balls on the green. When playing with a group, it is incredibly important to have ball markers and they’re not expensive.

Finally invest in a solid set of beginner’s golf clubs. You don’t want to invest in the priciest set of clubs you can find when you’re first learning the game. When learning the game, you don’t know if you need steel shafts or flexible shafts. You don’t know what height is best for you. As a beginner, you’re not ready to decide if a pair of gloves or new clubs will help you gain more control and get better distance. Many beginning golfers will be tempted by the many pieces of golf equipment available. This sport offers all kinds of bright and distracting gadgets for players to choose from.

When you take your time and buy only the pieces of golf equipment you absolutely need as a beginner then you can build up your inventory as you become more proficient at the game and more serious about playing. You’ll be ready to move to the next level in no time if you start with these basics.

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Edward’s websites: Caribbean Cruises 2013, Caribbean Cruises 2014, Caribbean Cruises 2015 and Cruises From Galveston.