Trust After Cheating – How to Put Your Trust in the Right Place

Trust After Cheating – How to Put Your Trust in the Right Place

Article by TW Jackson

The hardest part about the aftermath of cheating in a marriage, for many people, is learning how to trust again after cheating. Trust after cheating is in short supply. It’s hard to recover quickly from a blow like that and many people are afraid to put their trust in the person who has hurt them so terribly in the past. Have you ever thought that perhaps you need to figure out how to put your trust in the right place instead?

The honest truth is that it’s hard to just put your heart and your trust back in the hands of the person who hurt you and leave it there. For this reason, many people are unable to save their marriages. But, what if you could put your trust somewhere else while the relationship is in the rebuilding phase? What if you could place your trust in yourself and your ability to put the past behind you and move forward instead?

It’s not exactly easy to trust yourself after you’ve been cheated on but for many women in your shoes it is easier to trust yourself than to trust the man who hurt you.

Here’s what you need to do to trust yourself after you’ve been cheated on so that you can give your marriage another chance.

1) Forgive yourself. It’s hard. Most women blame themselves for their husband’s cheating. It was not your fault. He made a decision that is hurtful to you. He knew what the consequences of his choice could be. It’s not something that’s easy to do. There is no sudden epiphany of understanding and acceptance. It’s a choice you must make and it will take a little time to accomplish. Let yourself off the hook for his actions and accept the responsibility for your own.

2) Embrace hope. Don’t shy away from it. You should be hopeful about your future and your marriage. It may take more than a few instances of forcing yourself to accept and embrace that hope before it begins to feel as natural as it should but once you do you’ll both be happier as a result.

3) Work with your husband to solve the problems in your relationship rather than turning to every one you meet on the street, friends, and family members. When you look within the marriage to solve the problems and work together on solving them you’ll both feel better about your prospects in the future.

Now is the perfect time for you to make positive decisions about your future and even get your ex back if that is what you want.

About the Author

Cheating is only the end of your marriage if you turn your back and allow it to be. If that’s not the choice for you then you can’t afford to miss out on this free video: that will help you pick up the pieces of your broken marriage and build a better marriage than ever before.

My Golfing Life As A Hooker!

My Golfing Life As A Hooker!

Article by David Lee

This is a warning to all wannabe golfer’s,go down this path with your golf game i can guarantee you will live a life of pain and anguish,sorry i don’t mean to start on a negative note but the fact is it’s true.

Basically throughout my golfing career i have been a hooker,how or more importantly why it started i can’t explain.It certainly wasn’t intentional.When i first started hooking it was by no means every shot,the honest truth was that it just crept up on me,over days, weeks, and even months,the problem being it just gets worse to the point that almost every shot hangs towards the left,and not just a tiny bit either,oh no we are talking 90 degrees to the left my golf shots were making a circle look tame.

I spent a majority of my days in trees searching for lost balls,my friends didn’t want to play golf with me(i didn’t blame them to be honest)I can remember this day so clearly,the dreaded day i discovered i ran out of golf balls only during a round i hasten to add!.Talk about embarrassing.

I decided that i was long overdue in receiving professional help,i walked off the course that afternoon,and spoke to the pro in the clubhouse.He advised me that he had already heard about my problem,mmnn my so called friends had talked to him the previous day to find out if it was infectious of all things!.

However i began to cheer up after talking to the pro because there is a cure.Keap reading and i will elaborate


Hitting the ball with a closed clubface, causing shots to curve (sometimes dramatically) to the left.


Ascertain your own grip,when gripping the club the Vs in each hand need to point over your right shoulder,if they are pointing further to the right your grip is way too strong,this will cause a closed face which will cause a ‘hook’ at impact-when your hands come back to their normal position.

You may find that your grip is good but you are still hooking,if this is you then weaken your grip by gradually moving both hands to the left.Your stance is very important so make certain your feet,knees,hips and shoulders are all parallel to your target line.

Another major cause of ‘hooking’ is the position of the ball itself having it too far back can produce an excessive in-to-out swingpath,to rectify this grip the club more in the palm of your hand,rather than your fingers,this will reduce the action in your wrists and premature closing of the clubface.

Always make sure that your left wrist joint isn’t to loosened up at the moment of impact,if this is the case your right wrist will take charge and consequently the clubface will close too early.Onto your downswing now,the action should always begin with your legs and body.This stops your wrists unhinging and closing the clubface too soon.

Can you see that this problem is curable folks?Well ok maybe not TOTALLY curable,after many years it still happens to me on occasions.But at least i don’t have to spend my golfing days stuck up a tree looking for lost balls,i am quite happy with my new title-The Happy Occasional Hooker!.

About the Author

Thank you for reading this article i appreciate your valuable name is David Lee,and i write articles on golf and how to improve your skill and confidence.To learn more about improving your golf game through the use of online tutorials and dvd lessons please