How to Cure a Slice With a Fade

How to Cure a Slice With a Fade

Most golfers believe that you have to draw the ball to be a good player.  However, some of the best players ever moved the ball left to right.  Guys like Hogan, Trevino and Nicklaus all played a fade.  So if you are trying to cure a slice you might want to consider turning into a fade instead of a draw.


Curing a slice with a fade is actually easier to do because you are already hitting the ball left to right.  You just need to get it under control.


The best way to approach this is to leverage some of the things you are already doing but fine tune them. There are just a few factors that create a fade.  From a physics standpoint a fade occurs when the clubface is only slightly open relative to the path of the clubhead.  If you are slicing the clubface is very open relative to the face. 



Let’s start with your grip.  The left hand should be on top of the shaft with at least one knuckle, (possibly two) showing.  Then fit your right hand to the left with the thumb of your left hand resting comfortably in the palm of your right hand.  You don’t want to have too strong of a grip or you will start hooking the ball. 


When you are trying to cure a slice and learning to play a fade this should feel close to your usual group.  Your grip will probably be a little stronger than usual but not a whole lot stronger.   Practice taking this grip over and over away from the driving range and golf course to make it feel natural.  When your grip reverts to its old form, and it will, just turn it over a little stronger to the right.



Since you are trying to cure a slice you already set up aimed to the left.  But you are aimed too far left.  So for starters take your normal aiming position and then turn everything a little more to the right.  Get your feet, hips and most importantly shoulders turned more to the right.  If moving all of these feels too awkward you can try leaving your feet and hips pointed where they are now but square up your shoulders more.  Your shoulders are the biggest determinant of the clubhead path.  Try and get your shoulders square. 



Here is the good news.  If you’ve followed the steps above you will still be able to swing a little out to in.  This should produce a gentle fade.  Many instructors will tell you to hit a fade by swinging from the inside but with a slightly open face.  However, the reality is that most slicers can’t easily change their swing path from outside-in to inside-out.  So let’s assume you’re still going to be a little out to in.  Make certain the grip is just strong enough to turn the slice into a fade. 


Here is another tip that may be different than what you are used to hearing.  If you are trying to cure your slice with a fade and you start hitting it left, then go at it a little harder with your body.  Yes, I said swing a little harder.  The reason is, if you swing a little harder with your legs and shoulders the clubhead will not be able to catch up so the ball will start to fade right again instead of going straight left.  


However, if you are still slicing the ball too much then swing a little easier.  Give the clubhead a chance to catch up with your body and swing past center.  This will get you squared up and producing the gentle fade you want.  . 


To cure the slice swing problems, start practicing with a middle iron.  Swing easy, you will be amazed how far you hit it.  If you normally hit a 6-iron 150 yards try and hit it only 130 yards.  Try and quiet down your lower body and swing your arms more.  If the ball starts going left instead of fading then swing a little more aggressively as we talked about above.  Once you’ve mastered this you will be able to play on any course with a controlled fade.

Bob Charles has worked in the Golf Industry for over 13 years and walked inside the ropes at many PGA Tour events. This experience gives him a unique insider’s perspective on the game of golf. To see how other golfers are learning how to cure a slice with a fade go to

How to Fix a Slice

How to Fix a Slice

Article by Mick Euan Tait

If you want to fix a slice that is really making your golfing experience miserable, then read on. There is an easy way to fix a slice that doesn’t involve spending a fortune on professional golf lessons. You don’t have to buy the latest anti-slice golf clubs or expensive swing training aid either.

It amazes me that many golfers struggle for years trying to fix a slice on their own, or worse, they continue playing with their slice without trying to do anything about it. I know all about it; as a youngster I had a terrible slice and I tried everything to try and fix it – on my own.

Back then, there wasn’t the easy access to information as there is today, so I took several golf lessons with my Grandfathers club pro and managed to hit a golf ball straight down the middle of the fairway. I don’t know how much it cost my Grandfather, but you don’t have to go down the same road.

There are several eBooks on the internet that can show you very quickly and easily how to fix a slice. I have just finished reviewing the latest guide called “Instant Golf Slice Cure” by Dave Moore.

With the information in “The Dave Way”, you really can correct a slice quickly. Just by implementing what you read in his book combined with only one visit to the driving range will cure your slice – and it only costs you less than the price of one golf lesson.

The great thing about Dave’s system is that there are only 4 easy steps that you add to your existing swing. They work with your actual grip, stance, and posture, so there is no difficult learning curve. Once you learn the 4 easy steps, just go down to the range and put into practice what you learned. Within minutes you will see positive results.

It is amazing, but when you learn how to fix a slice and know that when you step up to the ball that you are about to hit the ball straight, you loose the tension that has probably being affecting your game. With the loss of tension, your confidence levels will rise, turning you into a fearless golfer.

Once you are able to hit a golf ball straight, you will be able to dramatically lower your score. Golfers that have used Dave’s system have reported up to 30 yards increase in distance – just by straightening out your slice. Once you can correct a slice and hit straight shots, your accuracy will obviously improve and also your consistency.

Dave is offering you his guide with a total guarantee so you have nothing to loose in trying it out. You get an 8 week money back guarantee if you can not cure your slice using The Dave Way steps and drills. He is also offering a valuable bonus – with your purchase of “The Dave Way” Dave will personally give you an open line of communication to ask all kinds of questions pertaining to your swing and golf game. Other customers have found this resource extremely useful as they have been able to ask Dave about all manners of the golf game and they also get more motivated to continue lowering their score.

Knowing how frustrating a consistent slice problem can be, I would recommend that you check out the Instant Golf Slice Cure by Dave Moore right now. Tomorrow you could be on the range or course hitting balls straight and far.

About the Author

Mick Euan Tait is the webmaster of Online Golf Tips where you will find Golf Tips for Beginners and free golf tips to improve your game.

Golfing Lessons To Strengthen Your Stroke

It is just a great view to look at golfers do swinging movements at their golf clubs smoothly and allow the ball to soar and rotate beautifully in the air. If you have just started out playing golf, one important thing you may seriously have to pay attention to in practicing is your golf swing movement.

Acquiring golf lessons will enable you to practice your swing form with pro advice. Using the correct grip is important in the game of golf. To be able to strengthen your golf swing movement, you can easily use a few tips which are taught in golfing lessons.

It is vital to build up your forehand power. This includes the paired strength provided by your wrists and forearms. With this forehand strength, you’ll be able to improve the right golf grip. To enable you to build up your forehand strength, you can apply a few exercises with your golf club. Golf lessons will allow you to do this again and again until eventually you perfect it. The workout is simply to move your club around using your wrists. This can additionally help you with your proper grip so you will be able to make better shots.

Taking golf lessons will in addition give you a chance to build the strength in your palms. Perhaps the most common misunderstanding is that controlling a club must be mostly using your palms. This is incorrect, for it does not offer you enough mobility to maneuver your wrists, which in effect lessens the power of your swing. For that reason, the proper way would be to carry the golf club with a bit more with your fingers than your palms. This gives you a superior grip and an improved chance to carry out longer shots.

Also, it is critical to make sure the pressure in your grip is only halfway in strength. If there is tightness in the muscles, it is going to result in a slower hit and a shot with a shorter distance. If perhaps you might have smaller hands or weaker wrists, you can make up for it by using a grip just like holding a baseball, with all your fingers grasping around the golf club. However, for those who have extra large hands, you may opt for a Vardon or overlapping grip. Many expert golf players take advantage of this. It permits you to use your fingers for your golf club grip.

It is very helpful to receive a golf lesson from a expert trainer if you wish to boost your abilities in golf, particularly with your swing movement. Now armed with a few tips on strengthening your golf swing, you can now visit the greens and give it a try.

Lower Your Golf Score – Tips to Drive the Golf Ball Straight

How to Drive a Golf Ball Straight

It’s a given that every golfer wants to know how to drive a golf ball straight. The challenge is the driver is one of the most difficult clubs to master. A simple rule of thumb is the longer the club, the harder it is to use properly. But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to learn how to drive a golf ball straight; you’ll just need a few tips and some consistent practice.

The very best shot off the tee is one that does not impart a lot of backspin to the ball, travels low, and has enough power to add yards by rolling once it lands. If you can achieve all of these elements, your game will improve significantly.

One of the first steps to learning how to drive a golf ball straight

– is understanding the importance of leverage throughout the entire swing. To achieve proper leverage, keep your head behind the golf ball from address to impact.

The second most important issue is that distance comes more from club head speed than arm strength. Golfers who try to muscle their way through the shot will almost always end up with a poorly hit ball. It is the hips and legs that generate speed and power, so use them.

hit golf ball straightOther clubs may be somewhat flexible when it comes to swing path, but not the driver. As you begin your back swing, keep the swing plane low (or shallow).

Another factor to keep in mind when learning how to drive a golf ball straight is to have your hands lead the club head at impact. This is what people mean when they say to “let your wrists break”.

A common mistake some golfers make is to try to suddenly stop their swing once they hit the ball. To avoid that, let your arms and body move all the way through the swing, including the follow through.

Another key to learning how to drive a golf ball straight

– is to not grip the club too tightly. Concentrate on whipping the golf ball with the club rather than chopping at it.

If you have a tendency to slice the ball, try slowing your downswing. You may be coming down too fast or too hard, causing you to come out of the proper swing path. Another tip for avoiding the slice is to examine your grip. If you cannot see two or three knuckles when looking down at your grip, you are setting yourself up for a slice.

This same grip tip applies to those who hook the ball. If you look down at your grip and see more than two or three knuckles, your grip is going to change at impact and cause a severe hook.

One last tip for learning how to drive a golf ball straight is to make sure you are not pulling or pushing the ball. This can happen whether you are coming off the tee or hitting off the fairway.

You can tell if you are pushing or pulling the ball by looking at the divot that’s left behind. If the divot is pointing to the left or right of your target line, your body is not properly aligned.

Try implementing some of these tips and see if your game improves. Remember, the best tip for learning how to drive a golf ball straight is to keep at it.  One other thing is keeping your back muscles loose and from fatiguing.  One product that can help is AMR-7 arthritis and muscle pain relief gel by Performance Health, LLC.

Improve Your Golf Score by 5 Strokes with these Chipping Tips

All golfers know the short game is important. Here are some great golf chipping tips to help you improve your short game.

Let’s begin with the disclaimer that there are many types of chips you can make when you get close to the green. In other words, there is no single approved method for getting the ball closer to the hole. The effectiveness of your chipping will depend on the lie you have, the length of the grass, how far you are from the hole, and the condition of the green.

Let’s start our golf chipping tips with a standard chip. This shot is played when you are close to green but not on it. Generally, you play it with either your nine-iron or any wedge you are comfortable using. The rule of thumb is that a good chip will fly about 1/3 of the way to the cup and then roll the rest of the way. This shot should be played in the center of your stance with your hands well ahead of the ball and the club face square.

Repetition is key to better golf chipping shots

As we proceed with our golf chipping tips, we’ll take a look at the soft shot. This type of shot allows the ball to fly farther and land softly close tohow to chip better (and hopefully rolling into) the cup. The most common club used for a soft chip shot is the lob wedge, but the sand wedge can also be used.

For the soft shot, you should address the ball with your club face open a bit. Play the ball forward and keep your hands behind it during the swing. It is imperative that you learn to accelerate the club head for this shot. When performed correctly, the ball will fly high for a short distance and then land softly and roll just a little.

If there is a lot of green between you and the hole, you might try the low chip shot. This shot is normally done with a mid-iron, such as the six- or seven-iron. You must play the ball toward the back of your stance to get the descending type of impact you need. Again, keep your hands ahead of the club head and the club face square to the target.

This shot creates the most roll once the ball lands on the green, and is good to use when you can aim right at the hole but are worried about going too far past it. This can occur if a sand trap or water hazard is close to the rear side of the hole.

Practice make perfect and improve your score with golf chipping skills

Above all, the best golf chipping tip you can get is to practice by regularly using all of your chip clubs, from mid-irons to wedges. Each requires its own setup and swing, and the only way to master all of these options is to get to the range and put them to work.

Start with the standard shot and move on to the soft shot, the two shots you will use the most on any given day. Once you have this mastered, move on to the low shot. This may take more time to learn than the others, but it is well worth the investment.

By putting these golf chipping tips to work for you, you can begin to master your short game and achieve a lower score, time after time. Be patient, and keep practicing.

Your Golf Swing Starts with the Back Swing – Learn to Perfect It

Ready to perfect your golf back swing? You’ve come to the right place.

better back swing tipsThere is no reason your takeaway phase of the swing has to be complicated or difficult. We’ve compiled some golf back swing tips that cover the most important aspects and can be put into action right now.  These tips are are great for any age.  We have taught these tips to young golfers just starting out but it works for any age and any level of play.

Of the many golf back swing tips you will hear or read about, one is crucial. To make a successful shot, you have to play the ball correctly in your stance. Every shot you make has a proper ball position, and you should learn these as soon as possible.

When you take stance, make sure your hands are gripping the club properly. Most players use a neutral grip, neither too weak nor too strong. Do not choke the club too tightly—strive for a firm grip.

Another important golf back swing tip is to put a little flex in your knees. This allows your hips, which are the power behind every shot, to turn fully.

Keep both arms straight as you bring the club back. This promotes a constant distance between the club head and your hands. If you start bending your arms too early, the distance will shorten and will need to be corrected before impact. This can be prevented by keeping both arms straight during the first part of the takeaway.

When the club and your hands are about waist high, your right arm must bend at the elbow. As you start your takeaway motion, try not to allow your hands to rotate. This will achieve a wide arc as you bring the club back.

Swing speed is key to distance, however, back swing should be slow and easy

As your hands get to waist level, you should also turn your upper body and shoulders. Continue this motion until the club is at the top of your back swing. This coiling action generates the energy needed at impact. Many players have trouble mastering the skill of turning the hips until the top is reached. If that is true for you, try some flexibility exercises for your hips, legs, and shoulders.

Another effective golf back swing tip is to know where your “top” is. The top of the swing differs from one person to the next. Some players are able to bring the club well past parallel at the top, while others cannot make it all the way up. No matter where you fall on that scale, it is important to get the maximum height possible, as this will greatly increase the club head speed on the way down.

The last tip involves the transition that leads into the downswing. Avoid jerking the club; maintain smooth movements and initiate the downward swing with your hips, not your hands.

The first part of the overall swing is vital, because it sets up all subsequent movements.

If you find that you are missing a lot of shots, keep these golf back swing tips in mind. Often, a missed shot can be caused by something that went wrong in the first part of the swing. If possible, have an experienced golfer watch you as you do a few slow motion swings. This is the fastest and more effective way to pinpoint and resolve a problem.

For additional golf tips to lower your score read golf chipping and pitching tips.

Putting Drills – Lowers Your Golf Score

Developing putting drills that work is one of the fastest ways to lower your score. Many golfers lose a significant number of strokes once they get onto the green. By utilizing putting drills, you can learn to get the ball into the hole in fewer strokes.

Any seasoned golfer will tell you that the short game can be stroke-hungry, and that what happens on the green can wreak havoc on an otherwise good score. 3-putts, 4-putts, and even 5-putts are more common than you might think—but there is good news. Putting drills can dramatically help golfers hone their skills on the green, resulting in fewer total strokes.

When it comes to putting drills, spend time concentrating on the three essentials:

  • Keeping the face square
  • Maintaining a smooth swing
  • Achieving distance control

Keeping the Face Square – putting drill:

If you are in the habit of hitting the ball with your blade open or closed, try this:

Place a ball on the practice green and put a tee in the ground about twelve inches behind the ball. Put a silver coin on the ground about six inches in front of the ball. Bring your putter back until it taps the tee and then swing it forward, watching to ensure that the face stays square as it passes over the coin.

Maintaining a Smooth Swing

Putting drills should have a specific purpose and specific goal. With this next tip, you can learn to swing the club smoothly, which is key to maintaining your tempo and striking the ball solidly.

Again, place a ball on the practice green and stick a tee into the ground about 12 inches behind the ball. Bring the club back until it just barely nicks the tee and then immediately go into your fore-swing.

Keep your arms moving in a pendulum fashion and keep your hands still.

Achieving distance control – putting drill:

One of the most crucial putting drills is learning distance control. The only way to master distance control is through your own touch or feel. Nothing else can replace hands-on practice time when it comes to honing your skills on the green.

There are dozens of practice exercises for distance control, but one of the best is to simply stake out five tees, four feet apart, with the last tee being 20 feet away. Then, concentrate on getting the ball to each of the tees consistently.

If the ball rolls a few inches past the tee, that’s fine. What you don’t want to see is the ball stopping short of or rolling well beyond the target tee.

Notice that you are not aiming at a flag or a cup with this exercise, as this could distract you and cause you to focus more on accuracy than distance. While it’s true that distance and accuracy must work together, there are times when they should not be learned together.

These are only a few of the many putting drills that are available from golf pros and golfing websites. To master your skill on the green, you will need to invest time and energy. Learn to read the green and how to lag a putt, but most of all, learn to love putting drills. They really do work.

For more tips on lowering your score read this post on how to  learn to hit the golf ball straight.

Golf Short Game Tips – Chipping Practice Lowers Golf Scores

All golfers know the short game is important. Here are some great golf chipping tips to help you improve your short game.

Let’s begin with the disclaimer that there are many types of chips you can make when you get close to the green. In other words, there is no single approved method for getting the ball closer to the hole. The effectiveness of your chipping will depend on the lie you have, the length of the grass, how far you are from the hole, and the condition of the green.

Short Game Practice Drills for Chipping and Pitching:

This shot is played when you are close to green but not on it.  Generally, you play it with either your nine-iron or any wedge you are comfortable using. The rule of thumb is that a good chip will fly about 1/3 of the way to the cup and then roll the rest of the way. This shot should be played in the center of your stance with your hands well ahead of the ball and the club face square.

As we proceed with our golf chipping tips, we’ll take a look at the soft shot. This type of shot allows the ball to fly farther and land softly close to (and hopefully rolling into) the cup. The most common club used for a soft chip shot is the lob wedge, but the sand wedge can also be used.

For the soft shot, you should address the ball with your club face open a bit. Play the ball forward and keep your hands behind it during the swing. It is imperative that you learn to accelerate the club head for this shot. When performed correctly, the ball will fly high for a short distance and then land softly and roll just a little.

When to hit a high chip shot or a low chip shot in your short game:

If there is a lot of green between you and the hole, you might try the low chip shot. This shot is normally done with a mid-iron, such as the six- or seven-iron. You must play the ball toward the back of your stance to get the descending type of impact you need. Again, keep your hands ahead of the club head and the club face square to the target.

This shot creates the most roll once the ball lands on the green, and is good  to use when you can aim right at the hole but are worried about going too far past it. This can occur if a sand trap or water hazard is close to the rear side of the hole.

Above all, the best golf chipping tip you can get is to practice by regularly using  all of your chip clubs, from mid-irons to wedges. Each requires its own setup and swing, and the only way to master all of these options is to get to the range and put them to work.

Start with the standard shot and move on to the soft shot, the two shots you will use the most on any given day. Once you have these mastered, move on to the low shot. This may take more time to learn than the others, but it is well worth the investment.

By putting these golf chipping tips to work for you, you can begin to master your short game and achieve a lower score, time after time. Be patient, and keep practicing.

Want to add yards to every golf shot, read this post.

Process to Correcting a Slice – Golf Slice Swing Correction Tips

Like any golf strategy, correcting a slice is a process. By working your way through the possible culprits, you will eventually find the cause of your problem. Here are some time-tested tips on correcting a slice.

Although there are countless issues that can lead to slicing the ball, some are more common than others. One of the most frequent causes happens during address.

Most golfers prefer a square stance at address, where the feet, hips, and shoulders are in line with the target. If you move your left foot too far forward, the club face is likely to open at impact and the ball will fly to the right. The left foot should be directly under the left shoulder.

The same holds true for the shoulders and hips. If they are not square, the ball will not fly straight and true.

Your Grip is Key in Correcting a Slice:

The next step is correcting the grip. Many newer players grasp the club too tightly, which can cause the club head to open as it strikes the ball. Again, this will make the ball fly to the right. If the grip is too loose, the head will wobble at impact and that, too, can lead to slicing or hooking.

Along with tightness, your grip on the club should be neutral. Check your grip by looking down at it. You should be able to see two or three of your left-hand knuckles. If you cannot see any knuckles at all, this is a sign of an improper grip. As your hands come back into the hitting zone, they will rotate to a neutral position, causing the face to open.

Rotate your hands—not the club, just your hands—until you see a couple of knuckles. Try hitting a few balls using this new grip. Keep in mind that minor adjustments to your grip can go a long way. Keep working at it until you discover the right position for you. Once you have it, remember it!

Tempo, Do this and Correct Your Slice:

When correcting a slice, swing tempo is important. Many golfers have a tendency to try to use their arms as their power source to get some extra yards, but this almost never works. Once they get to the top of their backswing, they allow their hands to take over and lead the downswing. As the hands come down, with everything else following, the club face will almost undoubtedly open.

From start to finish, your swing should be smooth and relaxed. Avoid the temptation to jerk the club once you get to the top of your back swing. Let your hips start the downswing and everything else will follow.

Take a Look at Your Divot, Learn to Notice a Slice Divot:

Another useful tip to correct your slice is to look at your divot. If your divot is pointing too far to the right, this may be your problem. Again, check your posture at address and make sure your feet, hips, and shoulders are in line with the target.

Above all, correcting a slice is a matter of finding the one or two things you are doing wrong and fixing them. This, of course, takes time and patience. If you work through the possible causes, you will eventually find the solution, and your enjoyment of the game will soar to new levels.

More tips on hitting the ball straight in this post.

Golf Swing Lessons, Tips & Instruction – Cure Your Golf Slice

Cure Your Golf Slice Golf Swing Lessons, Tips & Instruction – Cure Your Golf Slice Learn how to cure your golf slice and how to hit golf shots straight more consistently. Most golfers have a problem with slicing the golf ball. The golf slice is the biggest problem amateur golfers have. In this video Golf Instructor, Jaacob Bowden will give you 5 different ways in how to cure your golf slice and hit more consistent golf shots. Leave a COMMENT if this video was of help to your golf game.

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