Several Very Simple Guidelines To Fix Golf Slice Issues

Several Very Simple Guidelines To Fix Golf Slice Issues

Reducing handicap is nearly always the aim of folks who are interested in golf. The golf slice is one area that frequently causes complications for such individuals. It’s a regular problem and there are a variety of things that can be the cause of it. The advice shared in this article can help you correct your slice and start elevating your scores right away.

Your consistency may be influenced dramatically by merely locating the golf ball back or forward in a player’s stance by just a couple of inches. Ideally you should line-up with the golf ball so the golf ball is about two inches to the inside of your left heel (for right handers). An outside to inside swing path, which usually is a culprit of the golf slice, is often encouraged by a stance where the golf ball is too far forward. Opposite of that scenario, a stance where the golf ball is too far back makes it tough to close the clubface on time which may result in a push slice. A repeatable swing that is precise and slice free can be achieved by establishing a consistent position in your stance.

Your hands should not be turned too far to the left on the golf club. The face of the club may be square to the golf ball at the outset, but this grip causes the club to rotate during your swing. Notice the “V’s” which are made between your thumbs and your index fingers. For the usual slicer these will point toward the leading shoulder at address. However, the “V’s” will point toward the right shoulder when implementing proper grip.

A great number of golfers unknowingly make a mistake as soon as they begin their swing. They will rotate the club clockwise with their hands upon takeaway. This causes the clubface to open on impact, even though it may feel right. The clubface should “open” during your backswing, however this should actually be as a result of rotation of your shoulders and your torso. Your hands shouldn’t be what causes it.

The correction for this is to simply grip your club making zero effort to twist your hands. Here is a simple way to see if you’re doing this right: At the top of your backswing the wrist on your glove hand must be perfectly flat.

Many players think that when they slice the ball, it can be merely adjusted by moving left for righties and to the right for left handers. They are wrong on this idea. You are not miss-hitting the golf ball due to where you’re standing; you are miss-hitting as a consequence of the place on the face of the club you are coming into contact with the ball and what direction the golf club is moving in.

You are going to slice the golf ball even worse if you shift your stance off target to compensate for your golf slice. As opposed to facing off target, make time to work on your swing and be sure you’re striking the golf ball squarely while being lined up with the target. This will correct golf slice issues that come from overcompensation.

Don’t let slicing negatively affect your scores and take away from your game. Utilize recommendations such as the ones above to correct your slicing problems and improve your all around game. You will be able to create a straight shot which reaches your planned target every time if you take time to ensure that your form is implemented the right way.

There is also a free site about golf slicing over at There you will find video tutorials, drills and a variety of tricks that will help you remedy your slice and start shaving strokes off your game today.

Learn About Buying Golf Clubs For Kids

Learn About Buying Golf Clubs For Kids

So you think your child is the next Tiger Woods or Michelle Wie? Or maybe you simply wish to share the game of golf with your child? Either way, getting kids started in golf can be confusing even for the seasoned golfer, especially when it comes time for buying clubs for kids.

Buying golf clubs for kids is not what it used to be. Gone are the days of buying an adult set and simply cutting down the length. Adult clubs have heavy shafts and heads that will make it even harder for your child to enjoy the game. Any good set of golf clubs for kids will have lightweight heads, light and flexible shafts, and smaller grips, all of which will help your child make better contact and get the ball airborne more easily.

Before buying golf clubs for kids that come in an entire set, it is advisable to see if your child is truly interested in pursuing the game. Golf can be a difficult and frustrating game. It is widely held in the golf industry that for every adult taking up the game, there is another who quits in frustration. A good way to judge your child’s interest before buying golf clubs for kids is to start with one or two clubs. Unlike adult clubs, buying golf clubs for kids means you can frequently buy them individually as well as in sets. For a small investment you can purchase a single iron club (like a seven iron), and a putter, and then head off to the local practice green or pitch-and-putt course.

Once you feel confident that your child is interested and committed to learning golf, then it is time to consider buying golf clubs for kids that come in a full set. However, unlike a typical set of fourteen clubs found in the golf bags of most adults, buying golf clubs for kids in a set does not need to be so extensive. Depending on the age and strength of your child, the ideal set of golf clubs for kids could be as small as three clubs. (A high lofted fairway wood, seven iron, and a putter are ideal for a young child). As your child continues to grow in size and strength, they will need to add additional clubs to their ideal set of golf clubs for kids.

Remember, as your child grows they will grow out of their clubs just as they grow out of their clothes. Buying golf clubs for kids that are a properly fitted set is imperative if you want your child to have the proper equipment, so be prepared for buying new golf clubs for kids every one to two years.

Whether buying golf clubs for kids that are individual or one of the complete sets of golf clubs for kids that come with a golf bag, the important thing is to share the game you love with your child by providing them with equipment that will help them get the most from their experience.

For easy to understand, in depth information about golf visit our ezGuide 2 Golf.

Read About Professional Golf

Read About Professional Golf

As with any other sport golf also does have a professional level. The difference between playing professional golf and amateur golf, however, can be a very fine line. There are a lot of amateur golfers that can score at the professional level, however, they are unable to do it consistently and often miss out on the tournaments that can qualify them to get on the tour.

Nonetheless, it is a dream of many golfers to play professional golf one day and make a living doing something that they truly, truly love. Your office is the course, and your co-workers are people who love the game just as much as you do. You share common interests at the professional level of golf and it can be a very satisfying career. But isn’t that obvious?

Qualifying to play professional golf is another story altogether. The field is very competitive and it can be extremely difficult to break through. Some people try their whole lives to qualify and always come up short. It takes a lot of practice, a lot of dedication, and an ability to take a lot of disappointment to play professional golf, so know what you’re in for!

To get started playing professional golf, you will first have to qualify for “Q School” or Qualifying School. Q Schools are annual qualifying tournament for leading golf tours like the PGA and the LPGA. In Q School, a fixed number of players win membership to the tour for the following season. In professional golf, this is referred to as your “tour card”. You will then be able to play in most of the tour’s events without having to qualify.

Getting through the Q school is very competitive and most professional golfers never achieve it. There can be up to four stages to negotiate each of them like a regular golf tournament with only a small number of players going on to the next state. The final qualifying school may be played over up to six rounds compared with the standard four rounds in a professional golf tournament. However, players who are successful at Q school can reach the elite level of competition very quickly.

You can also qualify to play professional golf in other ways. Finishing near the top of the money list on the tour’s developmental tour, winning a tournament on the tour after qualifying or as a sponsor’s invitee, or winning enough money on multiple events on the tour to meet whatever criteria the tour may lay down for promotion to full membership. This last one was how Tiger Woods gained his first tour card.

Playing professional golf is not an easy career to pursue, but it is a great way to make a living! Persistence, patience, and a great game of golf can all get you on your way to playing professional golf, but be realistic and know that it will take time.

Learn about pictures of putting and golf terms at the Putting Tips site.

Golf Swing Techniques-5 Tips How to Cure a Slice in Golf

Golf Swing Techniques-5 Tips How to Cure a Slice in Golf

Before you get into golf swing techniques in any meaningful way you will need to learn how to cure a slice in golf. Because your slice will cost you miles in distance in the course of a year’s golf.

Here are 5 tips to help you get rid of your slice..
Tip1-Strengthen Your Grip
This is the simplest way to get rid of your slice and it simply involves turning both hands more to the right (if you are right handed) on the grip of the club so that the vees formed by your thumb and forefinger are pointing to or outside your right shoulder.

Tip 2-Sort our your set up
Make sure that your shoulders are not open at set up. Ensure that they are square or even slightly close initially until you lose your slice because open shoulders will cause a downswing that causes you to cut across the ball at impact which will have you slicing all day.

Tip 3-Tilt Your Spine Angle to the right at set up.
This will promote an approach to the ball from the inside, not the outside which will encourage a draw shot.

Tip 4-Favour your right side in terms of weight distribution at set up
This will ensure that you are not hanging on your left side in the takeaway which encourages a reverse pivot and a steep approach to the ball through impact.

Tip 5-Release your forearms through impact
This involves a good free release through impact with the right forearm crossing over the left through impact and on into the follow through.

So before you get too bogged down in golf swing techniques, learn how to cure a slice in golf and these tips will have you hitting raking draws in no time.

For FREE golf tips, instruction, video, golf software, golf equipment and DVD stop by

purepoint Golf Video Lessons – A Simple Tip on How to Fix Your Slice

A couple simple tips to help you try to fix your slice.

Golf Review Sites

    Golf Swing Lessons, Tips & Instruction – Cure Your Golf Slice

    Cure Your Golf Slice Golf Swing Lessons, Tips & Instruction – Cure Your Golf Slice Learn how to cure your golf slice and how to hit golf shots straight more consistently. Most golfers have a problem with slicing the golf ball. The golf slice is the biggest problem amateur golfers have. In this video Golf Instructor, Jaacob Bowden will give you 5 different ways in how to cure your golf slice and hit more consistent golf shots. Leave a COMMENT if this video was of help to your golf game.

    Golf Review Sites

    The Golf Fix: Fix Your Slice

    Michael Breed shows how to hit “through the door” to fix your slice. Watch the Golf Fix Mondays at 7 pm ET on Golf Channel. For more help with your game, visit

    Golf Review Sites

    Golf Tips, Lessons, Instruction, & Drills – Fix Your Slice

    BPS golf instructor Steve Bishop discusses a simple way to eliminate the outside to in path and produce a proper release just by getting to your finish properly.

    Golf Review Sites

    GOLF TIP fix your slice-golf video

    Another great video golf tip from the National Golf Academy.  I found this video and was amazed how it helped.  I found that I was having a little slice when I went out and played last week.  It was the first time to get out and play for a few months.  I demoed this a new Ping driver also.  I love the Ping drivers because they naturally cure a slice.  G15 Draw

    Golf Review Sites

    Golf Review Sites