Onlinegolf118 Reviews

Onlinegolf118 Reviews

Article by Liza

The tee shot is the ego shot in golf. Learning how to drive a golf ball far is way up on the list for most beginning golfers. The only problem is most amateur and beginner golfers drive it way shorter than they want to, because their golf swing technique is not proper to encourage longer golf drives.

Have proper equipment. Today’s equipment and balls are not necessarily tailored for 7 – 8 degree drivers. That is a thing of the past. Getting the ball up in the air on a good trajectory is the first step to driving the ball longer. Many touring pros regularly use 9 and 10 degree drivers and drive the ball 300 plus yards. Plus, you will get much more consistency with a more lofted driver.

Golf Ball Position Forward

To promote maximum launch angle you need an ascending blow on the golf ball. Positioning it up in your stance, just inside your left heel will make it much easier to hit “up on the ball”. Choosing the right golf clubs is important to driver golf ball, I just buy golf clubs online, such as the onlinegolf118. Com. As a super golf clubs discount store, the store owns all kinds of golf clubs store and other golf accessories. You can find any style or brand of golf clubs store you want on our website, such as TaylorMade golf drivers, Callaway golf irons, Titleist wedges, etc. No matter you are a beginner or you are a skilled golfer, you can get the best discount golf clubs which match your individual body shape and level on this golf clubs store. When I first go to this online golf store and I read the onlinegolf118 review and find this is a good online store to buy clubs.

Strengthen Your Golf Grip

One very effective way to quickly improve driving distance is to have a proper golf grip. The preference is a strong one so you can rotate the clubface over through impact encouraging a draw and more yards when it hits the ground.

That’s just a few simple golf tips to get you on the right track to hitting your golf drives long and straight.

About the Author

The tee shot is the ego shot in golf. Learning how to drive a golf ball far is way up on the list for most beginning golfers.

Improve Your Golf Game with These Easy Tips

Improve Your Golf Game with These Easy Tips

Article by WA Market

It’s never easy asking for help, but in golf, it is almost a necessity. Unfortunately, we often ask our friends and partners, when in reality we should take a lesson or two.

We think that a Pro would critique harshly, but they are honest, positive and very helpful.Lessons at the local course aren’t as expensive as you might think and they are worth it because your game will improve rapidly and cause you less frustration, making the game much more enjoyable for you.

Of utmost importance, is being honest about your game. The Pro will ask you what you want to start with; driving, chipping, putting or whatever you feel you need help improving.

Listen carefully and follow the instructions. You may have doubts if the Pro changes your stance, your grip or your swing; the Pro knows best. Don’t hesitate to ask questions. Don’t worry about if the question or concern in stupid-they’ve heard it all before and will not make you feel like an idiot for asking. If you don’t “get it”, tell him/her that you’re not getting it. You should never walk away from a lesson with unanswered questions.

You can concentrate on one thing during a lesson, or several. You might start with a lesson in driving; get the right grip, the right stance, the right swing, the right follow-through in one lesson, and then practice it. Next time, you might work on your short game, or putting.

You’ve invested in the equipment, doesn’t it make sense to learn how to use them to their advantage and improve your abilities?

Other than hiring expensive tutors, golf pros use many other tricks in order to improve their game. Rigorous and regular practice is, of course, an obvious tactic.

However, most pros will also exploit their golf accessories in many which ways. If you do the same, it will help improve your game and reduce your handicap as well.

Many pros will attach golf weights to the ends of their clubs. Then they practice their slow swings with the additional weights. This offers 3 distinct benefits –

One, they can quickly develop the correct set of muscles due to the additional resistance.

Second, the extra weights add some zing to their regular training and helps in boosting motivation levels. This in turn, allows the pros to come to the greens and practice regularly, without fail.

And third, it allows them to use the lighter clubs with greater power and accuracy so that their long shots cover a respectable distance with unerring precision.

Pros will also invest a bit of money in another critical accessory – a putting green. This allows them to practice everyday, often, twice a day.

They also prefer using the same putter and same balls that they might use on the golfing green for better control. Pros also watch other pros putting and swinging.

So feel free to rent, buy, download, or borrow instructional DVDs. If you watch other pros then it might help you develop better swings which might help shave a few critical points off your total score.

Must-Have Golf Accessories That Leave You Drooling

Here is a quick check-list of the “It” golf accessories that are must-haves. See if you have them in your golf cart, and if you don’t, put them right on top of your shopping list for golf accessories.

For rookies who keep losing their balls or golfers who cannot keep track of the balls they have hit, this is a god-send. People buy different types and brands of glasses that can keep the golf ball outlined against the grass.

These glasses remove light emitting from non-ball objects so that the only visible object in your line of vision is the errant ball.

Putting greens that throw balls your way and provide inputs on your strokes are must-haves with serious golfers. You may have thought that tees have become as sophisticated as possible but a new version is out these days. This tee comes with a top surface that is made from a brush-like material. This prevents the tee from being ripped out or damaged because your club merely brushes past it instead of impacting it hard.

And the hi-tech golfers all use the scorekeeper which looks a bit like the GameBoy but it keeps score and does all the mathematical calculations for them.

And how about a golf wristwatch which displays your handicap And ever thought about re-using your golf balls by cleaning them professionally with a golf ball cleanser

Is your head already spinning and your mouth drooling Well, keep drooling because there are probably more sophisticated golf accessories hitting the market even as you read this article…

Easy ways to take your game to the next level!

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Trying to make the world a better place for current and future generations.

Click Here to improve your golf game!

PGA Golf Swing Drill for Accuracy

PGA Golf Swing Drill for Accuracy

Suitable golf drills are a great way to accelerate your golf game, ingrain the fundamentals of your golf swing and correct swing faults. Though there are lots of free golf drills you can incorporate into your golf practice routines, not every golf drill would be suitable for you. Do you want to get some PGA golf swing drills to improve your accuracy?


All of us know that it is not easy to find great golf swing drills. Here are a few tried and true golf drills recommended by top PGA teaching pros that are highly beneficial for all elements of your swing. I would like to talk some free PGA golf swing drills for your power and accuracy in this article, if you want to know much more golf information or golf tips, you may read this funny article – Get Power Golf Swing as Tiger.




Now, you could learn to develop a wide arc through the golf ball to increase ball striking, accuracy and power. All of us may know that to kick a golf game golf ball correctly, with maximum compression, a golfer must extend the arms correctly through impact into the follow through. If you follow my suggestions, you should have a good time while hitting the ball by your Ping K15. Do you agree with me?


No matter what much a player needs to swing through the golf ball to the target, in the event that the golf club is usually coming down on the wrong line, the only way to save the shot is usually by introducing excessive hand action at impact.


A tip to help correct slicing is to see how centered you can hit the ball with your club and how low you can keep the ball. If the ball flies too high, it can get caught up in the wind and can go left or right on rough ground. If a golfer is certainly keen to increase their extension through the golf ball, for more electrical power and accuracy, they should first improve their swing path at impact.


Once the golf swing path of the club is certainly more neutral and not coming too far from the inside or outside, it will be possible to start working on extension through the ball. This could best be done by using the following drill.


This drill coordinates the move normally and creates effective smooth acceleration. At first it will be challenging to toss the golf ball forward any distance, yet with practice players are able to sling the golf ball by the Mizuno MX300 efficiently towards the target. Thank you for reading my article, you could read some other articles in my blog.


If you want to know much more information or jokes, you may read this funny article – Swing Power Is Easy When You Try My Tips at which is a golf clubs for sale store online.


Golf Tips – Reading the Green

Golf Tips – Reading the Green

Reading the green in golf can be the difference between winning and losing, and needs careful attention if your going to get anywhere in your golfing life. To put it simply, reading the green is an attempt to visualize or guess the path that the golf ball will take once you hit it, and getting this part of the game right will almost always result in a better putting experience.
Learn to read the green correctly and your game will quickly improve.

Here are a few green reading tips:

Although there are many things to consider when attempting to read the green, the two key areas you mainly need to focus on are the speed of the green, and the line you need to take. A good golf tip to remember is that the faster you hit your ball, the less the slope or gradient of the green is going to affect your putt, and vise versa. So for example, if you have a long putt, the breaks in the green are going to have less impact on your golf putt because longer putts need to generate more speed in order to get to the target.


Remember to read the green from all possible angles. Even as you approach the green there may still be something you can see that you may not be able to close up. Reading the green from further away will usually give you a better idea of what to expect from your golf putt.

When possible, try reading your putt from a lower level. Viewing the green from a lower level will give you a better idea of which way the green will break.

In order to be a consistent putter, it is important to be able to judge the speed of the green. This is where the weather can play a big part in the game. For instance, on a rainy day the green is going to absorb moisture making the putting green slower than usual. But on a hot day the greens are going to be dry, making them a lot harder, resulting in a much faster green.

Another thing to take in to account is the length of the grass on the green. Longer grass will usually reduce the speed of your putt and can even have an impact on the direction.

Adding these simple green reading tips to your game can make a big difference to your putting game, and will hopefully give you a better idea of how to read the green correctly.

If you want to learn more about golf, visit and get access to a variety of Golf Articles, Golf Ebooks and an Online Golf Shop where you can browse through a wide range of great Golf Equipment and Merchandise.

Turning Your Slice Into A Draw Now

Turning Your Slice Into A Draw Now

Article by Jack Moorehouse

If you’ve ever tried to correct a slice, you know how hard it is to do it. You’ve probably taken golf lessons. Read golf tips. And consulted trusted friends with low golf handicaps. You’ve tried everything you can think of but nothing’s worked. You still hit a slice. Frustration sets in after awhile and you back off. But you haven’t given up. You’d still want to correct your slice.

The problem here isn’t the sources you’ve consulted. It’s the messages they carry. All too often these sources tell you why you slice, but not how to correct it. While knowing why you slice is nice, it doesn’t help correct it. Nor does it help you cut strokes from your golf handicap. What you need is golf tips on how to correct a slice. Below are six key golf tips on turning your slice into a draw.

Starts At Address

Turning your slice into a draw starts at address. Golfers fighting a slice tend to lean away from the ball. It’s a natural reaction. But it makes your slice worse. At address, your weight should be balanced in every direction. It also should be evenly distributed over both feet and proportionally on the balls and heels of your feet. This position prepares you to make a good golf swing.

Tilt Away From The Target

Also, tilt your shoulders away from the target at address as well. This lowers your back shoulder, which is key. Golfers struggling with a slice tend to invert their shoulders at address. This causes them to swipe down on the ball with a forward shoulder that’s lower than the rear one. Instead, tilt your shoulders away from the target. It helps you hit the ball straighter, higher and farther.

Check your Alignment

Aiming your shoulders left of the target (right, if you’re a lefty) encourages a swing that cuts across the ball from outside to inside. Aiming your shoulders right of the target forces your upper body to over-rotate or even come too much inside during the swing. A good way to align yourself is to aim the clubface at the target, draw an imaginary line from the target to the clubface, and position your shoulders parallel to the line.

Flatten The Wrists

It’s critical that your left wrist (right for southpaws) remain flat at the top of the backswing, which avoids rotating the clubface too far open. With a flat left wrist, the clubface remains square or closed at the top of the swing. In this position, the back of your gloved hand is flat with your forearm and both hands above the back shoulder at the top. This position prevents the ball from veering off right (or left) at impact. Move Inside Out

To draw the ball, your swing must move inside out. Thus, you must swing below your shoulders. If your hands get above your shoulders or out in front of them, you’ll come over the top and hit either a double-crossed hook or a big slice. Which you hit depends on whether the clubface is closed or open. Also, you can move your head forward on the downswing. But not so far forward that your head gets out in front of the ball. Keep your head behind the ball.

Rotate Your Arms

If you’re a slicer, you probably don’t rotate your hands properly on the downswing. The way to square a clubface at impact is to continually close it through the downswing. If you stop closing the clubface and start sliding, the face will open and you’ll slice more. As you make the backswing, concentrate on rolling your clubface open. Then, as begin your downswing, roll your hands over and straight out in front of you as they cross your sternum.

Extend Your Arms

Extending your arms after impact closes the clubface and prevents a slice-inducing swing at impact. Extending the arms also encourages the rest of the body to continue turning-a necessary ingredient to hitting a draw. After impact, the ungloved hand should be on top of the gloved hand. Remind yourself to extend your arms during your swing.

Turning a slice into a draw isn’t easy. It won’t come in a day. It takes practice and hard work to do it. But if you follow the golf tips explained above, you can turn your slice into a draw. That in turn will increase your distance and accuracy off the tee and help you trim that golf handicap down to size.

About the Author

Jack Moorehouse is the author of the best-selling book How To Break 80 And Shoot Like The Pros. He is NOT a golf pro, rather a working man that has helped thousands of golfers from all seven continents lower their handicap immediately. Free weekly newsletter available with the latest golf tips, lessons and instructions.

May Golfing Suggestion on the internet Help Your Game

May Golfing Suggestion on the internet Help Your Game

The playing golf idea online can help you save hours from the plan, but tend to it truly aid your own sport? With more and more people getting Internet connections, golfers are converging on World Wide Web assured to find tips, strategies as well as total golf performance applications in order to save their particular golf performance.

There are numerous worries with having a golfing tip on the internet and hoping it’ll be the particular gold topic to your online game. Usually consider the source of this golf tip. In the event you study a write-up such as this callaway x-22 irons, or perhaps discover some resource on the internet, ensure that you browse the resource box in the bottom want to know.

Usually article or source could have a mini-bio of the individual who published the information using a url to possibly the website or even some kind of in-depth explanation of that the individual is as well as what their own credentials are usually.

Any golf player it doesn’t matter what remarkable ability or even certifications may publish the golfing idea on the web by way of website, website or even write-up. On the net this can be rampant! There are many so-called gurus than in the past. Every golf player probably provides a few beneficial info they must provide, but when they’re not qualified take, they ought to probably ensure that it stays for his or her personal game.


Using the Internet turning out to be more of the pay-for-content vehicle, there are numerous competent those who are placing beneficial playing golf tips online, along with reviews, and even complete regular membership web sites such as my own site that’s been on the web for over Several years now. Since that time, I have seen many counterfeit web sites and merchandise, which is a single huge problem with the net.

Internet users were not sure just what reports, and also regular membership websites will be the many legitimate and original in structure and also usefulness. I’m usually cautious along with reading virtually any golf tip on the internet till I completely check out the particular person powering the product. Just how long have they been in their profession? What successes have they helped create? And if you can individually speak to several people who have purchased and taken advantage of their products?

In researching these items and also programs, examine every one of the duplicate on the site. You will study several pretty amazing stuff that’s difficult to consume. These statements appear impossible when you examine how long they will be in the net and the way numerous so-called golf players they have assisted. Simply do some mathematics and you also will find that these amounts are most likely?

That harsh truth together with any playing golf idea on the internet is if it will in reality aid your online game. Whether or not this will, you will probably notify some other golfing pals regarding it and the website and enterprise will probably be productive simply from word-of-mouth.

Anyone or enterprise providing playing golf tips on the web should be callaway diablo. You need to be easily capable of finding their particular make contact with details, which includes telephone number. After I answer my personal telephone, people are surprised! I inquire further exactly why, and so they point out they will didn’t believe there was a real individual at the rear of it.

In which is a sad circumstance in which exhibits the particular disbelief regarding web traffic. When you have to appear hard for the contact details, I would not really advice making use of or purchasing any kind of playing golf ideas or perhaps programs online. We wear not want to prevent an individual, but simply perform a little groundwork when looking for the playing golf suggestion on the internet.

I’m a golf enthusiast, I’v been in this field for just 2 years, I like golf very much, so I have learn a lot of skills from others. I hope more people love this great game and improve their skills with discount golf clubs and some little suggestions from my articles.

Golf tips: Putting drills to improve your game

Golf tips: Putting drills to improve your game

Article by Enjoymygolftwo

To improve in any area in discount golf clubs , one must practice consistently. This is no different for putting. To putt better you must practice on fundamentals, which include green reading and developing a sense of feel for the golf green. If you are not putting as well as you would like, I would recommend doing two things. First, try out different types of putting grip styles. For instance, try out the claw grip or a grip with the left hand farthest away from you (for a right handed golfer). Second, you may want to consider getting a new putter. Along with doing these, try out a few putting drills as well. Here are a few simple putting drills for you to practice.

The Circle Drill

This drill is very popular amongst discount golf clubs professionals such as Phil Mickelson. To do this putting drill, you will need about five or six golf balls. Set each ball about three or four feet from the whole, in the shape of a circle around the hole itself. Try to make ten in a row before you stop. This drill will improve your putting in two ways. First, it will improve your short putting. Many amateurs seem to have trouble in this area. Instead of giving yourself five foot gimmies, why not actually make the putt instead? By doing this drill it will also improve your confidence in making numerous putts.

The Line Drill

This drill is great for those wanting to improve upon their distance putts. For this drill, you will need about four or five golf balls. Set up a “line” of putts, one behind the other. The balls should be about five feet apart. So for instance, one ball would be placed five feet from the hole, the next ball would be placed 10 feet from the hole, and so on. All of the balls would be on the same line to the hole. By having the balls on the same line, you will know how much the putt will break, thus allowing you to focus on your distance control Callaway RAZR X Irons.

The Head Drill

Are your putts never going along the line you intended them to go? It may be due to your head moving before you follow through on the putt. To fix this problem try what I call the head drill. When you putt the ball simply keep your head down the entire time. Do not look up at all. This is a very simple drill to do that can improve your putting stroke.

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About the Author

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Top 3 Golf Grip Tips – To Improve Performance and Help Fix Common Faults

Top 3 Golf Grip Tips – To Improve Performance and Help Fix Common Faults

One of the most important elements of your set-up is how you hold the golf club – the grip.

Get the grip right and you are well on your way to playing some great golf shots. We are all looking to improve our game every time we go out onto the course, whether it`s trying to get more distance off the tee, eliminating a slice, or ridding ourselves of the dreaded snap-hook.

Here are my top three golf grip tips to make fine adjustments to help with the most common problems.

Grip the club lightly for more club head speed

Club head speed has a direct significance on the distance we gain. To achieve the greatest club head speed, you need to grip the club as lightly as possible , without it flying from your hands! This is why we wear a glove – to enable us to grip lightly on the club, yet still retain control of it. On a scale of 1-10, if 10 were the tightest you could grip the club, we are looking at maybe 2-3 for a light grip

Use a weaker grip to help prevent hook shots

If your ball is curving to the left, this is known as a hook shot. You need to move your hands around the clubs` grip to the left (anti-clockwise), this is known as a weak grip. Make these adjustments in small increments until you get the desired effect. If you have your grip as weak as possible, and you are still hooking, try this;- grip the club more tightly, on our 1-10 scale try 4-5. Gripping the club tightly makes your arms swing slightly slower and the club head will take longer to release – in normal circumstances this would encourage a slice, but it should fix your hook.

Use a stronger grip to help prevent a slice

If your ball is curving to the right, this is known as a slice. You need to move your hands around the clubs` grip to the right (clockwise), this is known as a strong grip. Again, make these adjustments in small increments until you get the desired effect. If you have your grip as strong as possible, and you are still slicing, then you need to grip the club as lightly as possible, 1-2 on our scale.

This will let your arms swing quicker, the club head will release faster and, in effect, encourage a hook – which should straighten-up your slice.

I hope that you found these golf grip tips useful and informative, and that they go some way to helping your golf game.

Enjoy your golf.

I hope you found this article interesting and informative. Get more articles and info about golf putting tips. You can also visit How to get the correct golf swing for hints, tips and advice on everything golf.

Golf Tips: 5 Golf Tips From PGA Pros

Golf Tips: 5 Golf Tips From PGA Pros

You can find golf tips absolutely everywhere. You can find them all over the internet, on TV as well as from many of your buddies. The trick is finding golf tips for a qualified source. A good bet is to stick with the Top 100 teachers or a local PGA Member.

These golf instructors are training in how to teach the game of golf and must be tested in order to teach with the PGA of America.

Here are 5 golf tips from PGA Professionals that will help you improve your game:

1. I want to start these golf tips by de-bunking a few myths first. Keep your head down and keep your eye on the ball at all times is what all of us have heard in old school golf tips. With your left arm locked and your chin on your chest your chest, you are not ready to make any type of athletic move. What is that gal’s name? Oh yeah, Annika seemed to do okay (number one in the world and inducted into the LPGA Hall of Fame while she was still playing) and it was demonstrated at every single time she was on TV.

2. Balance is an overlooked part of the golf swing. You must be in balance at address or else you will need to manipulate the golf club during the swing. If you begin the swing out of balance, you are making swinging the golf club more difficult than it really is. To find your balance, take your stance and simply feel your weight go back and forth between your toes and your heels until you find your center. Once your center is found you may need to move closer or farther away from the golf ball with your feet.

3. The best way to find your alignment is by the line created by the tops of your thighs. This is much easier to monitor than you shoulders or your feet. Using the tops of your thighs allows you to align your base correctly with your target line.

4. Golfers usually make the mistake of trying to take the club to the top of their swing. The challenge is that with your spine being bent over, you do not need to take the club up. You need to take the golf club back or away from the target and not up. Taking the golf club up, will result in you becoming out of balance and taking the golf club too far back.

5. Staying on the theme of balance, once you are in your finish position, you should be able to hold your finish without wiggling on your feet or being so out of balance that your feet move.

Again, you can find golf tips anywhere on the internet, on TV or your buddies usually full of information. You need to make sure that you are receiving and implementing good information into your golf swing. Reading or watching golf tips from the top instructors or from a PGA Professional is your best bet to get good information and improve your golf swing.

Max Johnson of VGS Golf Learn more about Online Golf Lessons. Read more on Golf Tips.

How Good Can Your Putting Get?

How Good Can Your Putting Get?

Article by Jack Moorehouse

Copyright (c) 2007 Jack Moorehouse

Anyone who’s taken my golf lessons or read my golf tips knows how important I consider putting. Since about 30 percent of your shots during a match are putts, improving your putting is among the fastest ways of lowering your scores and cutting your golf handicap down to size. Improving your putting takes practice. But the question remains, how good can your putting get?

Two factors hamper putting accuracy. First, despite the most intensive care, greens are still natural lawns. They’ll never have flawless surfaces, like those of billiard tables, which means you can execute a putt perfectly and the ball can still miss the hole by a wide margin. Because of these imperfections (or in the ball itself), putts don’t always go in the direction you aim.

Second, even when the shot is off, you can’t see from the course of the ball what went wrong. You could have angled the club to the left or the right at impact. You could have moved the putter during the stroke. Or, you could have mis-hit the ball at impact. Whatever the reason, you don’t get sufficient feedback, so it’s hard improving your putting while practicing. Taking golf lessons helps, but it ‘s not enough.

How Good Can You Get?Thanks to these two factors your ability to sink putts-and lower your golf handicap-is limited. To test just how good a player can get at putting, experts conducted tests on well-kept greens using special equipment, designed to roll balls in the same direction and at the same speed every time. The experts used this equipment on numerous greens and from all sides of the pin, and were able to determine the maximum success rate from 12 feet (3.5 meters).

Most golfers would guess that the success rate was about 70 to 80 percent. No so. The maximum success rate is only 50 percent. That’s right, 50 percent. That means that from 12 feet (3.5 meters) a player can hit a ball perfectly every time and still sink only half of his or her putts. Even the pros’ statistics at this distance might surprise you. Results of research conducted by statisticians of the USPGA show that the average pro, under tour conditions, sinks only about 20 percent of his putts from 12 feet (3.5 meters) with the first shot.

Since most golfers think they don’t sink as many putts as they should, many alter their putting technique again and again to increase accuracy-which I see all the time with players taking my golf lessons. Thus, these players constantly readjust and make changes in how they putt. This approach promises little success and is completely unnecessary. It’s a major cause of the constant dissatisfaction of many players.

Improving Your PuttingGiven the above scenario, what can you do to improve your putting in addition to practicing more? Develop a good solid per-shot putting routine and use it every time you putt. If you saw the 2007 U.S. Women’s Open the other week, you saw a classic example of this. Before sinking an easy 2-foot putt for the title, Cristie Kerr executed her compete pre-shot putting routine, even though she was 2 shots ahead.

While everyone’s pre-shot putting routine will be different, they all should include the following six elements:

1. Take your last reading from behind the ball2. Hit your practice shots at this point3. Go to the ball/Align your putter4. Align your body at right angles to the putter’s face5. Take a last look from the head of the putter to the target6. Activate your “triggering mechanism” before stroking the ball.

Within these six elements, there’s room for variation. Some players like to practice while standing behind the ball. Others like to practice while standing beside the ball. Some players like to lift the club off the ground as a triggering mechanism. Others like to use the “forward press.” It doesn’t matter. When developing a pre-shot putting routine, find out what works for you and us it.

Always follow the steps of your pre-shot routine in the same order. Stay in motion, even though these movements are imperceptible. And never come to a complete stop before the shot. It gives you too much time to think about the putt. Finally, make sure no repetitions exist in the routine and that your subconscious always know where you are in the routine. Use this routine every time you putt and you may find yourself not only improving your putting, but also your cutting your golf handicap down to size.

About the Author

Jack Moorehouse is the author of the best-selling book “How To Break 80 And Shoot Like The Pros.” He is NOT a golf pro, rather a working man that has helped thousands of golfers from all seven continents lower their handicap immediately. He has a free weekly newsletter with the latest golf tips, golf lessons and golf instruction.