How To Play Well Like Tiger

How To Play Well Like Tiger

Tiger Woods golf skill is advanced, until now nobody can surpass him. He has special ability to hit greens from the rough, most of fans explains that he has power. Frankly speaking, the key to hitting greens from off the fairway like Tiger does is to think like Tiger, and to plan your strategy from the tee box, not from your second shot. golf clubs for sale for you.


Stand on the tee and get a good sense of the hole. What you’re looking for here are good miss spots.


If it’s a dogleg left and there are trees on the left, move your target from the center of the fairway to the point between the center of the fairway and the right rough (opposite if the dogleg is reversed). If you miss left, you’re still in the fairway and have a good shot into the green. If you miss right you’re in the rough, but still have an open shot (what you wouldn’t have if you aimed for the center of the fairway and missed left).You can take Callaway X-20 Irons 3-9PS to try.


Don’t assume you need an extra club or two to reach the green because there’s grass behind the ball. For any club other than wedges, you’ll generate the same distance as if you were hitting from the fairway, but the ball will carry less and roll more. This means you have to change your aim (so the ball doesn’t roll into trouble) and forget about flying the shot all the way to the pin. Tiger hits greens from the rough because he makes the safest play that gets him on the putting surface.

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