Article by BIVO

Embarrassing. I am a prideful person and a carrying husband. However, when it comes to sleep I saw logs that would make a lumberjack proud and often times I wake my wife up in the middle of the night. Sometimes I snore so loud, I wake myself up. If I go to bed before my wife, she will not be able to get to sleep so I stay up way too late to make sure she gets to sleep before me. I am always tired the next day. More often then not, we don’t go to bed at the same time anymore which is no fun at all. I will not travel with my friends and stay in the same room for I know that my nightly cattle call will keep them up all night and thus I will have a dearth of friends. I actually turned down a golf outing and camping trip because the gaggle wanted to stay in one tent. I was embarrassed for sure. I have tried nose strips and over the counter solutions that say they stop snoring – no luck for me! Surgery is too expensive and a breathing machine (CPAP) will assuredly work but I don’t want to be hooked up to a machine every night. Does this sound familiar?

A good friend of mine inquired why I had been so tired so I shared that I just get too little sleep because of my snoring issues so he suggested that I gander the book Stop Your Snoring Naturally (here is the link)

He says that the information in the book has done wonders for him and I am hoping for the same results for me. As the site intonates, “You Spend Over A 1/3 of Your Life Sleeping, Shouldn’t You Get The Most From It?” Amen!!

Here are Five Key Benefits from No Longer Snoring:1) Say “Goodbye” to sleepless nights where you’re constantly woken up by your partner in the middle of the night! 2) Travel without worry! Ever traveled with a friend and got a separate hotel room just because you know you snore too loud, I know I have.3) Wake up feeling energized, healthy and ready to take on the day! No longer will you start wearing down in the afternoon because of a dearth of sleep. You will be refreshed throughout the day.4) Sleep apnea can be the cause of your high blood pressure and your doctor would never know! 5) Go to bed at the same time as your spouse without fear of you falling asleep before they do and thus keeping them up all night!

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The best clothes for a golf outing found online

The best clothes for a golf outing found online

Article by Carl Liver

Golf is such a picturesque sport, such a physical, hands-on event that few think about golf and online activities. Except for that putting game you play when the boss isn’t around, but that’s different. And while outside in the sunshine and elements is the best way to think about golf, when you are looking for golf clothing, the best place to look is online.One reason to look online for golf shirts or golf gloves is the selection. At a brick and mortar golf store, most of the space is devoted to the golf clubs. Those are their biggest sellers after all and they devote most of their space to those drivers, putters and wedges. This leaves them little room for the apparel that is also important in the game. An online stockist will not have such limitations. He can provide as much space as necessary and still carry more than enough shirts and gloves to meet your needs.

Another reason for the online destination for your golf clothing is price. Most golf stores are located in shops with a thin margin for profit. Since they must squeeze every pound out of the space they occupy, they must charge the greatest mark-up for all their products. The accessories are no exception. However, in an online store, there are no such margins and mark-ups necessary. They are free to charge less because they can.

Some may be wary of an online stockist for golf shirts or golf gloves because fit is everything, especially with the gloves. However, a good online retailer will make returns easy and painless. Once you have found an online golf shop that can fit you right and gives you a great price, you know you can stick with that gentleman for future purchases.Most golfers love the idea of standing in the store, a club in their hand and imagining that perfect shot. While that is nice, there are other considerations when purchasing the clothing that will accompany your next perfect day and perfect game. Get the clubs at the store and get your clothing at the online stockist.

About the Author

Carl Liver – For all Information of our clothing visit us when you can look at our Golf Clothing as well as Golf shirts