How Golf Instructors Can Benefit From A Good Launch Monitor

How Golf Instructors Can Benefit From A Good Launch Monitor

Article by Joe Maldonado

Copyright (c) 2011 Joe Maldonado

You can significantly increase revenue by investing in a good launch monitor. It is now more important than ever to have an edge over your competitors.

By getting one of these monitors, you will be able to give your students a good starting point. These are numbers that your students can use to base their level of improvement on at a later date.

You can also use these monitors as a way to determine whether or not the student is using the equipment that is best suited for them. Sometimes it is good to have a monitor so that you do not have to be the one to tell somebody that they are using the wrong equipment. This makes it easier to get people to the point where they are using equipment that is better suited to their needs.

When your students use a launch monitor, they will have a chance to get better at their short game. They can practice control and distance with a process known as gapping. You will probably only use this for your most skilled players, however it may just surprise you which students will be able to improve their game with this approach. They can use both their drivers and their irons to work on improving the way that they control their distance shots as well as their level of consistency.

You can additionally take advantage of the monitor when giving lessons on the course. There are a few different ways in which this may be beneficial. They will now have a better idea when it comes to the distance, so they will be able to have a more intelligent decision making process when it comes to course management. Plus, when you are on the golf course everything can change regarding the swing. Unfortunately, your student may become tired as well which will vary things significantly.

If you have one of the better monitors, your student will have the advantage of being able to keep track of the club head all the way through the point of impact. This will help them become more efficient at actually being able to hit the ball. Plus when they are able to hit the ball, the hit will become more solid, and they will get better at using each of the clubs.

Everyone wants to make more money. This includes golf instructors as well as the golf clubs themselves. So therefore, everyone is looking for ways to bring in more income, and these monitors can surely help. We are all growing more dependent upon technology, so it is just a natural part of our daily lives. This is more apparent in our recreational affairs than anywhere else in our lives. Think of how many more sales there will be once a customer has a machine that will tell them which club is best suited to them. It is actually a win-win situation, as acquiring a good launch monitor will not only be beneficial to the customers, but it will also add to your bank account.

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Next, find out more about Launch Monitor now!

Golf Tips: 5 Golf Tips From PGA Pros

Golf Tips: 5 Golf Tips From PGA Pros

You can find golf tips absolutely everywhere. You can find them all over the internet, on TV as well as from many of your buddies. The trick is finding golf tips for a qualified source. A good bet is to stick with the Top 100 teachers or a local PGA Member.

These golf instructors are training in how to teach the game of golf and must be tested in order to teach with the PGA of America.

Here are 5 golf tips from PGA Professionals that will help you improve your game:

1. I want to start these golf tips by de-bunking a few myths first. Keep your head down and keep your eye on the ball at all times is what all of us have heard in old school golf tips. With your left arm locked and your chin on your chest your chest, you are not ready to make any type of athletic move. What is that gal’s name? Oh yeah, Annika seemed to do okay (number one in the world and inducted into the LPGA Hall of Fame while she was still playing) and it was demonstrated at every single time she was on TV.

2. Balance is an overlooked part of the golf swing. You must be in balance at address or else you will need to manipulate the golf club during the swing. If you begin the swing out of balance, you are making swinging the golf club more difficult than it really is. To find your balance, take your stance and simply feel your weight go back and forth between your toes and your heels until you find your center. Once your center is found you may need to move closer or farther away from the golf ball with your feet.

3. The best way to find your alignment is by the line created by the tops of your thighs. This is much easier to monitor than you shoulders or your feet. Using the tops of your thighs allows you to align your base correctly with your target line.

4. Golfers usually make the mistake of trying to take the club to the top of their swing. The challenge is that with your spine being bent over, you do not need to take the club up. You need to take the golf club back or away from the target and not up. Taking the golf club up, will result in you becoming out of balance and taking the golf club too far back.

5. Staying on the theme of balance, once you are in your finish position, you should be able to hold your finish without wiggling on your feet or being so out of balance that your feet move.

Again, you can find golf tips anywhere on the internet, on TV or your buddies usually full of information. You need to make sure that you are receiving and implementing good information into your golf swing. Reading or watching golf tips from the top instructors or from a PGA Professional is your best bet to get good information and improve your golf swing.

Max Johnson of VGS Golf Learn more about Online Golf Lessons. Read more on Golf Tips.

Simple Golf Swing Review

Simple Golf Swing Review

Article by Mike Mancini

Golf is a fun game and it’s a funny game. How so? Well, it’s a fun game because you are challenged constantly both mentally and physically. You get to play on nicely landscaped areas and you have the opportunity to enjoy a sport with friends, usually. However, it’s a funny game because it can be the most frustrating sport on the planet. You would think that hitting a golf ball would be one of the easiest things to do. Hitting it is one thing, but hitting it where you want is another story entirely. Enter in “The Simple Golf Swing”. David Nevogt, a golfer, golf instructor and golf writer has written an eBook claiming a simple, yet effective set of golf instruction that almost can anyone can use, regardless of skill. This Simple Golf Swing Review will detail Nevogt’s claims that bogey golfers can improve their scores by anywhere from seven to twelve strokes.

At first glance the eBook is relatively innocuous, in the sense that it simply is an eBook. After reading through it once, however, this Simple Golf Swing Review has come to realize that the method taught and the drills and techniques discussed are very simple and to-the-point. The author’s goal is to keep the golf instruction easy to understand, simple and quick and this definitely shows in the product.

However, how can an online book fix what golf instructors and people who I know are much better at the game than I have tried to fix? Well, the Simple Golf Swing Review has found that it does work for many, actually. The crux of the system is simplicity. Most golf swings, when analyzed, are images of elbows and arms and clubs all over the place. What the product does, though, is simplify the process by concentrating on the spine. Specifically, the spine is used as the central focus of the swing, keeping the swing consistent. The book takes you through some simple drills to do to help solidify this focus. The great thing about it is that it is an easy and quick way to get your swing going in the right direction. Straighter shots and bigger impact are two elements that you will come to see fairly quickly.

The Simple Golf Swing review is literally for anyone. Yes, it is geared toward the average or below average golfer, who doesn’t have hours and hours of time to spend on the driving range. It’s also for the golfer that doesn’t have hundreds of dollars to pay for instruction and it’s for those who want some of the fun back in their game. In addition, because of the drills and easy to understand system, along with bonuses that offers instruction on all aspects of the game, it is indeed a product that can be used by golfers across the board. If you want to improve your game, I would go grab it now!

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Want to break 90? How about 80? Then you need to check this out!

Golf Swing Teaching Systems-Golf Aids-Reviewed-Proven Tips Show How To Swing Golf Effectively

Golf Swing Teaching Systems-Golf Aids-Reviewed-Proven Tips Show How To Swing Golf Effectively

Article by Rachal Bonali

Golf swing teaching: Golden Tips.

The first thing you need to master is your swing. Driving is the act of swinging your club against the air, and hitting the ball off from the tee. One very good practice is taking aim. Don’t just hit the ball on the first try. Take a few practice swings before hitting the ball right on. It is easier if you visualize the cup, which is your target, and take the aim to get that ball into the cup. The right amount of force in your swing, coupled with the direction you take on hitting the ball, will contribute to the position your ball will land on. Take note and observe your surroundings and where the ball might land and be aware of the wind blowing against that direction. A golfer’s shoulders, hips, knees, and feet should be aligned to the target. Imagine drawing a straight line to your target. Make sure your body aligns to that line and you’ll be surprised that your ball will eventually travel along that imaginary line. In doing the right swing, learn how to rotate your body and naturally swing it along as you hit the ball from the tee. The body needs to rotate in order to maximize the power of the swing especially when driving the second and the next consecutive stretches. It’s also important to bend slightly at your left knee but keep your right knee flexed, to take full power over that swing. Limit your stroke. That is the whole point of the game. So, in order to limit your strokes, the right swing is very crucial. golf swing teaching aids can actually help you eliminate the wrong swing by observing how your body is moving. Golf instructors will tell you that starting to swing your club is the most important part of learning how to get that ball where you want it to be. Keep yourself relaxed. Think before you swing. Anticipating the trajectory your ball will travel can also improve how you manage your swing. In golf, your swing calculations is everything. Sometimes, a bit of luck can help as well. However, if you can’t hit the ball with a powerful and accurate swing, chances are you will freeze and let your self be stifled with an imperfect swing.

Golf can be a simple game especially if you take golf swing teaching lessons. It can be fun and challenging, and can certainly improve your problem-solving skills when on the field. Remember, the game is between you and the golf course.

Hani Farhan

About the Author

Rachal Bonali is a fulltime author, internet marketer and prospective Aerospace engineer. He has been involved in a variety of scientific and business areas and has traveled extensively as well which gives him a decent background to write on a wide range of topics.