What kind of golf clubs can be regarded as great

What kind of golf clubs can be regarded as great

If you are using golf clubs that you have been using for quite for time now that are wrongly fitted to you, there is a tendency for you to try and compensate because you think your golf swing is going wrong. This means that you are putting the faults into your golf swing or into your golf game to compensate for badly fitted golf clubs.

Always remember that the correct golf clubs can enhance the game of a player. Available in a wide variety of styles and designs, golf clubs are designed to fit all golfers and all budgets. You should pick the proper set of correct golf clubs and the essential equipment to compliment your golf game.

The size of the golf club heads is important. The heads are either made of either steel or titanium. Steel heads are heavier than titanium and can impede a golf swing. Titanium heads can be bigger and allows for more ball contact but maintain a lower weight than steel.


Also, make a point to check the flexibility of the golf club shaft. A graphite shaft, while lighter, offers less control. A steel shaft is strong and allows the golfer more control over his swing.


The following tips could further help you in choosing the correct golf clubs:


1)       Try to hit a few drivers in a local golf shop. If possible, use a machine to test your swing speed which is an important factor in choosing the correct golf clubs.


2) Follow these swing speeds (measured in mph):
105+ for extra stiff shaft,
90 to 105 for stiff shaft,
80 to 95 for regular shaft,
70 to 85 for senior flex (flexible or A shaft) and
Under 70 for ladies flex.

Do not purchase golf clubs that are too stiff for your swing speed. There is no shame in using a regular flex, senior flex or even ladies flex if it helps you hit the ball as far as possible.


3) Purchase golf clubs with large club heads and perimeter weighting for more forgiveness. Buy golf clubs with smaller club heads for more control. The extra weight on the bottom of the club would help get the ball airborne.


John Woon is a successful Latex Consultant, Internet Marketer and a keen Golfer. To get your Best Golf Instruction, please CLICK HERE: The Best Golf Instruction

Southwest, to find the best.

How To Buy Golf Clubs

How To Buy Golf Clubs

There are many variations in the types and styles of golf clubs and their uses. For example, if you’re trying to make a shorter shot, irons may be your best bet. Irons are usually available in sets that include several different sizes. You must also take into consideration the style, size, and type of material used to make the golf club shaft. One of the less expensive materials is steel. Clubs with a steel shaft weigh more but can be longer-lasting than other types. The steel shaft may also give you more control over those fast swings. If you choose a graphite shaft, it will be lighter than steel but will be more costly. This type of club is used for long distance shots or for slower swingers.

try to understand how often you will be playing the game. If your only intention is to play a couple of times a year in the company scramble or better ball, then it is probably best to stick with a cheaper set of golf clubs, rather than spending a ton of cash on a brand new set of clubs. But if you’ve tried the game and enjoy it and feel that you want to take it up more often you should do a little research and determine which golf clubs are best for you.

Your level of interest, dedication, time and of course cash flow are important factors in how many times you’ll be getting out on the golf course. If you’re not sure what these levels are, then you should probably look for a cheaper set of clubs or even some second-hand clubs. They will work out the best for a new player who is testing out their enjoyment in the world of golf. If your interest continues to grow, you can always buy a new set of clubs down the road and by then you would probably have a better understanding of your game and commitment.

If at first you are not sure what type of clubs you should buy, then you can ask and see what other people or friends who have some understanding of the game think will suit you best. Try asking the friends who like to play golf and who have probably been with you on your first or second outing. They would be able to point you in the right direction, especially if they’ve seen you play. Or ask at your local pro shop and see what they would recommend for you. Asking people who play the game is the best way to get ideas for which set of golf clubs could be the best fit for you.

The goal when buying golf clubs should be to own the best golf clubs you can afford, whether they are name brands, used, or a reproduction of one of the name brands. Golf clubs can be purchased at many different types of establishments such as discount stores, buying clubs, specialty shops, catalogs, or the Internet, which offers an almost limitless variety of clubs and bargains, including used golf clubs.

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