Methods To Lower Your Golf Handicap

Methods To Lower Your Golf Handicap

Article by A R Bell

Most amateur golfers are in envy of the professional players. I know that I am. You seen them swinging just like you do but they can hit the ball over 300 yards, get the ball to spin back to the hole and get out of bunkers the first time without digging themselves a big sand pit, whilst you are always looking for ways to lower your golf score.

As I said before I’m just an amateur golfer but here are some of the tips that I have used to improve my game.

Practice regularly

Now I know that this may be obvious, but people who play golf expect to play just as good as they did in their last round. When you have not practiced between rounds you can lose they rhythm which you had and have to start again when you start another round.

Don’t try and hit the ball too hard,

A nice steady easy swing can hit the ball just as far, just because it works for some of the pro’s it might not work for you and if you try to hit the ball too hard you can go off balance.

If you find that you are slicing the ball, pull you left foot slightly back. (only try this in practice as this could effect your round if you do not need to change) If you find that you are hooking the ball, your right hand may be too far round on your grip, forcing your hands to roll over at the end of your swing. Putting, always always practice your putting. This can take up to double figures off your round and is one of the top ways to lower your golf scor, by stopping you 3 and maybe 4 putting on the greens.

Or alternatively you could have lessons which I did and they made me worse. I would struggle to get the ball past the peak of my cap never mind splitting the fair way in half which is what the instructor said I would. Now this may not be the same for everyone, but not everyone can afford golf lessons.

improve your fitness

In the game of golf you use muscles which are not always used in every day activities so these can damage your round This aspect is very important as your swing can deteriorate as your round goes on if you start to tire. If your legs,back or arms start to ache you are not going to achieve the maximum power and acuracy from your swing. Before your round you need to stretch properly and warm up before each round. If you start a round cold you could pull or over stretch which could stop you playing until you have healed properly.

To lower your handicap and start enjoying playing golf Click Here!

About the Author

Golf enthusiastwho enjoys playing and wathcing golf..

Golf Short Game Tips – Chipping Practice Lowers Golf Scores

All golfers know the short game is important. Here are some great golf chipping tips to help you improve your short game.

Let’s begin with the disclaimer that there are many types of chips you can make when you get close to the green. In other words, there is no single approved method for getting the ball closer to the hole. The effectiveness of your chipping will depend on the lie you have, the length of the grass, how far you are from the hole, and the condition of the green.

Short Game Practice Drills for Chipping and Pitching:

This shot is played when you are close to green but not on it.  Generally, you play it with either your nine-iron or any wedge you are comfortable using. The rule of thumb is that a good chip will fly about 1/3 of the way to the cup and then roll the rest of the way. This shot should be played in the center of your stance with your hands well ahead of the ball and the club face square.

As we proceed with our golf chipping tips, we’ll take a look at the soft shot. This type of shot allows the ball to fly farther and land softly close to (and hopefully rolling into) the cup. The most common club used for a soft chip shot is the lob wedge, but the sand wedge can also be used.

For the soft shot, you should address the ball with your club face open a bit. Play the ball forward and keep your hands behind it during the swing. It is imperative that you learn to accelerate the club head for this shot. When performed correctly, the ball will fly high for a short distance and then land softly and roll just a little.

When to hit a high chip shot or a low chip shot in your short game:

If there is a lot of green between you and the hole, you might try the low chip shot. This shot is normally done with a mid-iron, such as the six- or seven-iron. You must play the ball toward the back of your stance to get the descending type of impact you need. Again, keep your hands ahead of the club head and the club face square to the target.

This shot creates the most roll once the ball lands on the green, and is good  to use when you can aim right at the hole but are worried about going too far past it. This can occur if a sand trap or water hazard is close to the rear side of the hole.

Above all, the best golf chipping tip you can get is to practice by regularly using  all of your chip clubs, from mid-irons to wedges. Each requires its own setup and swing, and the only way to master all of these options is to get to the range and put them to work.

Start with the standard shot and move on to the soft shot, the two shots you will use the most on any given day. Once you have these mastered, move on to the low shot. This may take more time to learn than the others, but it is well worth the investment.

By putting these golf chipping tips to work for you, you can begin to master your short game and achieve a lower score, time after time. Be patient, and keep practicing.

Want to add yards to every golf shot, read this post.