Golf Swing: 3 Ways to Develop More Power

Golf Swing: 3 Ways to Develop More Power

Golf Swing: 3 Ways to Develop more Power

How can you improve the power of your golf swing? This is a question that all of us want an answer to. Most golfers go to great lengths to get that extra yard off the tee. But how many people actually know that golf swing power is the result of these three specific factors?

* The first and probably most evident of the three is ‘swing mechanics’. Everybody is aware of how important the mechanics of a swing are when it comes to driving the ball. If you are over the top with your swing or come inside too much, you’ll see that dreaded slice or snap hook. Your drives will be inevitably be too short, too low, too high, left, right, or a combination of these if you are putting bad swings on the ball.

To improve your game, it is essential for a golfer to work on the mechanics of the swing at every possible opportunity. The golf swing is a highly complex, mechanically movement, that requires constant work to keep it highly efficient and in check. Professionals realise the importance and have swing coaches that work with them on a consistent basis.

Amateurs throughout the world pack driving ranges, week in and week out, pounding balls without any improvement. This, I feel, is a result of one of two things: a lack of instruction, or low levels of golf strength. A lack of instruction leads to the development and ingraining of improper swing mechanics. This only results in slices, hooks, topping the ball, and hitting it fat on the course. And we all know that those types of swings lead to frustration and bad rounds of golf. I would suggest to almost anyone: find a good instructor and take lessons on a consistent basis. This can only help your game in the long run. But if private lessons sound too expensive for ‘just a past-time’ then consider video tutorials and books in the very least. Swing mechanics are a fundamental in improving your power.

* The second of the three factors is what we term golf strength. It is probably the least recognized of the three, but for many is the ‘key’ to longer drives; yet the category is given the least amount of attention, especially by amateurs. Golf strength is defined as how well your body is conditioned to swing a golf club with maximum power (ie. it is a measure of fitness). Although probably the least understood of the three, golf strength maybe the most needed by golfers in general.


Strength, in terms of golf, is not about how much you can bench press or how much your biceps bulge! Golf strength and weight room strength, are very different. If you do not quite understand the difference, ask yourself one question: How many bodybuilders do you see on Tour?!!

It comes down to this idea: the mechanics of a golf swing require specific levels of flexibility, balance, stability, strength, endurance, and power to perform it efficiently. If your body does not have these required capacities, then the result will be obvious a less than optimal swing.

Essentially, your body supports your swing. I am sure that all of us would choose to build a house on a stone foundation rather than a sand foundation, wouldn’t we? Yet I will say that many amateurs make a different choice when it comes to their golf swing.

Regardless of how much time you work on your swing mechanics, if your body does not have the ‘golf strength’ to support the swing, you are limiting your potential. I have seen it numerous times, people practicing at the range who struggle, not because of trying to get better, but because their bodies are limiting what they can do with their swing. Quite often I see people with limited flexibility, poor balance capabilities, and low levels of strength and power. The bottom line is that your mechanics will not get better until you fix the body that swings the club!

Up to this point we have discussed the two most important ideas when it comes to power on the golf course. A review of the topics tells us that they are optimal swing mechanics and the proper levels of ‘golf strength’. One without the other is going to leave you short when it comes to potential in your game.

* The third most important factor to improve the power of your golf swing is: equipment. Yes, equipment. It does make a real difference to how far you drive the ball. The equipment manufacturers have let this fact be known to everyone, and I bet we all have gone to the pro shop probably more than twice to pick up a new driver that claims to give us that elusive 20 yards. It should be remembered however that, that extra distance might not be down the middle of the fairway; it will give you an extra 20 yards alright… but it could be left, could be right, or it could be down the centre of the fairway. That all depends on points one and two of this article. Equipment and technological advances have definitely lengthened the distance of our drives. But without better swing mechanics and your body in better golf shape, new technology will not help your game. A bad swing will produce a bad result, regardless of what type of ‘new’ driver you may have just purchased.

I think the majority of golfers are aware of the advances that have occurred in golf equipment over the last 20 years. I mean, in the glorious ’80’s when we were still playing with woods that actually had wooden club heads! Imagine that for a moment, and now we are using drivers with space age faces that shoot the ball off of them at warp speed. In addition, we have to mention the advances in terms of golf balls. How manufacturers design golf balls today makes a difference in how far they travel. What a lot of people do not realize is that the USGA has set standards on how ‘hot’ driver faces can be and how ‘fast’ balls can come off the face of drivers. Most clubs are reaching this limit, and anything past these USGA rules becomes illegal to play (in the professional game only of course!).

There’s no doubt that custom made golf clubs can make a significant improvement to your swing power. But before you go off and spend a fortune, remember the saying: ‘a bad workman always blames his tools’. In other words, first improve the fundamentals of your swing mechanics and golfing fitness before you make any purchase.

So in summary, what does power really come down to?

It comes down to three simple ideas. Number one is improving your golf swing mechanics. Improved mechanics will improve your driving distance. Number two is improving your golf strength. By improving your body as it pertains to the golf swing you will improve your distance off the tee. Finally, equipment does make a difference, but only if you hit the ball correctly.

Best of luck with your game.

Paul Buntrage (golf fitness instructor) recommends The Simple Golf Swing and also invites you to take a look at The Golf Fitness Guide

Improve Your Golf Game with These Easy Tips

Improve Your Golf Game with These Easy Tips

Article by WA Market

It’s never easy asking for help, but in golf, it is almost a necessity. Unfortunately, we often ask our friends and partners, when in reality we should take a lesson or two.

We think that a Pro would critique harshly, but they are honest, positive and very helpful.Lessons at the local course aren’t as expensive as you might think and they are worth it because your game will improve rapidly and cause you less frustration, making the game much more enjoyable for you.

Of utmost importance, is being honest about your game. The Pro will ask you what you want to start with; driving, chipping, putting or whatever you feel you need help improving.

Listen carefully and follow the instructions. You may have doubts if the Pro changes your stance, your grip or your swing; the Pro knows best. Don’t hesitate to ask questions. Don’t worry about if the question or concern in stupid-they’ve heard it all before and will not make you feel like an idiot for asking. If you don’t “get it”, tell him/her that you’re not getting it. You should never walk away from a lesson with unanswered questions.

You can concentrate on one thing during a lesson, or several. You might start with a lesson in driving; get the right grip, the right stance, the right swing, the right follow-through in one lesson, and then practice it. Next time, you might work on your short game, or putting.

You’ve invested in the equipment, doesn’t it make sense to learn how to use them to their advantage and improve your abilities?

Other than hiring expensive tutors, golf pros use many other tricks in order to improve their game. Rigorous and regular practice is, of course, an obvious tactic.

However, most pros will also exploit their golf accessories in many which ways. If you do the same, it will help improve your game and reduce your handicap as well.

Many pros will attach golf weights to the ends of their clubs. Then they practice their slow swings with the additional weights. This offers 3 distinct benefits –

One, they can quickly develop the correct set of muscles due to the additional resistance.

Second, the extra weights add some zing to their regular training and helps in boosting motivation levels. This in turn, allows the pros to come to the greens and practice regularly, without fail.

And third, it allows them to use the lighter clubs with greater power and accuracy so that their long shots cover a respectable distance with unerring precision.

Pros will also invest a bit of money in another critical accessory – a putting green. This allows them to practice everyday, often, twice a day.

They also prefer using the same putter and same balls that they might use on the golfing green for better control. Pros also watch other pros putting and swinging.

So feel free to rent, buy, download, or borrow instructional DVDs. If you watch other pros then it might help you develop better swings which might help shave a few critical points off your total score.

Must-Have Golf Accessories That Leave You Drooling

Here is a quick check-list of the “It” golf accessories that are must-haves. See if you have them in your golf cart, and if you don’t, put them right on top of your shopping list for golf accessories.

For rookies who keep losing their balls or golfers who cannot keep track of the balls they have hit, this is a god-send. People buy different types and brands of glasses that can keep the golf ball outlined against the grass.

These glasses remove light emitting from non-ball objects so that the only visible object in your line of vision is the errant ball.

Putting greens that throw balls your way and provide inputs on your strokes are must-haves with serious golfers. You may have thought that tees have become as sophisticated as possible but a new version is out these days. This tee comes with a top surface that is made from a brush-like material. This prevents the tee from being ripped out or damaged because your club merely brushes past it instead of impacting it hard.

And the hi-tech golfers all use the scorekeeper which looks a bit like the GameBoy but it keeps score and does all the mathematical calculations for them.

And how about a golf wristwatch which displays your handicap And ever thought about re-using your golf balls by cleaning them professionally with a golf ball cleanser

Is your head already spinning and your mouth drooling Well, keep drooling because there are probably more sophisticated golf accessories hitting the market even as you read this article…

Easy ways to take your game to the next level!

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Trying to make the world a better place for current and future generations.

Click Here to improve your golf game!

Turning Your Slice Into A Draw Now

Turning Your Slice Into A Draw Now

Article by Jack Moorehouse

If you’ve ever tried to correct a slice, you know how hard it is to do it. You’ve probably taken golf lessons. Read golf tips. And consulted trusted friends with low golf handicaps. You’ve tried everything you can think of but nothing’s worked. You still hit a slice. Frustration sets in after awhile and you back off. But you haven’t given up. You’d still want to correct your slice.

The problem here isn’t the sources you’ve consulted. It’s the messages they carry. All too often these sources tell you why you slice, but not how to correct it. While knowing why you slice is nice, it doesn’t help correct it. Nor does it help you cut strokes from your golf handicap. What you need is golf tips on how to correct a slice. Below are six key golf tips on turning your slice into a draw.

Starts At Address

Turning your slice into a draw starts at address. Golfers fighting a slice tend to lean away from the ball. It’s a natural reaction. But it makes your slice worse. At address, your weight should be balanced in every direction. It also should be evenly distributed over both feet and proportionally on the balls and heels of your feet. This position prepares you to make a good golf swing.

Tilt Away From The Target

Also, tilt your shoulders away from the target at address as well. This lowers your back shoulder, which is key. Golfers struggling with a slice tend to invert their shoulders at address. This causes them to swipe down on the ball with a forward shoulder that’s lower than the rear one. Instead, tilt your shoulders away from the target. It helps you hit the ball straighter, higher and farther.

Check your Alignment

Aiming your shoulders left of the target (right, if you’re a lefty) encourages a swing that cuts across the ball from outside to inside. Aiming your shoulders right of the target forces your upper body to over-rotate or even come too much inside during the swing. A good way to align yourself is to aim the clubface at the target, draw an imaginary line from the target to the clubface, and position your shoulders parallel to the line.

Flatten The Wrists

It’s critical that your left wrist (right for southpaws) remain flat at the top of the backswing, which avoids rotating the clubface too far open. With a flat left wrist, the clubface remains square or closed at the top of the swing. In this position, the back of your gloved hand is flat with your forearm and both hands above the back shoulder at the top. This position prevents the ball from veering off right (or left) at impact. Move Inside Out

To draw the ball, your swing must move inside out. Thus, you must swing below your shoulders. If your hands get above your shoulders or out in front of them, you’ll come over the top and hit either a double-crossed hook or a big slice. Which you hit depends on whether the clubface is closed or open. Also, you can move your head forward on the downswing. But not so far forward that your head gets out in front of the ball. Keep your head behind the ball.

Rotate Your Arms

If you’re a slicer, you probably don’t rotate your hands properly on the downswing. The way to square a clubface at impact is to continually close it through the downswing. If you stop closing the clubface and start sliding, the face will open and you’ll slice more. As you make the backswing, concentrate on rolling your clubface open. Then, as begin your downswing, roll your hands over and straight out in front of you as they cross your sternum.

Extend Your Arms

Extending your arms after impact closes the clubface and prevents a slice-inducing swing at impact. Extending the arms also encourages the rest of the body to continue turning-a necessary ingredient to hitting a draw. After impact, the ungloved hand should be on top of the gloved hand. Remind yourself to extend your arms during your swing.

Turning a slice into a draw isn’t easy. It won’t come in a day. It takes practice and hard work to do it. But if you follow the golf tips explained above, you can turn your slice into a draw. That in turn will increase your distance and accuracy off the tee and help you trim that golf handicap down to size.

About the Author

Jack Moorehouse is the author of the best-selling book How To Break 80 And Shoot Like The Pros. He is NOT a golf pro, rather a working man that has helped thousands of golfers from all seven continents lower their handicap immediately. Free weekly newsletter available with the latest golf tips, lessons and instructions.

Three Techniques to Assist Busy Women in Getting Better at Their Golf Game

Three Techniques to Assist Busy Women in Getting Better at Their Golf Game

Article by Joe Jackson

No matter what level you are on or your duration of playing time, golf is a game that you constantly want to improve. However, many times it is not that simple to do. This is especially the case if you do not know why you are not getting any better, even when you continue to practice for hours on end. Below, you will see easy to use advice that will have a good affect on your golf game.

Confidence is often the biggest struggle women have to deal with when they are playing with men. Women often feel that they have no chance at beating men since they are stronger. They also often believe the men are whispering about them behind their backs which leads to frustration even though it’s not often true. No matter what your skill level is if you lack confidence your game will suffer. Strength can improve you game some but your overall technique and accuracy can be even more important. Where accuracy is concerned women excel which means they can compensate for the difference in strength and play as well as any man. An exact swing is essential for pulling off low scores time and again on the golf course. Increasing the accuracy of your swing is a matter of having excellent control of the club. Still, you might anticipate tightening your grip to elevate control, although the exact opposite is true. A soft grip will authorize you to have a greater feeling of the club. An additional crucial constituent to a perfect swing is to make certain that you aren’t using your muscles to intensify the speed of the club to improve influence the speed of the club Your force should be used to support the swing except you need to let the club do its work, which is to hit the ball. You merely need to take advantage of leverage and momentum in order for your club to reach the most favorable velocity.

Having a good set of professionally fitted clubs can make a big difference in your game as well. Don’t put the cart before the horse however, these clubs are expensive and you shouldn’t jump into buying clubs until you’re sure it’s a sport you’ll continue with long term. It will only fill you with regret later when you quit playing but still have that expensive set of clubs you wasted money on. Avoid this expense at least initially by renting or borrowing clubs at least until you discover whether or not this is the game for you. A custom set of clubs can indeed wait until you are sure you like the game. As you have seen, a lot of things to into the making of a good golfer. However, the good news is that anyone can improve their game and give the pro’s a run for their money. All you have to possess is a little loyalty to the game, a lot of effort and will to persevere and you will be on top of the game soon.

About the Author

Joe has been a full time internet marketer for about a year now, as an IT consultant he is interested in using technology and sometimes writes on this anonymous surfing blog. He uses security products to protect himself online and to obscure his IP address through his ninjaproxy network.

Golf Slice Cure Tips

Golf Slice Cure Tips

Article by Mike Murray

One of the problems most golfers have is slicing the golf ball. It causes great frustration and some struggle for years hoping to improve this problem. There are many tips and tricks to eliminate the problem, it’s up to you to identify which areas of your game, grip or stance needs work.

Proper GripStart by moving your hands until they are in proper golf grip position. Take the club in your left hand and place your thumb on the shaft. If the line between your thumb and your index finger is pointing towards your right eye then it’s placed correctly. Now you have to wrap your right hand over the left hand and place your left thumb on the palm of your right hand.Avoid gripping the golf club too tightly if you are right handed, it could cause the ball to hook towards the left. But you could cause the ball to slice towards the right if your grip is too weak; therefore you have to practice having a neutral grip when holding your golf club.

Proper StanceEnsure that your shoulders are aligned with the ball. You are allowed to adjust stance to feel comfortable, but stance does play quite a big role when it comes to eliminating golf slice. Pay close attention to how you stand and address the ball – if you are doing everything else right but still slice the ball, you might want to practice your stance in the mirror and see if you find any areas to improve.

Tips to Avoid Golf Slice* As mentioned previously as well, the easiest to fix is your grip. Don’t tighten up when you get nervous, relax and keep the grip as neutral as you can.* If nothing you try seems to work – experiment with a stronger grip bit by bit. This won’t work for everyone and it should be something you try when nothing else seems to work for you.* During the downswing, your left hip will be leading and during the early downswing it will be your right shoulder that lowers and your right elbow should return to your side. A slice will be produced if your elbow is flying or flapping in the breeze, you must avoid this.* Proper position means your right arm will be closer to your torso than your left, your shoulders will be in line with the target line and your right shoulder will be lower than the left.* Avoid turning your hips too much, limit the movement. If you have too much movement the club will go too far inside and loop over the top.* Move into your forward swing with a leg thrust to the left.

About the Author

Mike Murray is a keen golf enthusiast. He owns and maintains The Golf Pro Online, a professional resource for all golf players and where you can find more great tips on golf slice cures and other effective golf advice.

Three Techniques to Assist Busy Women in Getting Better at Their Golf Game

Three Techniques to Assist Busy Women in Getting Better at Their Golf Game

No matter what level you are on or your duration of playing time, golf is a game that you constantly want to improve. However, sometimes it is difficult to do so. This is especially the case if you do not know why you are not getting any better, even when you continue to practice for hours on end. Below, you will see easy to use advice that will have a good affect on your golf game.

Confidence is often the biggest struggle women have to deal with when they are playing with men. Women often feel that they have no chance at beating men since they are stronger. They also often believe the men are whispering about them behind their backs which leads to frustration even though it’s not often true. No matter what your skill level is if you lack confidence your game will suffer. It’s more important to concentrate on improving your technique and accuracy more so than your strength. Where accuracy is concerned women excel which means they can compensate for the difference in strength and play as well as any man. An exact swing is essential for pulling off low scores time and again on the golf course. Increasing the accuracy of your swing is a matter of having excellent control of the club. However, you might expect to have to tighten your grip to increase control, but the exact opposite is true. A soft grip will authorize you to have a greater feeling of the club. An additional crucial constituent to a perfect swing is to make certain that you aren’t using your muscles to intensify the speed of the club to improve influence the speed of the club Your might should be utilized to bolster the swing although you have to allow the club to do its work, which is to hit the ball. You basically need to take advantage of leverage and momentum for your club pull off the best possible velocity.

Having a good set of professionally fitted clubs can make a big difference in your game as well. Before you go buy clubs though you’ll want to be sure this isn’t just a passing phase. It will only fill you with regret later when you quit playing but still have that expensive set of clubs you wasted money on. Until you know for sure it’s best to rent or borrow clubs or perhaps try locating a set from a garage sale or second hand shop. A custom set of clubs can indeed wait until you are sure you like the game. As you have seen, a lot of things to into the making of a good golfer. However, the good thing is that anybody can make their game batter and make the professionals sweat. All you have to possess is commitment to the game, hard work and persistence and you will be one of the pros soon.

Joe has been a full time internet marketer for about a year now, as an IT consultant he is interested in using technology and sometimes writes on this anonymous surfing blog. He uses security products to protect himself online and to obscure his IP address through his ninjaproxy network.

Learn About Buying Golf Clubs For Kids

Learn About Buying Golf Clubs For Kids

So you think your child is the next Tiger Woods or Michelle Wie? Or maybe you simply wish to share the game of golf with your child? Either way, getting kids started in golf can be confusing even for the seasoned golfer, especially when it comes time for buying clubs for kids.

Buying golf clubs for kids is not what it used to be. Gone are the days of buying an adult set and simply cutting down the length. Adult clubs have heavy shafts and heads that will make it even harder for your child to enjoy the game. Any good set of golf clubs for kids will have lightweight heads, light and flexible shafts, and smaller grips, all of which will help your child make better contact and get the ball airborne more easily.

Before buying golf clubs for kids that come in an entire set, it is advisable to see if your child is truly interested in pursuing the game. Golf can be a difficult and frustrating game. It is widely held in the golf industry that for every adult taking up the game, there is another who quits in frustration. A good way to judge your child’s interest before buying golf clubs for kids is to start with one or two clubs. Unlike adult clubs, buying golf clubs for kids means you can frequently buy them individually as well as in sets. For a small investment you can purchase a single iron club (like a seven iron), and a putter, and then head off to the local practice green or pitch-and-putt course.

Once you feel confident that your child is interested and committed to learning golf, then it is time to consider buying golf clubs for kids that come in a full set. However, unlike a typical set of fourteen clubs found in the golf bags of most adults, buying golf clubs for kids in a set does not need to be so extensive. Depending on the age and strength of your child, the ideal set of golf clubs for kids could be as small as three clubs. (A high lofted fairway wood, seven iron, and a putter are ideal for a young child). As your child continues to grow in size and strength, they will need to add additional clubs to their ideal set of golf clubs for kids.

Remember, as your child grows they will grow out of their clubs just as they grow out of their clothes. Buying golf clubs for kids that are a properly fitted set is imperative if you want your child to have the proper equipment, so be prepared for buying new golf clubs for kids every one to two years.

Whether buying golf clubs for kids that are individual or one of the complete sets of golf clubs for kids that come with a golf bag, the important thing is to share the game you love with your child by providing them with equipment that will help them get the most from their experience.

For easy to understand, in depth information about golf visit our ezGuide 2 Golf.