How to Golf begins with your Set-up

How to Golf begins with your Set-up

Article by Keith Barker

How to golf begins with your set-up. The very first and basic fundamentals of golf are to be on the balls of your feet with your knees flexed and your feet about shoulder-width apart. These three fundamentals are crucial to the golf game. If your feet are too far apart, you can’t shift your weight properly and if they are too close, you will lose your balance. If your legs are too straight with no flex, you are not going to be in control of the golf ball. Poor posture equals a bad golf swing.Here is the proper way to set-up. First, stand straight with your feet about shoulder-width apart. Your feet should be slightly open with your left toe, your right if your a lefty, a little more open than your right foot. This will make it a lot easier to turn your lower body through impact. Your right shoulder should be a little lower than your left shoulder. This will make it much easier for you to grip your club, as well as, put you in the right position. Next, bend from the waist and keep your spine angle straight. Don’t bend over too far and don’t let your shoulders slump, you’ll want to keep your spine angle straight throughout the golf swing. Now, bend your knees slightly and keep them bent, as you go through the swing. Shift your weight to your front foot, as you complete your swing. If you have done this correctly, you should finish facing your target and in balance. If your are falling back or away from the ball, you’re not shifting your weight properly to your front foot. This is a very common problem with a lot of beginners and fixing this will make a tremendous difference in your golf game. Use these two golf drills to help you get there. They will seem akward at first, but try it until you begin to get it. First, when you set-up, lean and put most of your weight on your front foot and hit some balls. This will help you to learn how to end up with your weight on your front foot. Another trick is to place a golf ball underneath the outer edge of your back foot. Stand on it and make some swings and hit a few balls and this will all but force you to shift your weight onto your front foot.Another tip that I learned from watching Tiger Woods is to stick your rear end out. Yes, you heard me right. This will help to counter-balance your top half and it will help you to keep your spine angle straight and to keep you in form. Also, remember that your neck is an extension of your spine, so keep your chin up because if your head slumps, it will restrict your backswing. You always here, keep your head down. No, keep your chin slightly up and keep your eyes down on your ball through impact.Another golf tip that I want to add is to not stand to far away from your ball. This will cause stiffness and tension in the shoulders and will probably result in a slice. You should never be reaching for your ball. After setting up your stance, just let your arms hang freely and that’s where you grip your golf club. The longer the club, the farther you’ll stand from your ball, but your arms position will remain the same. These golf tips should make quite an impact on your game. See you on the blog side.

TAGS:\ how to golf,the golf game,the golf ball,golf swing,the golf swing,golf drills,a golf ball,Tiger Woods,golf tip,golf tips

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Think Your Way to Single Figure Handicaps

Think Your Way to Single Figure Handicaps

Article by Tony Bryan

When you stand on the first tee, whether it be a Saturday morning four-ball or a medal round, or something a little more serious that that, what is the main thought in your head?

Your really shouldn’t be thinking about how thirsty you’ll be at the end of the round and the cold beer is going to taste just great, should you? Perhaps you had a great Friday night, and the tail end of it still lingers in the mind! So, just what should be in your mind? If you don’t know then your golfing life could be quite miserable.

Did you arrive 15 or 20 minutes before your tee time, or have you rushed to the club just in time to make the slot with your name on it? If the latter, again your golfing life will be jaded, to say the least!

Why am I saying this? – because I’ve been there and done it. So this is the voice of experience saying – clear your mind of everything and concentrate on your golf.

Now, you’re on the first tee you’ve pulled the driver out of the bag and the tee is in the ground with a Dunlop 65 on it (yes, its brand new!) and this is the first shot of the round. Did you line up correctly? Are you standing with the feet pointing in the right direction – not slightly off line because that will not only affect your swing path, but could cause you to slice or hook the ball. Are your shoulders in line with your feet – did you check all these LITTLE things?

You see, golf is not a game of brawn, but mainly of brain. You must THINK! Never worry about distance, because if you try to hit the ball hard, you could move your body from the correct plane, causing all sorts of problems. Swing gently (I don’t mean softly) but with a swing that will stay on plane, and you will remain on balance. Don’t misunderstand me, I’m not saying you must think nothing but golf, but concentration on what you are doing is vitally important.

When you play a shot, try and shut out all noises, conversations with other players, because if you don’t there will be something that will distract you. This will apply to every shot you make whether or not it is with a wood, a long iron, a wedge, or the putter. Concentration is so important I can’t stress it enough.

Golf is such a popular game today, and it’s popularity is increasing at an alarming rate, and more and more youngsters are taking it up. I said earlier that this a game of brain, and if you don’t use that little grey matter to think your way round the course, go and take up tiddly winks.

If you watch the professionals in tournaments they never stop thinking. If you see them in conversation its usually with their caddy, and then its not about anything other than the game in hand! If you want to play good golf with good scores, you’ll emulate them and use all your powers of concentration on the next shot – which you should never decide upon until you get to the ball and see how it is lying.

As I say, think your way to lower scores and consequently lower handicaps. After all, that is why we play the game isn’t it – to beat not only our opponent but the course as well!

Happy Golfing and God Bless(C) All rightsd Reserved

Tony Bryan – The Audio Ebook Guy.

Tony is a retired Finance Director, single handicapgolfer and author of the Audio Ebook – Golf The Short Game.Other audio ebooks are in the making.http://www.tony-bryan-theaudioebookguy.comThis article may be reprinted as is, without alteration but MUSTinclude this Bio.

About the Author

Tony bryan is a retired Finance Director, a single handicap golfer and author of the audio ebook Golf – the Short Game (C) at

Turning Your Slice Into A Draw Now

Turning Your Slice Into A Draw Now

Article by Jack Moorehouse

If you’ve ever tried to correct a slice, you know how hard it is to do it. You’ve probably taken golf lessons. Read golf tips. And consulted trusted friends with low golf handicaps. You’ve tried everything you can think of but nothing’s worked. You still hit a slice. Frustration sets in after awhile and you back off. But you haven’t given up. You’d still want to correct your slice.

The problem here isn’t the sources you’ve consulted. It’s the messages they carry. All too often these sources tell you why you slice, but not how to correct it. While knowing why you slice is nice, it doesn’t help correct it. Nor does it help you cut strokes from your golf handicap. What you need is golf tips on how to correct a slice. Below are six key golf tips on turning your slice into a draw.

Starts At Address

Turning your slice into a draw starts at address. Golfers fighting a slice tend to lean away from the ball. It’s a natural reaction. But it makes your slice worse. At address, your weight should be balanced in every direction. It also should be evenly distributed over both feet and proportionally on the balls and heels of your feet. This position prepares you to make a good golf swing.

Tilt Away From The Target

Also, tilt your shoulders away from the target at address as well. This lowers your back shoulder, which is key. Golfers struggling with a slice tend to invert their shoulders at address. This causes them to swipe down on the ball with a forward shoulder that’s lower than the rear one. Instead, tilt your shoulders away from the target. It helps you hit the ball straighter, higher and farther.

Check your Alignment

Aiming your shoulders left of the target (right, if you’re a lefty) encourages a swing that cuts across the ball from outside to inside. Aiming your shoulders right of the target forces your upper body to over-rotate or even come too much inside during the swing. A good way to align yourself is to aim the clubface at the target, draw an imaginary line from the target to the clubface, and position your shoulders parallel to the line.

Flatten The Wrists

It’s critical that your left wrist (right for southpaws) remain flat at the top of the backswing, which avoids rotating the clubface too far open. With a flat left wrist, the clubface remains square or closed at the top of the swing. In this position, the back of your gloved hand is flat with your forearm and both hands above the back shoulder at the top. This position prevents the ball from veering off right (or left) at impact. Move Inside Out

To draw the ball, your swing must move inside out. Thus, you must swing below your shoulders. If your hands get above your shoulders or out in front of them, you’ll come over the top and hit either a double-crossed hook or a big slice. Which you hit depends on whether the clubface is closed or open. Also, you can move your head forward on the downswing. But not so far forward that your head gets out in front of the ball. Keep your head behind the ball.

Rotate Your Arms

If you’re a slicer, you probably don’t rotate your hands properly on the downswing. The way to square a clubface at impact is to continually close it through the downswing. If you stop closing the clubface and start sliding, the face will open and you’ll slice more. As you make the backswing, concentrate on rolling your clubface open. Then, as begin your downswing, roll your hands over and straight out in front of you as they cross your sternum.

Extend Your Arms

Extending your arms after impact closes the clubface and prevents a slice-inducing swing at impact. Extending the arms also encourages the rest of the body to continue turning-a necessary ingredient to hitting a draw. After impact, the ungloved hand should be on top of the gloved hand. Remind yourself to extend your arms during your swing.

Turning a slice into a draw isn’t easy. It won’t come in a day. It takes practice and hard work to do it. But if you follow the golf tips explained above, you can turn your slice into a draw. That in turn will increase your distance and accuracy off the tee and help you trim that golf handicap down to size.

About the Author

Jack Moorehouse is the author of the best-selling book How To Break 80 And Shoot Like The Pros. He is NOT a golf pro, rather a working man that has helped thousands of golfers from all seven continents lower their handicap immediately. Free weekly newsletter available with the latest golf tips, lessons and instructions.

How to Hit the Golf Ball When it is Positioned Above Your Feet

How to Hit the Golf Ball When it is Positioned Above Your Feet

You get to your ball and you see that it lies above your feet at address. You smile to yourself and think of the fantastic shot you are about to play. Why, because this is considered to be one of the easiest shots in golf. If you follow the steps below, you will not hit the ground behind the ball anymore, and this shot will become your favourite shot in golf. So here we go.

Step 1: With this kind of shot the ball will always tend to draw so make sure that you compensate for this by aiming a little to the right.

Step 2: If you are one of those golfers that always seems to hit the ball a bit fat when it is above your feet, there is a very simple fix. Make sure that you are standing taller and straighter than your normal stance.

Step 4: This is one of the most important things to remember for this shot. Do not bend your knees. You should stand as straight as you possibly can.

Step 5: The other most important thing to remember is that the club will always want to swing flatter and around your body, which is exactly the type of swing you want for this shot. Do not try to make a normal swing as you will not get a good result.

That is all there is to it. If you can remember to follow these steps then this should become one of your favourite shots in golf. I hope this helped.

Jakobus Nel is the owner and editor of a successful golf instructional website. Do you want to play your best golf ever? Claim your two free golf ebooks here at that will improve your golf.

Learning How to Use Golf Long Irons

Learning How to Use Golf Long Irons

Article by Jeremy Winters

Your golf long irons are usually identified as the one, two, three, and four irons. The vast majority of players generally will simply carry a three and four iron inside their golf bag. Quite seasoned golfers sometimes also employ a one or two iron, but this isn’t the norm.

A majority of the present leading players have a superb game with regards to utilizing these longer golf clubs. This originates from being very familiar with them, which only occurs as a result of consistent practice. If the golfer is only concerned with the short game and putting, they will likely not possess the practical experience and self confidence needed to learn the use of these clubs.

To be able to genuinely succeed with long irons there are actually a couple of techniques that should be mastered. The very first is addressing the ball. This doesn’t suggest saying “hello” and “how are you?” Addressing the ball relates to the stance that you take when getting prepared to strike it. Using a longer club, your stance should be wider than it would if you were working with a shorter club.

As it relates to the flight path your ball will take, your posture must be a little bit closed. Your shoulders, hips and your feet need to be squared towards the ball, meaning that they will need to be in the direction of the hole on an imaginary parallel line. As soon as you have implemented this stance then you move your right foot back roughly an inch or so. This enables you to line up properly just to the right of your planned target. Place your weight evenly on both feet for better balance. Keep your arms in near to your body with your hands just slightly ahead of your ball.

The next step to be mindful of when using golf long irons is the backswing. For a powerful backswing, move the head of the club backwards around ten to twelve inches along the ground using the shoulders and body just to slightly turn when you move into your swing. As your swing passes the outside of your right leg, your arms and hands need to be cocking slightly towards the sky. By the time you reach the top of the backswing, your right side should be holding most of your weight. At the top of your backswing, your turn should be complete and your wrists should be fully cocked. If you allow your left heel to lift just slightly from the ground, it makes it possible for your hips to be free from strain when you turn away from your ball.

The third step is the downswing. As you begin your downswing, you need to anchor your left heel securely against the ground. If you endeavor to make this a constant component of your downswing, it is going to become second nature. By simply doing so, you’re sure to be on the inside plane of the downswing. Your swing will be from the inside out if your weight is too far forward on your toes. When you are halfway through your swing, the wrists need to be completely cocked and your right elbow just a bit tucked in against your right hand side. Your body weight should be shifting in the direction of your left hand side as your right hand side begins to drive into your actual shot.The crucial element to utilizing these clubs is to remember to sustain a smooth swing. Do not rush into your swing by moving way too quickly. That is where much more inexperienced golfers lose their focus. Sustain your pace as you keep your swing smooth.

Golf long irons can be an important part of an effective game if you keep these basic tips in mind. The best golf clubs that money can buy are only as good as the player behind them. Know your clubs and exactly how to work with them properly for a quality game.

About the Author

If you want to learn how you can fix a golf hook or need to learn how to hit your drives straight, then check out our website.

How To Improve Your Golf Swing-Neutralise Your Golf Grip

How To Improve Your Golf Swing-Neutralise Your Golf Grip

One way to improve your golf swing is to neutralise your golf grip.Firstly you will only hook the golf ball if you swing the club face closed at impact.The majority of golfers that hook the ball display a ‘strong grip’,where the hands are too far to the right of the handle.Golfers will swing the club too much from the inside of the line,with the hands,arms and body struggling to hold the clubface open at impact.Weakening the grip will help stop the club face closing on impact.
Secondly,a common fault with a lot of golfers is the stance.The width of stance will vary slightly
according to the golf club you are using.As a general guideline,i recommend that the stance for the 5-iron should correspond to the width of your shoulders.Check your stance regularly when you practise.A wide stance will give you good stability but less mobility.A narrow stance will give you more mobility but less stability.
Thirdly,getting your posture right will make playing the game easier.The reason for this is that your posture controls the balance points in your swing,and good balance is key in helping you develop your game.
Start by placing your thumbs on your hip joints,this is to where you bend from the hip joint.
From there lean forward putting your weight on the front of your feet.Finally flex your knees,feeling the pressure on your thighs.Hope this helps,happy golfing.

Thanks for reading,

Tips on buying golf clubs

Tips on buying golf clubs

Do you need standard length or custom length clubs?

Most golfers use standard length clubs. If you are considerably shorter or taller than the average person, you may want to consider getting custom-length clubs to suit your height. If your arms are longer or shorter than the average person, you may also want to consider custom-length clubs. Generally, the longer the club, the more club head speed it can generate, resulting in more distance. The downside, however, is that the longer the club is the more difficult it is to control.

The only way to find out if you do need custom-length clubs, is to take a simple measurement – you will need a friend or family member to help you with this!

Put your golf shoes on and take your normal golf stance, (feet shoulder-width apart) except that you should stand upright with your arms relaxed down your sides.

If you are a right-handed player, take a measurement from your left wrist (on the line where it connects to your hand), to the floor. Left-handed players should measure from their right wrist. The average height golfer will have a measurement between 30-35 inches. If your measurement is lower that 30 inches or higher than 35 inches, you will most likely need custom-length clubs.

Do you need Steel Shafts or Graphite Shafts?

Good question – see below some general guidelines:


– Should play with graphite shafted irons and woods.


– Should play with graphite shafted irons and woods. As golfers get older, their swing speeds generally slow down, which is why graphite shafts are recommended to try and regain as much distance as possible.


– Should play with steel shafted irons and graphite shafted woods.

For more great free tips on buying golf clubs, visit:


I love everything about golf and am passionate about learning and sharing new tips and techniques for playing better golf.