How to Complete Your Backswing

How to Complete Your Backswing

Article by melody

Tiger Woods is nearly unbeatable when he is tied for the lead on Sunday at a major championship. However, after watching yesterday’s round, I think there three things that could allow us to witness one of the most incredible David versus Goliath upsets in golf history. If one of the players follows the criteria below, they might be the one holding the Wanamaker trophy today instead of Woods.

Making a full shoulder turn is critical to both distance and accuracy.

From time to time, we all have a tendency to shorten our backswings. Your muscles may not be as loose as normal, you may be faced with a crucial shot and get over cautious, or you may think that shortening your swing will give you more control. Whatever the reason, not making a full shoulder turn can have some negative effects.

Firstly, and most obviously, you’re going to lose distance. The less you wind up the body, the less power you can translate into fast clubhead speed.

More importantly, a full turn gives your body the time and space needed to complete the correct mechanics of the downswing. A truncated backswing means your lower body has to do too much work to get the golf club moving on the correct plane. The result is often an out-to-in swing path, which will result in a pull or a slice (or at best, a weak fade). A full shoulder turn, on the other hand, gives your hips time to gently rotate, which pulls the upper body round in the correct motion, which in turn brings the clubhead on a more powerful in-to-in (i.e. correct) path.

Next time you’re on the practice range, make sure you are making a full shoulder turn.I believe that you can make an great progress only you practice like this.

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Golf Swing Techniques-5 Tips How to Cure a Slice in Golf

Golf Swing Techniques-5 Tips How to Cure a Slice in Golf

Before you get into golf swing techniques in any meaningful way you will need to learn how to cure a slice in golf. Because your slice will cost you miles in distance in the course of a year’s golf.

Here are 5 tips to help you get rid of your slice..
Tip1-Strengthen Your Grip
This is the simplest way to get rid of your slice and it simply involves turning both hands more to the right (if you are right handed) on the grip of the club so that the vees formed by your thumb and forefinger are pointing to or outside your right shoulder.

Tip 2-Sort our your set up
Make sure that your shoulders are not open at set up. Ensure that they are square or even slightly close initially until you lose your slice because open shoulders will cause a downswing that causes you to cut across the ball at impact which will have you slicing all day.

Tip 3-Tilt Your Spine Angle to the right at set up.
This will promote an approach to the ball from the inside, not the outside which will encourage a draw shot.

Tip 4-Favour your right side in terms of weight distribution at set up
This will ensure that you are not hanging on your left side in the takeaway which encourages a reverse pivot and a steep approach to the ball through impact.

Tip 5-Release your forearms through impact
This involves a good free release through impact with the right forearm crossing over the left through impact and on into the follow through.

So before you get too bogged down in golf swing techniques, learn how to cure a slice in golf and these tips will have you hitting raking draws in no time.

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Lower Your Golf Score – Tips to Drive the Golf Ball Straight

How to Drive a Golf Ball Straight

It’s a given that every golfer wants to know how to drive a golf ball straight. The challenge is the driver is one of the most difficult clubs to master. A simple rule of thumb is the longer the club, the harder it is to use properly. But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to learn how to drive a golf ball straight; you’ll just need a few tips and some consistent practice.

The very best shot off the tee is one that does not impart a lot of backspin to the ball, travels low, and has enough power to add yards by rolling once it lands. If you can achieve all of these elements, your game will improve significantly.

One of the first steps to learning how to drive a golf ball straight

– is understanding the importance of leverage throughout the entire swing. To achieve proper leverage, keep your head behind the golf ball from address to impact.

The second most important issue is that distance comes more from club head speed than arm strength. Golfers who try to muscle their way through the shot will almost always end up with a poorly hit ball. It is the hips and legs that generate speed and power, so use them.

hit golf ball straightOther clubs may be somewhat flexible when it comes to swing path, but not the driver. As you begin your back swing, keep the swing plane low (or shallow).

Another factor to keep in mind when learning how to drive a golf ball straight is to have your hands lead the club head at impact. This is what people mean when they say to “let your wrists break”.

A common mistake some golfers make is to try to suddenly stop their swing once they hit the ball. To avoid that, let your arms and body move all the way through the swing, including the follow through.

Another key to learning how to drive a golf ball straight

– is to not grip the club too tightly. Concentrate on whipping the golf ball with the club rather than chopping at it.

If you have a tendency to slice the ball, try slowing your downswing. You may be coming down too fast or too hard, causing you to come out of the proper swing path. Another tip for avoiding the slice is to examine your grip. If you cannot see two or three knuckles when looking down at your grip, you are setting yourself up for a slice.

This same grip tip applies to those who hook the ball. If you look down at your grip and see more than two or three knuckles, your grip is going to change at impact and cause a severe hook.

One last tip for learning how to drive a golf ball straight is to make sure you are not pulling or pushing the ball. This can happen whether you are coming off the tee or hitting off the fairway.

You can tell if you are pushing or pulling the ball by looking at the divot that’s left behind. If the divot is pointing to the left or right of your target line, your body is not properly aligned.

Try implementing some of these tips and see if your game improves. Remember, the best tip for learning how to drive a golf ball straight is to keep at it.  One other thing is keeping your back muscles loose and from fatiguing.  One product that can help is AMR-7 arthritis and muscle pain relief gel by Performance Health, LLC.

Hitting Fat – Try these tips

A golf swing problem that is as common as a slice is hitting the golf ball fat, and it can be just as frustrating. As with all golf swing procedure, once you know what you are doing wrong, you can begin working on correcting it.

When trying to correct this problem, get a golfing buddy if possible to watch your swing, and ask him or her to be on the lookout for the items discussed below.

Do You Drop Your Shoulder when Hitting the Golf Ball Fat:

The most common problem with hitting the ball fat is dropping your shoulder. This is the one that is farthest away from the target or back shoulder: right shoulder for right-handed golfers, left shoulder for left-handed golfers.

When your rear shoulder drops, the club hits the ground before it should, resulting in a nasty shot. More often than not, hitting the ball fat happens when a player tries to swing excessively hard, causing the downswing to start with a lot of hip motion.

As an example, try this effortless exercise. Take a club and assume your standard address. Bring the club up to the very top of your back swing and stop. With the golf club is at the top, shift your hip toward the target area, horizontally, and notice what happens to your back shoulder. It’s as expected dips down too!

If your friend is around, do this exercise over again, bit by bit, and ask him or her to observe your hips and shoulder and see if your shoulder dips. If so, you’ve possible found the cause of the trouble.

To right this issue, you have to learn how to use your lower body appropriately during the swing. Your hips need to twist, but don’t allow them to move. A straight forward way to make this happen is to concentrate on starting the downswing with your arms, and your hips will naturally follow.

Practice and Watch Your Shoulder on Your Back Swing:

Another good practice is to focus on keeping your forward shoulder down. During practice shots, your body will get the message.  Always take into account to keep your forward arm straight as you go into your back swing. When you get to the top, think “down” for your forward shoulder, and then move into your downswing. Your hips will uncoil, but do not allow them to move laterally.

The ideas presented here are easy enough to apply, but they require some time spent practicing and experimenting. The practice range is the best place to do this, also if you do not have a buddy available, you might be able to find someone to observe your swing.

As you work on this fix, remember to go through all of your clubs, not just the driver. Striking the ball fat can occur with any club, and you need to practice with each one to truly master a solid, crisp ball strike. Many players favor to start with the short irons and work their way up when learning a new skill set.

Fatigue and Sore Muscles Can Cause Hitting the Golf Ball Fat:

I am sure that you have been on the back nine and playing well when you go to hit that 180 yard approach shot to the green and thud you take out a big divot behind the golf ball.  This could be from fatigue.  I have found that a great way to prevent this is with a good muscle pain relief gel like AMR-7.  AMR-7 is a specially formulated menthol based gel that is cool to touch and immediately provides a relaxing and soothing relief form sore muscles.  For me it also prevents muscle spasms on the back nine.