How the Internet Improved My Golf Game

How the Internet Improved My Golf Game

Article by Willie Paxton

Are you a beginner or a high handicapper at golf? Are you seeking the perfect golf swing? Have you paid out good money time & time again on golf instruction, on how to swing a golf club and not really seen any real improvement? I was in the same position. For a good 5 or 6 years I listened to the professional, practiced what he said but rarely did my game improve. In the end I became quite used to the idea that I would always be a high handicapper and my game would not really improve to any great extent.

Out of desperation I decided that instead of paying for more lessons I would seek advice and golf swing tutorial from the Internet. I had some basic flaws in my game. Of my tee shots, only around half were good and my second or third shot would invariably be a left of the target. I also struggled with my short game and my putting quite honestly was a joke.

I came across a book on the internet and I was amazed at the improvement in my game. I found it to be a step-by-step guide with detailed photos that taught the correct way to grip the club. The book is a comprehensive guide to golf that addresses all the problems related to slicing, chipping, putting, sand, driving, inconsistency, distance and much more, with simple and easy to follow instructions.

My problem tee shot was down to a couple of things. I either hooked the shot very low and it went only about 100 yards or my swing would come across the left side of the ball causing an enormous slice. I cured the hook with a change of grip. Basically I was turning my hands towards the left and closing the club face. This resulted and a shot that started off OK for the first 50 yards only to swerve rapidly left and dive very quickly to the ground. The new grip I have, stopped this as it made it very difficult to close the face. I also learned how to align the club-face to cure my awful slice. You see I was aligning my club too close to the toe of the club, so this encouraged an exaggerated slice.

My second and even third shots were corrected by examining my address of the ball, I did not realize that I had a very open stance, my feet were in a parallel line pointing to the right of the target, this was like my original tee shots causing the club to have a closed face. So, whilst I was always aiming right of the intended target, my shots would invariably go left. The book highlighted other problems also. I had a tendency to get off balance when putting extra effort into a shot which would result in a shank. The book cured many of my bad golfing habits. I effectively got a golf swing that works for less than the price of a pair of golf shoes.

About the Author

If you are new to the game of golf or are a high handicapper and you would like to improve your game with tips on golf, go to

How to Fascinate a New Man

How to Fascinate a New Man

Article by Terry Hernon MacDonald

I recently read an article by a female writer who claims that it doesn’t matter who a single woman is or what she does for a living. Once she dates a guy, she could be performing brain surgery, and she’ll be preoccupied about when he’s going to call.

Not surprisingly, this woman has not been able to sustain a love relationship. She recently published a book about how she’s given up on men and will devote herself exclusively to her cats.

I suspect her lack of success with men is due to her belief that women are programmed to put their lives on hold until a man calls. But women who are lucky in love absolutely do not do this. They do not assume that a guy might be “the one” for them based on a single date– or even on a series of dates.

Instead, they say four magic words to themselves: “We’ll see what happens.” They go about their lives as usual. If the guy calls, great. If he doesn’t, well, obviously he wasn’t “the one.”

The best assumption you can make early in a relationship is that a guy is not the one for you. Act accordingly. This doesn’t mean you’re rude to him, play games, or deliberately not return his calls.It does mean that you treat him as a potential friend.

You treat him as you would have him treat you, but you don’t rearrange your life to hang out with him. You certainly don’t break plans with your friends. If you find yourself wondering if or when he’s going to call, take yourself to a movie. Go the the bookstore. Put the guy out of your mind until he’s done something to deserve being in it.

The bonus? If you treat him as if he’s not the one until he proves otherwise, you’ll fascinate him. Men can smell desperation (the same way you can smell desperation), and it’s a turn-off. A happy woman with a full life is devastatingly attractive.

Be that woman. Hold out for the wonderful man you deserve.

About the Author

Terry Hernon MacDonald is the author of “How to Attract and Marry the Man of Your Dreams.” Sign up for free dating tips at Check out her blog at