PGA Golf Swing Drill for Accuracy

PGA Golf Swing Drill for Accuracy

Suitable golf drills are a great way to accelerate your golf game, ingrain the fundamentals of your golf swing and correct swing faults. Though there are lots of free golf drills you can incorporate into your golf practice routines, not every golf drill would be suitable for you. Do you want to get some PGA golf swing drills to improve your accuracy?


All of us know that it is not easy to find great golf swing drills. Here are a few tried and true golf drills recommended by top PGA teaching pros that are highly beneficial for all elements of your swing. I would like to talk some free PGA golf swing drills for your power and accuracy in this article, if you want to know much more golf information or golf tips, you may read this funny article – Get Power Golf Swing as Tiger.




Now, you could learn to develop a wide arc through the golf ball to increase ball striking, accuracy and power. All of us may know that to kick a golf game golf ball correctly, with maximum compression, a golfer must extend the arms correctly through impact into the follow through. If you follow my suggestions, you should have a good time while hitting the ball by your Ping K15. Do you agree with me?


No matter what much a player needs to swing through the golf ball to the target, in the event that the golf club is usually coming down on the wrong line, the only way to save the shot is usually by introducing excessive hand action at impact.


A tip to help correct slicing is to see how centered you can hit the ball with your club and how low you can keep the ball. If the ball flies too high, it can get caught up in the wind and can go left or right on rough ground. If a golfer is certainly keen to increase their extension through the golf ball, for more electrical power and accuracy, they should first improve their swing path at impact.


Once the golf swing path of the club is certainly more neutral and not coming too far from the inside or outside, it will be possible to start working on extension through the ball. This could best be done by using the following drill.


This drill coordinates the move normally and creates effective smooth acceleration. At first it will be challenging to toss the golf ball forward any distance, yet with practice players are able to sling the golf ball by the Mizuno MX300 efficiently towards the target. Thank you for reading my article, you could read some other articles in my blog.


If you want to know much more information or jokes, you may read this funny article – Swing Power Is Easy When You Try My Tips at which is a golf clubs for sale store online.


Improve Golf Swing: The Simple Golf Swing Review

Improve Golf Swing: The Simple Golf Swing Review

Article by K Wallace

Improve Golf Swing: The Simple Golf Swing Review

Does dropping your handicap by AT LEAST 7 strokes in 7days sound impossible? This downloadable e-book, The Simple Golf Swing by David Nevogt, guarantees to do so. I thought this might me a load of crap at first, but I was pleasantly surprised.

So what makes The Simple Golf Swing so different from other books?

The Simple Golf Swing The Simple Golf Swing is about using the spine as an axis to promote consistency and to keep you on the correct swing plane. You’ll learn the correct hand action so that you can add distance to every shot. You’ll learn the correct timing to get straight ball flight, and consistent direction. You get a step-by-step guide on the full swing, a step-by-step guide on the short game, a mental guide, and personal coaching to make all of this happen quickly and easily.

Some of the things that you will learn:

Unique setupGripTiming DrillAlignment DrillBackswing (2 unique steps)Downswing (1 unique step)Follow through (1 unique step)You will be able to learn and embrace each of these steps quickly. They are each crucial to lowering your handicap and making solid impact with the ball. The Simple Golf Swing will teach you a controlled swing. The advantage of a controlled swing is that you will be able to increase or decrease your swing speed, according to the current situation, and yardage variances.Whether you are hitting a driver or a nine iron, you can put the exact same swing on the ball and know that you are going to make solid contact with the ball. Consistency is the goal with The Simple Golf Swing, and that’s why you will benefit from it.

The Simple Golf Swing is also different because it was built for the Bogey+ golfer. It’s developed for the majority of golfers; the golfers who want to break 80, 85, or 90. It brakes down the golf swing, and builds it from the bottom up so that the average golfer now has a solid reference point for every component of the golf swing.

What you really gain from The Simple Golf Swing:

You will find a step-by-step guide with detailed photos that will teach you the correct way to grip the club. Instructions for the interlocking and the overlapping grip are included. This will let you experiment to see what works best for YOU.Learn a method to check that you grip the club in the same manner for every shot to promote consistency.Learn a detailed procedure that will ensure that your grip promotes straight ball flight, and not a hook or a slice.Learn a secret on how to align the club face so that you don’t push the ball right. Discover an easy method to hit more greens. Learn the revolutionary setup. “The Simple Golf Swing” setup allows you to swing around your spine. The key is to limit the amount of horizontal and vertical body movement during the swing. This setup will automatically give you the correct swing plane that promotes consistency and power. It’s given to you in a step-by-step procedure that is easy to remember on the course. Discover the easiest way to make perfect impact with the ball on every shot. You may have heard of the one-piece takeaway. Learn the method that will help you master this move, and keep your swing connected. This is the most beneficial part of the system. It provides consistency, and gives you a controlled swing that results in increased distance.Learn how to get to the top of your backswing, and how to get into the same position for every shot. “The Simple Golf Swing” teaches you a method that promotes an inside-out swing that you can use to automatically hit the fairway.Learn where to stop your backswing. A short backswing promotes consistency, and increased distance.Discover the distance secret that many instructors don’t even address because it’s so hard to teach. Here’s a hint: Hand Action that can increase your swing speed by 10 mph.

The Simple Golf Swing really impressed me so much that I purchased their new apprentice program which works wonders on your golf game. Start off with the book first to see if it works for you. It’s risk free with the guarantee. You also get a free sample chapter of The Simple Golf Swing that the site gives you which is very informative. After reading and applying the techniques in the book consider checking out their Apprentice Program. You won’t be sorry.

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Reviewing this and that.

How to Drive the Golf Ball Properly

How to Drive the Golf Ball Properly

My driver has always been the club that I have been most confident with. In order to drive the golf ball properly, you must first master the fundamentals of the swing.

When setting up to hit a drive, stand with your feet slightly greater than shoulder length apart, in an athletic stance, with your knees bent. The ball should be teed up in alignment with the inside of your left foot (for right handed golfers). Stand so that you do not need to reach too far in order for the clubface to be lined up with the ball. Your back should be slightly bent at an angle relative to your legs.

In order to consistently have a clean tee shot, don’t try to kill the ball! I see so many beginners walk up to the tee box, and swing at the ball with all their might. Usually the ball will end up sharply slicing or hooking, in either case, loosing a considerable amount of distance. Take a nice easy swing, especially on the backswing. Also, bring the club back so that it is parallel to the ground at the top of the backswing. It may even help to take a three quarter length swing to ensure that your club remains on the correct swing path.

Remember that most of your power will come from your torso; not your arms. It is therefore crucial to be conscious of keeping your swing in rhythm with you weight shift. Just like when hitting a baseball, your weight should shift from your back foot to your front foot as contact is being made with the ball.

Also, be sure to follow through completely. Do not try to stop the club right after making contact, as much power will be lost. When finishing, your left (front) food should still be planted onto the ground, and your body should be facing the target.

Savannah Durbin is an avid golfer and aspiring computer engineer. To read more golf tips and articles, visit:

Golf Slice Cure – Is There An Easy Golf Slice Cure

Golf Slice Cure – Is There An Easy Golf Slice Cure

I was so excited, my first round of the year. This year I am going to break 80, me and my three buddies are standing on the first tee talking about how great this new driver I bought was. This is finally going to be my golf slice cure…Until I hit the first drive. Right in the water, not how I wanted to start the golf season. Another 0 on a driver down the drain.

If this story sounds familiar, I can understand. This story is a true story, unfortunately it’s my story.
I started golfing at the age of 23 and for the first six years I was constantly frustrated with a severe slice. I would aim 50 yards to the left and still miss the fairway to the right. Then for no reason I started hitting the ball straight. I would aim down the middle again and then I would start slicing again.

I must have invested over 00 in different drivers, each time thinking this was the club that would fix my slice. I tried offset drivers, higher loft, lower loft, even driving irons. Nothing seemed to work. I took some lessons and that seemed to help for a while but I was still very inconsistent. Some times it worked some times it didn’t.

Then I met Dave. Dave showed me four easy things to do that cured my slice for good. I have lowered my handicap by 8 shots and am saving a ton on golf balls! Finding the golf slice cure has meant the world to me. The steps are easy. Proper golf stance, proper grip, correct swing mechanics and positive swing thoughts. That’s it. As human beings we want all our answers to be complicated technical stuff but as with most things in life, if you keep it simple you will see instant results, and be more consistent because there is not much that can go wrong. Yea I still hit a bad drive once in a while and I am not the longest hitter in the world. Because I keep the ball in play I have lowered my scores.

If you would like to meet Dave and find the Golf Slice Cure for yourself go here

You’d better Build Muscle Memory in Golf

You’d better Build Muscle Memory in Golf

Article by Cheapgolf

With the driver a wider stance is needed to support the greater swing arc and it’s merely an optical illusion that the ball inside the left heel looks further forward than with a shorter club.

For the callaway X series (= in your bag, keep the stance shoulder-width; with a mid-iron narrow the stance slightly (but with the ball still two inches inside the left heel) and with a wedge retain the ball position but have the feet a little closer together.

The unique technique of Canadian player Mike Weir is more fluid swing freely. Far away from the ball where he chose to hit a specific point routes and as a target, such as a tree trunk, and even a flagpole, and then adjust the way the handle and take the stance. When checking the distance of the point, he will be removed from the ball shaft and practice swing in the correct swing plane.

He then aimed shot from the point of exercise, stretching the club, and then on the bar and send rods. All are carried out in order to build muscle memory and repeat the swing. Mike – Virginia is one of the world’s best putter. The precise degree of skill is much better than American players Brad Faxon. His putter method is very simple to reverse cross-grip, gently hit the ball. He repeated this program every time.

No one can be like Mike – Virginia read as Augusta greens, putt putt, first determine the route, and then let the ball rolled over the ball one foot in front of a point, until you hear the ball rolled into the cup before Looked up. The secret is putting a lot of good putting is to control the rhythm. Before you start a game before they can practice putting stroke.

By the way, here is a good golf clubs. The X series jaws chrome wedges offer you the short game that you have been looking for. Maximum Spin and the ability to create shots that you didn’t think were possible. Looking for Tour Level Feel? Look no further. Available in Steel or Graphite.

It is not easy to put the ball 20 feet one after another in the beginning. 3 balls out, select a hole, and then advance from 4 feet 10 to 12 balls. These goals are critical, so in order to control the ball very well need to persevere in the length of practice.

He believes that it helps build muscle memory swing, so practice time is limited if the rod is not easy, but no other way. Not exactly one of the key swing that does not slow ball, control the ball the length of the rod, and then with the rod. No matter how kind of situation, in the hitting zone must speed up the swing Caixing.

More information at

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Repair the Golf Slice – the Major Key You Must Follow To Cure a Slice

Repair the Golf Slice – the Major Key You Must Follow To Cure a Slice

Article by Sean O’Kelly

The golf slice is among the most irritating challenges to correct for some golfers, but if the factors behind why a golf ball slices are plainly comprehended, solution is not very difficult. But before we give you the answer to remedy that slice, please take a few deep breaths and SLOW DOWN your swing. All will fall into place if you think three-quarter speed.

The foremost key now that we will deal with to correct the golf slice is correct swing path. Since your golf swing is circular, that is, the club head begins behind our head, swings around our body and ultimately ends up behind our head, it might appear physically impossible to not impart spin on a ball. But at the point of contact tend not to think circular. Ok, I’ll explain.

When looking down at the golf ball, picture the ball moving in flight. For the right handed golfer, if the ball is rotating in a clockwise course the ball will slice, or move in the direction toward which the ball is spinning. Naturally, for the left handed golfer the opposite holds. The aim to correct the golf slice would be to eliminate this spin.

How can we accomplish this? If, by looking straight down on the ball, we were to imagine it as being a clock with twelve o’clock being the direction we’d like the golf ball to go, if we were to make initial contact on the ball at seven o’clock and hit through the ball to the one o’clock location, we’d impart minimal spin on the golf ball, and thus giving the ball a straight flight, or possibly a counter clockwise, or hook spin.

Of course this would not be hard if not for the fact we are swinging, to some extent, around the body in somewhat of a circular action. So prior to impact and just right after, we should think about the club taking a virtually inside out path. This isn’t as challenging as it seems. To correct the golf slice, practice accomplishing a couple of things:

1. Close the stance somewhat. Basically, ensure that the front foot is a bit closer to the golf ball than the back foot.

2. Position the ball further back in your stance. Many of us have the propensity to move the ball forward, frequently even past our front foot, which makes it extremely hard to reach that “one o’clock” position on the golf ball. Regularly sticking to those two swing keys will do wonders for the fix the golf slice. Of course some practice to fine-tune those techniques for your swing will be necessary.

About the Author

My name is Sean O’Kelly, and I hope that I have helped you cure that “banana ball”.  For more techniques to  fix the golf slice, and many other golf fixes, click HERE.  Also, if you want to check out some ways to play golf for free, click HERE a 50 page guide.