How To Cure Addiction To Sex

How To Cure Addiction To Sex

Sex addiction is a hot topic in the news these days. Tiger is still hitting the headlines in a big way, although this time not because of his prowess upon the golf course. Residents of Hattiesburg are all aquiver with curiosity over Tiger being in town, residing for a while at a well known clinic to cure sex addiction.

Elsewhere in the world, you cannot miss the “sex addict” headlines in magazines and papers as you stand in the check out queue. Speculation abounds as to what Elin’s next step will be, and how many millions of dollars may have to be split between the two. Money however is hardly the most important issue here.

What is really good about the current Tiger issue is that it has opened up the door to many other sex addicts holding up their hands and admitting their secret desires and obsessions. When you try to hide something you tend to do it more. When you try to not do something you will be more inclined to do it. This may seem to be a rather perverse aspect of the mind, but it is how the mind works.

If you try not to hit the golf ball into the lake, it’s highly likely to end up making a big splash. If you try to not hit your Tee shot into the trees, where is it most likely to end up? And when you are approaching a chip over a bunker, what should you be thinking about? You should be thinking about the shape of your shot, the ball landing upon the green and rolling steadily towards the cup; But you’re more likely to be thinking about the sandy bunker, and if so, that’s where your ball is likely to cuddle up.

Golf highlights the way our minds work and as you learn the mental strategies required to master the various aspects of this game you also learn the mental skills necessary to succeed in other areas of your life. Returning to the example of what happens when you try to not hit the ball in a particular direction, there is a simple and important mental skill which can be learned.

Where there is a conflict between your will power and your imagination your imagination wins. If you are thinking “don’t go in the lake” you are in fact picturing the lake; your eyes and your mind are drawn there. I was playing with a lady earlier today who made the comment that she hated a particular hole for this very reason – she always went in the lake. And so as she addressed her ball, I asked a simple question – “what exactly are you aiming at?” Her reply “Over the water, I hope; just not in the water”.

When it was suggested that she could instead pick a specific point upon the fairway to aim at and to imagine the ball landing there, she hit a beautiful shot directly to that point. The learning of mental skills frequently takes little effort; in fact it often takes a single moment of enlightenment – a “light bulb” moment. You simply have to learn to understand how your thoughts have been impacting your golf, and your life. As you understand how your mind works, you can get it to work in your favor instead of against you.

Returning to the issue of sex addiction, the more you hide something the more you tend to do it. The more guilty you feel, the more you think about it, the more you imagine it and the more you do it. The first step in liberating yourself from sex addiction is to admit that you are hooked. Then you can start looking for a way in which to change your habits.

An addiction to anything reflects a lack of balance. A lack of self confidence is most often an underlying issue. You may very well be incredibly successful in your work or certain areas of your life, but success does not necessarily denote true solid self-esteem and self-worth. Rather, an unusually successful person’s self-worth tends to be hinged upon their area of success, leaving a void in other areas of their life. It is tempting then to try to fill that void…

Roseanna Leaton, specialist in hypnosis mp3s for confidence, golf mind training, addictions, health and happiness.

p.s. Something you would like to change in your life? you can grab a free hypnosis mp3 from my website.


With a degree in psychology and qualifications in hypnotherapy, NLP and sports psychology, Roseanna Leaton is one of the leading practitioners of self-improvement. You can get a free hypnosis mp3 from and peruse her library of hypnosis confidence mp3s .

Quit Smoking Programs Can be a Great Low Cost Help!

Quit Smoking Programs Can be a Great Low Cost Help!

There is little doubt in most people’s minds that individuals who engage in the habit of smoking are taking part in one of the unsoundest of habits that an individual can choose. Numerous individuals endure the drug withdrawal symptoms of smoking thanks to the poisonous component of cigarettes, Nicotine.





So, What is Nicotine?
Without a doubt one of the most life-threatening ingredients of cigarettes is nicotine. The Nicotine is the primary perpetrator that distinguishes a tobacco user from the help that is available from the assorted quit smoking programs. Nicotine bears an exceptional ability that allows it to stimulate the desire to smoke just about every time as soon as an individual breaks off from smoking. Nicotine builds an extraordinary yearning for tobacco from the moment when a smoker wakes up in the morning right through until he retires for the evening. Thus it comprises the principal element that stimulates and imposes the habit of tobacco smoking. It is somewhat surprising that even a comparatively modest day-to-day consumption of tobacco smoke could be sufficient to induce severe complications to the wellbeing of the tobacco user. Yet generally an individual who does smoke will smoke a minimum of three or four packs each week, and naturally this will have the effect of multiplying the risks and dangers by three or even four hundred percent!  So it isn’t an easy matter at all to break the addictive properties that nicotine holds.

Stop Smoking Programs:
To give you assistance in breaking the addiction to nicotine there is always help nearby prepared to assist you. Enquire at your nearest doctor’s surgery or clinic; ask at your local chemist or pharmacist for the particulars of any stop smoking programmes that may be local to where you are. The favourable things with regard to programs such as these is that they are able to contribute a great many different options to assist you in breaking away from this pernicious and life threatening habit.

As part of these programs it is also often possible to acquire new practices such as Meditation or Yoga which can stimulate positive feelings and help you feel generally better in yourself. As a matter of fact Yoga can revitalize you so much that you will be able to experience the feeling of being rejuvenated without even smoking a single cigarette. These results are because of the reality that the practice of Yoga is able to entirely kill off a lot of the poisonous toxins and other chemicals that have been accumulated in the body due to the persistent habit of smoking. One of the great advantages of programs such as these is that you will be given the chance to meet other people just like you so you will be able to share your experiences with them and give up smoking as a group rather than battling on alone.

Some Tips on Quitting Smoking:

Throw away all the bits and bobs that you associate with smoking in your home and workplace such as Cigarette Lighters, Ashtrays. Have your clothes thoroughly cleaned to remove that tobacco smell, have your upholstery and curtains thoroughly hoovered. As detailed in the preceding paragraph give some serious consideration on attending a local Quit Smoking Program.  Do you best to eat the quality, fresh and healthy foods during your stop smoking campaign such as raw carrot and slices of fresh apple. Also it is of vital importance that you assure yourself that you’ll not touch a deathly cigarette ever again. In addition to this if you calculate how much of your hard earned money you are regularly spending on your smoking habit then you’ll recognise that you have literally sat down and burnt a huge stack of cash! Never forget that you have a family who loves you and that they’ll undoubtedly suffer if something bad befalls you and they’ll likewise be adversely impressed upon  as they are subjected to their own health risks by inhaling your second hand smoke. While you are quitting smoking increase your daily intake of fluids such as fresh water or freshly squeezed fruit juice which will help rid your body of toxins and poisons which have been allowed to build up due to your old habits of smoking.




As soon as you have become determined to stop smoking, go off and sign up for a stop smoking program without hesitating so that you will be able to altogether rid yourself of this life-threatening substance abuse and your loved ones and yourself the healthy and happy lifestyle that they merit!

Jackie is the owner of
a website which aims to provide help, information,

tips and advice to people who are trying to stop smoking and beat

nicotine addiction.

Stop smoking today and change your life forever!

How I Cured My Coffee Addiction

How I Cured My Coffee Addiction

Article by Swayze

I have to admit something. I used to LOVE coffee. I had a cup every single morning after my exercise with a “splash” of half and half and a couple tablespoons of sugar. I could not even imagine starting my day without my little cup of energy.

That was about two years ago. Now, I can’t stand the stuff. The smell alone makes me want to hurl. The fragrance is so strong and bitter. Yuck. I’ll just stick to water, thank you.

So what changed? How was I able to kick my coffee habit over two years ago? Why is just the smell of coffee so aggravating to me now?

Coffee Addiction

When I was much younger, I hated everything about coffee. The aroma, the look of it, the few sips I had tasted. I felt the same way about coffee as a child that I do today.

As I got older, I started having a cup in the morning. I still hated it at first, but it just seemed like something people did. Every adult I knew got up in the morning and fixed themselves a cup of coffee. My Mom drank coffee all throughout the day!

Before I knew it, I was hooked on the stuff. And it only took a few weeks to go from something I despised to something I relied on everyday. If I did not have my coffee, it was very hard for me to stay awake during my first few classes at school. I would usually experience a slight twinge in my forehead as well.

At the time, I thought that this was a sign that coffee was necessary in my diet. When I drank coffee, I felt good. When I stopped drinking it, I felt bad.

The Effects of Coffee

You see, coffee has two effects: a short term effect and a long term effect. The caffeine in coffee is a stimulant and consuming it causes your body to work overtime trying to neutralize it. Your body’s sudden state of frenzy causes you to feel energized and awake for a short period of time. This is the short term effect.

Once these effects have worn off, the body returns (or “comes down”) to its original condition. You now feel sluggish and tired again. This is the long term effect of drinking coffee.

Many people only notice the short term effect. While virtually everyone experiences the “drop off” later in the day (I know I did), they do not associate this with the coffee. In fact, I’m sure many of you attempt to solve the problem by having more coffee!

How to Cure Your Coffee Addiction

The best way to stop drinking coffee is to STOP DRINKING COFFEE! If you continue to drink the stuff, you will continue to be dependent upon it.

Personally, I went completely cold turkey from my one cup a day. I had a couple of slight headaches for a few days, but that was the extent of my detox. After a couple of weeks, I felt much better and no longer longed for coffee. After two short months, I could not imagine drinking coffee at all.

If you drink numerous cups of coffee each day, it might be best to gradually reduce how much you drink. An easy way to do this is to replace each cup with caffeine-free tea. If you choose, you can keep going by replacing the tea with just warm or cold lemon water.

Either way you choose, your goal should be to completely eliminate coffee from your diet. It provides no nutritional value and has no place in a healthy lifestyle.

My hope is that one day coffee drinking will be a thing of the past and people will rely on good ole exercise and nutrition to energize themselves for the day.

A girl can dream, right?;)

About the Author

For more information on the best raw vegan diet, be sure to visit Fit On Raw and subscribe to Swayze’s newsletter Peachy Keen Ezine. By subscribing, you will also receive the free report The 4 Principles of a Healthy Raw Diet as well as the 5-week mini-course The Fool Proof Transition to Raw.

Something You Should Know When buying Golf Clubs

Something You Should Know When buying Golf Clubs

For most golfers buying a new set of clubs is as important as buying a car. It’s important to get it right because you can spend a lot of money and you’ll be using them for many years to come. If you haven’t realised it already golf equipment gets very technical. For the very best players a misplaced ‘C.O.G’ or ‘M.O.I’ can severely affect their game. For the rest of us a few simple decisions will help you select the right golf clubs for you and avoid wasting your hard earned cash. Lets take a look at what you need to know.

How much you spend is obviously up to you. Golf equipment can cost a small fortune especially if you opt for custom made stuff. If you’re a beginner its probably a better idea to look for a less expensive range or even buy second hand (check for signs of rusting and degradation if you do). This game is a tough nut to crack and not everyone develops an addiction to it. You don’t want a thousand dollars worth of golf clubs gathering dust in the closet! When you get to a decent level or are already there it then becomes more cost effective to go for the higher end products.

The majority of your golf bag will be taken up by the irons – generally 3 through to 9. The quality of the shaft is key for these clubs and industry standard is for the irons to be made out of steel. Take note – if your swing speed is slow or your swing speed is decreasing due to age consider buying graphite shaft irons. They are lighter and can help you get back some distance.

The flex of the shaft is another key component. Again slower swing speeds require a more flexible shaft. The extra whip generated helps add yards to your shots. This is not helpful to the golfer who is hitting their 7 iron 150 yards or more as flexible shafts tend to be harder to control at that level. These types of golfer should look at the stiffer range.

A feature of the 21st century golf bag is the hybrid clubs. A mix between the fairway wood and standard iron this club is known to be easier to hit than long irons and can be used in many situations. Generally considered a must for high handicappers and beginners you will also find that the pros have adopted them also. Its certainly worth considering having these in your bag rather than the long irons. If, like me, you tend to spend a little too much time in the rough then these golf clubs can be your saviour.

When you are making your selection be mindful that golf clubs are generally made to a standard length. When you set up, the club head should sit flat on the ground and the club should fall below your waist. The standard length is acceptable for most golfers but if you’re particularly small or tall it might be a better idea to go for a custom made set. This will give you a better chance of solid contact.

The club head comes in all shapes and sizes. You hear much about the debate between cavity backed or blades. The cavity backed club head has a larger sweet spot so is easier to hit but at the cost of feel and control. This is why better players tend to prefer the blades.

The driver and fairway woods usually have graphite shafts to assist in generating club head speed. As with irons the amount of flex you need depends on how much speed you tend to generate.

Loft of the driver head is often overlooked. Slow swingers want a higher loft as it helps get higher trajectory off the tee and ultimately more carry down the fairway. Loft tends to range between 10 and 15 degrees. Better players should opt for the lower end of that range.

Fortunately for some of us you can select the angle of the face of the driver to offset any tendencies such as slicing or hooking. If you slice go for a closed face and if you hook go for an open face. The difference can be between hitting the rough regularly or getting down that fairway.

The putter is all about feel. You need to be able to produce a smooth stroke to get the right contact on the golf ball. As a result there are a great many variations in the type of putter you can buy. See which one sits right with you. The heavier putters can help beginners because they promote a less jerky technique and reduce the chance of the golfer giving up on the putt as they hit it.

The grip has to feel comfortable. You can have golf clubs regripped and this may come in useful if you have small or large hands.

Everyone has their own tastes so not all the tips will apply but its certainly worth bearing these pointers in mind. Buying clubs can be a sizeable investment and the last thing you want is to find you’ve chosen a set that you simply cannot get on with. One final tip is to make sure you are honest about your game with the store attendants when selecting clubs. Yes, they are trying to sell to you but they will want you to get the right clubs. Its no use saying you hit the ball dead straight and play off a 4 handicap when you really have a horrendous slice and struggle to break 100. The needs of these two types of player are very different! Best golf clubs in ordergolfonline

I am a golf lover!