Powerful Tips For How to Cure Acne Naturally

Powerful Tips For How to Cure Acne Naturally

Acne is a skin problem that can be treated with medication and over the counter products. However, there are many natural treatments that are just as effective. Here are some tips that will show you how to cure acne naturally.


A healthy diet is important for good skin. If you are lacking certain nutrients, your pores will become clogged, and your acne will become worse. Your skin will not be able to fight off bacteria, so a multivitamin will provide you with the nutrients that your body needs.


Carrots contain Vitamin A, which helps to eliminate and prevent acne. It contains powerful antioxidants and it works to eliminate toxins in the body. Studies show that a Vitamin A deficiency can cause blemishes.


If you want to know how to cure acne naturally, supplement with chromium. Many people take chromium when they need to lose weight, but it also works for healing skin conditions. Take one chromium supplement per day to prevent breakouts and eliminate acne.

Acne Soap

Wash your skin and face with acne soap every day. Acne soap was designed to treat breakouts, and you should use it at least two times a day. Be careful not to scrub too hard or wash too many times, because your acne may get worse.


If you want to cure your acne, apply a natural honey mask a few times a week. Honey works to eliminate bacteria, and it heals blemishes. Honey is natural, safe and gentle on the skin, and it will help you prevent further breakouts.

Furthermore, if you want to cure acne, you should get enough sleep. Your immune system is more powerful when you sleep enough. It will help you reduce your stress levels and control your hormones, which can lead to breakouts. Also, you should drink a lot of water each day to flush out toxins and keep the skin looking vibrant and healthy. You should eat a healthy diet that includes fruits and vegetables. These foods contain essential vitamins that will fight off bacteria and heal your blemishes. Further, you should avoid wearing makeup on the skin, because it will clog the pores and cause acne. If you do wear makeup, make sure you wash your skin as soon as you can.

To get the facts on exactly how to eliminate your Acne from the root 100% naturally and permanently, and achieve lasting clear skin without spending your hard-earned money on drugs and over the counter products…
Click Here –>CureAcneNaturally.net

Some Tips on How to Get Rid of Back Acne

Some Tips on How to Get Rid of Back Acne

Article by Geoffrey Sweeney

Some Tips on How to Get Rid of Back Acne

Back acne is acne on your back, which can be particularly embarrassing during the summer when the back is more exposed.

Here are some tips on how to get rid of your back acne

The Beach is a great natural source of help for your back acne Stay in the beach water for about 5 minutes with your whole back under, the salt water is a great cleanser.Then lay flat on your stomach with your back exposed to the sun until your back feels hot for about 10 minutes, the sun helps to dry the acne, make sure you don’t get sun burnt thou, so best to wear a non oil sunscreen as well, a nano technology sunscreen is the best, so not too clog the pours and your skin can breathKeep alternating these steps about 4-6 times. The next day, you should see results. For really strong acne, do it 3 days in a row. Have some fun while you are helping cure your acne.

Make sure you drink 8 glasses of water a day. Hydrating properly will ensure that your body will not need to release as much oil and bacteria in the form of back acneCleansing your skin with lemons (slice & rub onto skin) or tomatoes will greatly help, because the acid in them will help to kill harmful bacteria. This is especially good if you have sensitive skin and the chemical treatments will do more harm than good.

Another natural treatment is to make your own exfoliating scrub which will remove dead skin cells that clog up the pores and cause breakouts. Squeeze the juice of one grapefruit into a bowl with 1 1/2 cups of white sugar and 1/2 cup of coarse sea salt. Massage into the affected areas, then pat dry.

TAZORAC is a miracle cream that helped my best friends horrible back acne disappear! try it!

WarningDo not pick or pop the pimples. This only increases the chance of infection. Treat any popped pimples with 3% hydrogen peroxide or 10% benzoyl peroxide to reduce the chance of infection. If you are taking Accutane, do not use Neutrogena or benzoyl peroxide. Accutane works by killing oil glands under the skin, thereby removing the critical producer of oil. Application of benzoyl peroxide when taking Accutane will result in scarring and severe redness.

These methods will also help you get rid of zits on your chest, shoulders and face.

For people with serious or chonic back acne – here is a solution that has worked for many people. Click Here! So if you are seriously looking to get rid of your back acne once and for all.Goto Acne Free!

About the Author

For more information on how to Get Rid of Back Acne vist http://get-rid-of-back-acne.blogspot.com

How to Cure Acne Naturally by Changing Your Makeup Routine

How to Cure Acne Naturally by Changing Your Makeup Routine

Many people are not aware that there is a huge connection between acne and the type of makeup that you use. Many makeups contain oils, chemicals and other ingredients that clog your pores and cause acne on your face as well as on the side of your face. There are ways though to alter your makeup routine and thus help reduce the amount of acne you have currently and preventing any future acne breakouts.

To begin with you will want to avoid makeup that contains the oil that most makeup manufacturers use when their makeup is made. For those who must wear foundation look for one that says “oil free” on the packaging. There are a few different types of these out on the market as well as some powder foundations that are oil free, which are safe to use when you are trying to cure your acne naturally by changing your makeup routine. If you can avoid using foundation unless it is for a special occasion you will have a better chance avoiding getting the acne. A good loose powder for your face is a much better choice for those with acne. Be sure to check the packaging on these as well to avoid powders with an excessive amount of oil.

You have probably heard of the new mineral makeup types that are out there. These are generally a good choice for those who are trying to cure their acne. They contain natural ingredients that will not clog your pores like regular makeup types do. They will also be less likely to irritate your skin. These are available at many different locations and are usually around the same price as normal makeup.

Cleaning your makeup tools properly is also imperative to helping cure acne naturally. This is very simple and something that can be done every day. If you use a makeup pad every day, after you use it simply wash it thoroughly and leave it out to dry. You can also invest in some inexpensive ones so you are able to have a new one each day. By not cleaning these pads and brushes properly you are allowing bacteria build up which will then be transferred to your face increasing the chance of breakouts occurring.

Lastly you can help cure acne naturally by changing your cleanser. When you go to remove your makeup and use your cleanser look for a cleanser that is meant for normal or oily skin. There are many cleansers that do more harm than good. You may have to try a couple before you find the right one but once you start to see your skin clear up you will be glad you changed your makeup routine to cure your acne the natural way.

To get the facts on exactly how to eliminate your Acne from the root 100% naturally and permanently, and achieve lasting clear skin without spending your hard-earned money on drugs and over the counter products…
Click Here –>CureAcneNaturally.net

How Do I Get Rid Of Scars Caused By Acne – 5 Effective Home Remedies For Pimple Scars And Dryness/Redness Under The Nose

How Do I Get Rid Of Scars Caused By Acne – 5 Effective Home Remedies For Pimple Scars And Dryness/Redness Under The Nose

Article by Mark Towell

I have scars from acne I have NO idea how to get rid of them. And I have dryness (redness) under my nose. It’s not from a cold because I haven’t had one for some time now. Can you please tell me how to get rid of the acne scars (please don’t say surgery because I won’t do that) and how I can get rid of the dryness?

This is a popular question that gets asked by so many on the net, since acne is really a common condition that affects so many people in the world. Listed below are some few tips and tricks you can use in trying to get rid of scars caused by acne. There are also some few tips on getting rid of dryness and redness around the nose.

I used to get acne really bad, I do get the occasional pimple here and there but unfortunately I got some really bad scars. What I found worked really well for me was to use a home remedy. They healed and faded the scars very quickly. It definitely works. And best of all you’ll probably have all the ingredients at home, so it probably won’t cost you lots of money.

Here are some of the Home Remedies for pimple scars:

1. Tomato, which has vitamin A. Vitamin A, controls the production of excess sebum and also an excellent antioxidant. Slice tomato and apply slices directly to skin.

2. Your skin needs water to keep the skin plump, remove toxins and build new skin cells. Drink at least 80 ounces of filtered water a day to give your skin the quality and quantity of water it needs to reveal healthier, fresher skin.

3. Cucumber is one of the refreshing treatments used for the treatment of acne. Blend the cucumber into a paste and apply it on the spots. Leave it for 30 to 45 minutes and then wash it off.

4. The sandalwood and rosewater blend can be used as a facial mask and cab be instantly applied on the pimple areas of skin. Wear it during the night before going to bed.

5- On the next page, you’ll discover a book that will teach you how to totally remove all your scars. The above suggestions might work in treating your scars, but what helped me the most in removing all my old ugly scars were the secret techniques I learned from this Scar Removal Guide: Scar solution Manual.

This guide has some remarkable and unique natural scar removal techniques that worked like a charm on my scars! I’ve recommended this guide to so many people and they all ended up clearing their scars just few months after following the recommendations in it.

Click here: Scar Solution, to read more about this guide.

About the Author

Methods for eliminating all your unappealing scars, the how to fade acne scars. Some of the Most excellent natural cures for scars, scar treatment products