Golf Tips of the Day-Proper address for putting

Golf Tips of the Day-Proper address for putting

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I know everyone has different styles for different putters. I’m currently gaming a Scotty Cameron SS Newport 2 MS. It has the 45* toe hang compared to my balanced Yes!Tracy.

I know that on putting, you have to hit the ball slightly on the up swing to prevent skipping the ball. so normally what I do is:

1. Set up the ball, Titleist Pro V1x Ball at , about 1 inch from the club face 2. deloft the club a little bit by putting my hands slightly infront of the club head.

Just checking what you guys think or if my method is correct or not on address.

1.These are contradicting statements. One is true, and the other is not. The skipping you refer too is caused by the the loft of the club, and hitting on the upswing. If you hit on the upswing, you are adding loft to the club.

I am not saying your method is wrong because there is no right or wrong way to putting, just your analogy of what you think is happening.

IMHO there are three key factors to all good putters, such as Odyssey White Ice Mini T Putter, Odyssey White Ice #1 Putter and Ping iWi Craz-E Putter at .

*Their stance is such that their eyes are directly over the ball so they can see straight down the line and eliminate the optical illusion. *Hands are pressed forward to deloft the club face. *Swing is with shoulders causing a pendulum motion with firm wrist to eliminate hitting with the hands.

2. It is sooo right. Take your putter inside and align it flush against the wall and make strokes. This will feel totally bizarre and if it was a sledge hammer your wife would be really hot. You can’t help but feel a difference from your action on the putting green. This is the alignment you should use on the course. Practice this drill until it feels normal. Pay very close attention to the routing of your trailing hand and arm while you are putting along the wall. Be sure your ball position is center or forward. A tile floor is the best place to do this to establish ball position; but, in a pinch anything will do.

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