Golf Slice Cures – How to Cure Your Golf Slice in 3 Easy Steps

Golf Slice Cures – How to Cure Your Golf Slice in 3 Easy Steps

Step 1

The first place to look for a golf slice cure is your grip. Strengten it. Turn both hands more to the right so that the ‘v’ s formed by your thumb and first finger are pointing outside your right shoulder.

This is a pretty dramatic move but will give you the sensation of hitting a draw or hook pretty quickly. When this happens you will fill with confidence and soon will be able to aim down the right hand side of the fairway and know that your ball will draw back into the middle of the fairway.

Don’t overdose with this cure though..after a little while if you are getting into trouble on the left hand side of the course you can tweak your grip again, but this time you will be doing it with the confidence of hitting draw shots rather than slices and your set up and alignment will improve as a result.

Step 2

Make sure your set up and alignment are spot on..when you slice you will overcompensate for this by aiming to the left. The result of this is that you can acquire the bad habit of open shoulders at address. Playing with a stronger grip will automatically force you to turn your shoulders slightly more closed rather than open.

Step 3

Work on your release through impact. What you need to aim for is a full flowing release with the right forearm climbing up and over the left through impact and into the follow through.

Practice this release without a ball and work also on swinging the club about knee height and watch as the club closes through impact.

Still slicing? Close that clubface earlier in the downswing.

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Tips for Correcting a Slice in Your Golf Swing

Tips for Correcting a Slice in Your Golf Swing

Here we’re going to discuss one of the most common issues with the golf swing… the dreaded golf slice. There are seemingly countless issues that can led to slicing in the the golf swing, and we’ll discuss some time-tested corrections that can help you get rid of that slice in your golf swing.


One of the most frequent causes of the slice happens during address. Most golfers prefer a square stance at address, where the feet, hips, and shoulders are in line with the target. If you move your left foot too far forward, the club face is likely to open at impact and the ball will fly to the right. The left foot should be directly under the left shoulder.The same holds true for the shoulders and hips. Unless they too are square at impact, the ball will not fly straight and true. Your body must be in complete alignment and totally square to the ball when the club hits the ball. That’s the first step…


The next step is correcting the grip. Many newer players grasp the club too tightly, which can cause the club head to open as it strikes the ball. Again, this will make the ball fly to the right. If the grip is too loose, the head will wobble at impact and that, too, can lead to slicing or hooking.There are several different types of grips, but to cure the slice in your golf swing, start with a neutral grip. It works for the majority of golfers, and it’s a good base to start and it’s easier to make adjustments from a totally neutral position. To check that your grip is neutral: you should be able to see two or three of your left-hand knuckles. If you cannot see any knuckles at all, this is a sign of an improper grip. As your hands come back into the hitting zone, they will rotate to a neutral position, causing the face to open.Rotate your hands—not the club, just your hands—until you see a couple of knuckles. Try hitting a few balls using this new grip. Keep in mind that minor adjustments to your grip can go a long way. Keep working at it until you discover the right position for you. Once you have it, remember it!


When correcting a slice, swing tempo is important. Many golfers have a tendency to try to use their arms as their power source to get some extra yards, but this almost never works. Once they get to the top of their backswing, they allow their hands to take over and lead the downswing. As the hands come down, with everything else following, the club face will almost undoubtedly open. From start to finish, your swing should be smooth and relaxed. Avoid the temptation to jerk the club once you get to the top of your backswing. Let your hips start the downswing and everything else will follow.

Above all, correcting a slice is a matter of finding the one or two things you are doing wrong and fixing them. This, of course, takes time and patience. If you work through the possible causes, you will eventually find the solution, and your enjoyment of the game will soar to new levels.




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Puffy Baggy Eyes::How to Get Rid of Puffy Baggy Eyes

Puffy Baggy Eyes::How to Get Rid of Puffy Baggy Eyes

Article by Margaret Bell

To remove puffy eyes and get rid of baggy eyes, it helps to understand the cause. What would no bags under your eyes, no puffiness and even no dark circles do for your appearance? Let’s get rid of them and find out.

The Cause of Bags & Puffiness

What is the cause of baggy eyes? The cause is a build up of fluids in the skin beneath the eye. While it is possible to see puffy eyes at any age, especially early in the morning, it is more common as people get older and the skin becomes thinner.

The reason the skin becomes thinner with age is due to decreased skin cell production. Giving it the tools that it needs to produce new cells will help.

In some cases, the fluids begin to leak, due to fragile blood vessels. When that occurs, people see baggy eyes and dark circles. The skin beneath the eye is particularly delicate. Pulling on the area to insert contact lenses or apply makeup will make the problem worse.

Benefit of No More Baggy Eyes

The benefit that you will see is a more youthful appearance. The one that you can’t see is an improvement in your skin’s health. But is will become apparent as you begin to see a new skin glow radiance. Puffy eyes accompany a variety of health problems, especially those that involve poor circulation. Let’s briefly look at that.

Some Ways to Reduce Inflammation

Women have used a number of different tactics to reduce this inflammation. Covering the eyes with sliced cucumbers or citrus fruit, applying anti-inflammatory creams and using cold compresses are some of the solutions they have come up with. The application of sliced citrus fruit makes sense, because there is a flavonoid in citrus fruit that promotes vascular health. They call it vitamin P.

The old remedy for bruised and baggy eyes was to use a slab of raw meat, such as a steak. Anything cold will provide some reduction in puffy eyes. The proteins in the meat may have also helped. The latest technology calls for the use of creams containing peptides. Peptides are like proteins, but contain fewer amino acids.

Diet Changes May Help

Many researchers are looking at dietary factors that may contribute to an age appearance. Since puffy eyes often accompany aging, a change in diet might help. The goal would be to increase your intake of inflammation fighting fruits and vegetables, decrease your intake of foods that contribute to inflammation. Most of those are fatty meats.

Eating more fish is a good choice, according to some dermatologists. Fish provides the protein necessary for building new cells. Fish oil is an excellent choice for skin and overall health improvement.

The reason the skin becomes thinner with age is due to decreased skin cell production. Giving it the tools that it needs to produce new cells will help.

New Skin Creams Work

There are some creams that contain ingredients which boost skin-cell production. Algae extracts and the active form of the protein keratin have been shown to increase the number of new cells, which over time, will improve thickness and reduce the appearance of baggy eyes.

How to Really Get Rid of Baggy, Puffy Eyes

Products containing EYELISS and HALOXYL, European ingredients that have been used by celebrities for many years, have been shown in clinical trials to reduce puffy eyes over the course of 28 days. These ingredients reduce dark circles, as well, in case that happens to be a problem for you.

The best course of action is to use a daily moisturizer type day cream, as well as an eye contour gel. The gel should contain the ingredients that are proven effective for getting rid of baggy eyes. For more information on safe and effective ingredients that work, please see my website listed below. Thanks, Margaret Bell

About the Author

Please visit for Margaret’s recommended source to Remove Puffy Baggy Eyes and Wrinkles for men and women that is guaranteed to be safe and effective. I use a very effective Eye Contour Gel and Age Defense Day Cream. A FREE Health Newsletter is available.

What Causes the Slice and How to Cure It in Golf

What Causes the Slice and How to Cure It in Golf

Golf is a great sport enjoyed by millions of people around the world, so more and more people take up the golf game. But not every golfer may have a good golf swing. Do you know the slice in golf? The slice is an uncontrolled shot that causes the ball to curve off to the right of the ball-to-target line, causing a loss of both direction and distance.

Right-handed golf players often have the disposition to hit the ball to the right–this is called the slice. Left-handers as well slice the ball; nonetheless it will head to the kept. Oftentimes, the extra they try to suitable the side effect, the more intense the affliction results in being. Golfers often jiggle the clubface open for the backswing, diverse factors for this. Part of the outcome is weak grip, causing the shaft to move marginally. Nonetheless having too formidable grip contributes as well, when it leads to substantial stiffness in the forearms and rotator for the downswing. The slice is the most common fault in golf and in this article I plan to explore what causes a golf slice and how to cure it.

Here will be the ways to get rid of it.

Hold the shoulder muscles aligned correctly down the goal line, right foot inches directly ahead, the kept marginally flared kept. Your harness buckle have to point proper away ahead down the line through the ball. Increase your spine incline conducted by bending extra by the hips and jut your butt.

Check your V’s. You have to take a look at the 1st two knuckles of your kept hand and formed between your browse and forefinger which will points in the direction of your ideal arm.

Hold the shoulder laid back, nonetheless instantly, and grip completely nonetheless not in your passing pull.

Situation the ball where they allows your shoulder muscles to remain parallel to the goal line. Depending for the length of your clubs the angle to the ball can vary; nonetheless you have to not get to reach uncomfortably to put the clubhead during the ball.

For your golf backswing, get started the club come back decreased and marginally to the inside, keeping the ideal elbow nearby to your section. For the downswing, hold part of your particular attention for maintaining the ideal knee nearby your section and allow the clubhead to swing to one o’clock. If you want to get more suggestions for golf tips, you should visit this website: Thank you for reading my article.



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Some Quick Recommendations To Help Resolve Golf Slice Problems

Some Quick Recommendations To Help Resolve Golf Slice Problems

Reducing handicap is nearly always the objective of folks who are interested in golf. The golf slice is one area that commonly will cause complications for such individuals. It’s a common problem and there are a wide range of things that can be the root cause of it. The guidance shared in this article can help you correct your slice and begin enhancing your scores today.

Taking the golf club too high in the backswing is an usual error made by people who slice the ball. Verify the position of your backswing at the top to correct this problem. Is the shaft of the club over your head or is it above your shoulder? The shaft should be only a little bit higher than your shoulder or you are taking the club too high. Should you utilize a proper golf swing, you will feel your leading arm cross your chest just a bit as you backswing. The end result will be a flatter and more rounded golf swing which can also provide additional power.

A great number of golfers assume that if they slice the ball, it is easily fixed by moving to the left for right handers and to the right for left handers. This is not the case unfortunately. You are in fact slicing the ball as a result of the direction and angle the clubface is looking upon contact.

You are going to slice the ball even worse if you shift your stance off target to make up for your slice. Rather than looking away from the target, take the time to just work at your swing and ensure you are striking the golf ball squarely while being in-line with the target. This will correct overcompensation and might help remedy your slice.

For you to take your swing to the next level and correct slicing issues, it is imperative to develop correct balance into your stance. You’ll probably lose balance and disrupt the orbit of your golf swing if there’s any sort of free motion while you swing the club. Maintaining feet shoulder width apart, adequate forward bending of the torso and a good degree of knee flex can really help promote appropriate balance in your stance.

Make sure your hands are not gripped too far to the left on the golf club. The face of the club might be square to the ball at the outset, but this grip may cause the club to rotate while you swing. Once you grip your golf club you will notice that “V’s” are created in between your thumbs and your forefingers. For the standard slicer these will point toward the leading shoulder when addressing the golf ball. However, the “V’s” will point toward the right shoulder when applying proper grip.

Solving a golf slice is oftentimes a tricky and difficult ordeal. Nevertheless, it’s possible to eliminate golf slicing moving forward by following the information on this page, understanding exactly where issues lie and taking steps to fix these problems.

Matthew Barret offers a totally free system for finally doing away with that irritating slice in golf at If you’re all in favour of finding out much more about golf slice tips and hints than it’s worthwhile to definitely head on over.

Several Very Simple Guidelines To Fix Golf Slice Issues

Several Very Simple Guidelines To Fix Golf Slice Issues

Reducing handicap is nearly always the aim of folks who are interested in golf. The golf slice is one area that frequently causes complications for such individuals. It’s a regular problem and there are a variety of things that can be the cause of it. The advice shared in this article can help you correct your slice and start elevating your scores right away.

Your consistency may be influenced dramatically by merely locating the golf ball back or forward in a player’s stance by just a couple of inches. Ideally you should line-up with the golf ball so the golf ball is about two inches to the inside of your left heel (for right handers). An outside to inside swing path, which usually is a culprit of the golf slice, is often encouraged by a stance where the golf ball is too far forward. Opposite of that scenario, a stance where the golf ball is too far back makes it tough to close the clubface on time which may result in a push slice. A repeatable swing that is precise and slice free can be achieved by establishing a consistent position in your stance.

Your hands should not be turned too far to the left on the golf club. The face of the club may be square to the golf ball at the outset, but this grip causes the club to rotate during your swing. Notice the “V’s” which are made between your thumbs and your index fingers. For the usual slicer these will point toward the leading shoulder at address. However, the “V’s” will point toward the right shoulder when implementing proper grip.

A great number of golfers unknowingly make a mistake as soon as they begin their swing. They will rotate the club clockwise with their hands upon takeaway. This causes the clubface to open on impact, even though it may feel right. The clubface should “open” during your backswing, however this should actually be as a result of rotation of your shoulders and your torso. Your hands shouldn’t be what causes it.

The correction for this is to simply grip your club making zero effort to twist your hands. Here is a simple way to see if you’re doing this right: At the top of your backswing the wrist on your glove hand must be perfectly flat.

Many players think that when they slice the ball, it can be merely adjusted by moving left for righties and to the right for left handers. They are wrong on this idea. You are not miss-hitting the golf ball due to where you’re standing; you are miss-hitting as a consequence of the place on the face of the club you are coming into contact with the ball and what direction the golf club is moving in.

You are going to slice the golf ball even worse if you shift your stance off target to compensate for your golf slice. As opposed to facing off target, make time to work on your swing and be sure you’re striking the golf ball squarely while being lined up with the target. This will correct golf slice issues that come from overcompensation.

Don’t let slicing negatively affect your scores and take away from your game. Utilize recommendations such as the ones above to correct your slicing problems and improve your all around game. You will be able to create a straight shot which reaches your planned target every time if you take time to ensure that your form is implemented the right way.

There is also a free site about golf slicing over at There you will find video tutorials, drills and a variety of tricks that will help you remedy your slice and start shaving strokes off your game today.

How to Cure a Slice With a Fade

How to Cure a Slice With a Fade

Most golfers believe that you have to draw the ball to be a good player.  However, some of the best players ever moved the ball left to right.  Guys like Hogan, Trevino and Nicklaus all played a fade.  So if you are trying to cure a slice you might want to consider turning into a fade instead of a draw.


Curing a slice with a fade is actually easier to do because you are already hitting the ball left to right.  You just need to get it under control.


The best way to approach this is to leverage some of the things you are already doing but fine tune them. There are just a few factors that create a fade.  From a physics standpoint a fade occurs when the clubface is only slightly open relative to the path of the clubhead.  If you are slicing the clubface is very open relative to the face. 



Let’s start with your grip.  The left hand should be on top of the shaft with at least one knuckle, (possibly two) showing.  Then fit your right hand to the left with the thumb of your left hand resting comfortably in the palm of your right hand.  You don’t want to have too strong of a grip or you will start hooking the ball. 


When you are trying to cure a slice and learning to play a fade this should feel close to your usual group.  Your grip will probably be a little stronger than usual but not a whole lot stronger.   Practice taking this grip over and over away from the driving range and golf course to make it feel natural.  When your grip reverts to its old form, and it will, just turn it over a little stronger to the right.



Since you are trying to cure a slice you already set up aimed to the left.  But you are aimed too far left.  So for starters take your normal aiming position and then turn everything a little more to the right.  Get your feet, hips and most importantly shoulders turned more to the right.  If moving all of these feels too awkward you can try leaving your feet and hips pointed where they are now but square up your shoulders more.  Your shoulders are the biggest determinant of the clubhead path.  Try and get your shoulders square. 



Here is the good news.  If you’ve followed the steps above you will still be able to swing a little out to in.  This should produce a gentle fade.  Many instructors will tell you to hit a fade by swinging from the inside but with a slightly open face.  However, the reality is that most slicers can’t easily change their swing path from outside-in to inside-out.  So let’s assume you’re still going to be a little out to in.  Make certain the grip is just strong enough to turn the slice into a fade. 


Here is another tip that may be different than what you are used to hearing.  If you are trying to cure your slice with a fade and you start hitting it left, then go at it a little harder with your body.  Yes, I said swing a little harder.  The reason is, if you swing a little harder with your legs and shoulders the clubhead will not be able to catch up so the ball will start to fade right again instead of going straight left.  


However, if you are still slicing the ball too much then swing a little easier.  Give the clubhead a chance to catch up with your body and swing past center.  This will get you squared up and producing the gentle fade you want.  . 


To cure the slice swing problems, start practicing with a middle iron.  Swing easy, you will be amazed how far you hit it.  If you normally hit a 6-iron 150 yards try and hit it only 130 yards.  Try and quiet down your lower body and swing your arms more.  If the ball starts going left instead of fading then swing a little more aggressively as we talked about above.  Once you’ve mastered this you will be able to play on any course with a controlled fade.

Bob Charles has worked in the Golf Industry for over 13 years and walked inside the ropes at many PGA Tour events. This experience gives him a unique insider’s perspective on the game of golf. To see how other golfers are learning how to cure a slice with a fade go to

Golf Swing Techniques-5 Tips How to Cure a Slice in Golf

Golf Swing Techniques-5 Tips How to Cure a Slice in Golf

Before you get into golf swing techniques in any meaningful way you will need to learn how to cure a slice in golf. Because your slice will cost you miles in distance in the course of a year’s golf.

Here are 5 tips to help you get rid of your slice..
Tip1-Strengthen Your Grip
This is the simplest way to get rid of your slice and it simply involves turning both hands more to the right (if you are right handed) on the grip of the club so that the vees formed by your thumb and forefinger are pointing to or outside your right shoulder.

Tip 2-Sort our your set up
Make sure that your shoulders are not open at set up. Ensure that they are square or even slightly close initially until you lose your slice because open shoulders will cause a downswing that causes you to cut across the ball at impact which will have you slicing all day.

Tip 3-Tilt Your Spine Angle to the right at set up.
This will promote an approach to the ball from the inside, not the outside which will encourage a draw shot.

Tip 4-Favour your right side in terms of weight distribution at set up
This will ensure that you are not hanging on your left side in the takeaway which encourages a reverse pivot and a steep approach to the ball through impact.

Tip 5-Release your forearms through impact
This involves a good free release through impact with the right forearm crossing over the left through impact and on into the follow through.

So before you get too bogged down in golf swing techniques, learn how to cure a slice in golf and these tips will have you hitting raking draws in no time.

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How Do I Get Rid Of Scars Caused By Acne – 5 Effective Home Remedies For Pimple Scars And Dryness/Redness Under The Nose

How Do I Get Rid Of Scars Caused By Acne – 5 Effective Home Remedies For Pimple Scars And Dryness/Redness Under The Nose

Article by Mark Towell

I have scars from acne I have NO idea how to get rid of them. And I have dryness (redness) under my nose. It’s not from a cold because I haven’t had one for some time now. Can you please tell me how to get rid of the acne scars (please don’t say surgery because I won’t do that) and how I can get rid of the dryness?

This is a popular question that gets asked by so many on the net, since acne is really a common condition that affects so many people in the world. Listed below are some few tips and tricks you can use in trying to get rid of scars caused by acne. There are also some few tips on getting rid of dryness and redness around the nose.

I used to get acne really bad, I do get the occasional pimple here and there but unfortunately I got some really bad scars. What I found worked really well for me was to use a home remedy. They healed and faded the scars very quickly. It definitely works. And best of all you’ll probably have all the ingredients at home, so it probably won’t cost you lots of money.

Here are some of the Home Remedies for pimple scars:

1. Tomato, which has vitamin A. Vitamin A, controls the production of excess sebum and also an excellent antioxidant. Slice tomato and apply slices directly to skin.

2. Your skin needs water to keep the skin plump, remove toxins and build new skin cells. Drink at least 80 ounces of filtered water a day to give your skin the quality and quantity of water it needs to reveal healthier, fresher skin.

3. Cucumber is one of the refreshing treatments used for the treatment of acne. Blend the cucumber into a paste and apply it on the spots. Leave it for 30 to 45 minutes and then wash it off.

4. The sandalwood and rosewater blend can be used as a facial mask and cab be instantly applied on the pimple areas of skin. Wear it during the night before going to bed.

5- On the next page, you’ll discover a book that will teach you how to totally remove all your scars. The above suggestions might work in treating your scars, but what helped me the most in removing all my old ugly scars were the secret techniques I learned from this Scar Removal Guide: Scar solution Manual.

This guide has some remarkable and unique natural scar removal techniques that worked like a charm on my scars! I’ve recommended this guide to so many people and they all ended up clearing their scars just few months after following the recommendations in it.

Click here: Scar Solution, to read more about this guide.

About the Author

Methods for eliminating all your unappealing scars, the how to fade acne scars. Some of the Most excellent natural cures for scars, scar treatment products

How to Stop Slicing the Ball

How to Stop Slicing the Ball

For recreational golfers, no part of the golf game is more frustrating than getting great contact on a drive…only to see it slice 50 yards into the woods. To compensate, many golfers make “on-the-fly” adjustments that usually make the problem worse! In this article, I’ll give you FIVE FAQ’s on key swing fundamentals that will help you to stop slicing a golf ball. (These FAQ’s are for right-handers..for left-handers, reverse the directions)

FAQ 1:

The Setup — When a basketball defender is guarding his man, he tries to be perfectly balanced so that he can quickly react to the direction that his opponent is going. If he is leaning right, the offensive player could easily exploit that. In a similar way, you must be properly balanced as you setup to the ball. Bend your knees, get set and avoid leaning to the right or to the left. If you aren’t set properly, your swing is doomed before it begins! If you are perfectly balanced, you’ll be less likely to slice the ball.

FAQ 2:

The Shoulders — When you swing a club, your right shoulder should be LOWER than your left shoulder at the moment of impact! This is a common mistake of many golfers who have problems with slices. When you examine your swing at the moment of impact, if you find that you are one of the many golfers who keeps your left shoulder lower than your right, than you have found the probable cause of your slice!

FAQ 3:

Proper Grip — A quick test to make sure you have the proper grip is to insert two golf tees between your thumb and the webbing of your hand while gripping the club. If the tees point toward the target, than your weak grip is a typical slicer’s mistake. Make sure both tees are pointing straight in front of you.

FAQ 4:

Flat Left Wrist — At the top of your swing, make sure your wrist is flat. A loose wrist or a wrist that is at an angle will cause you to slice the ball. Many who slice the ball find that they have a tendency to cup their wrist at the top of their swing. Keeping that wrist flat and straight will help keep the slice out of your game.

FAQ 5:

Proper Hand Rotation — After you have hit the ball, where are your hands? Your right hand, or ungloved hand, should rotate over and be on top of your left hand after you have struck the ball. If you’re not rotating your hands in this manner, you will find it very difficult to keep your ball straight!

If you are able to implement these five FAQ’s, you should soon stop slicing the ball, see your drives heading down the fairway, and you’ll definitely see your scores start improving dramatically..


Please see my popular website in the field of golf tips. Visit my website here!

Learn how to fix your golf slice today!