Something You Should Know When buying Golf Clubs

Something You Should Know When buying Golf Clubs

For most golfers buying a new set of clubs is as important as buying a car. It’s important to get it right because you can spend a lot of money and you’ll be using them for many years to come. If you haven’t realised it already golf equipment gets very technical. For the very best players a misplaced ‘C.O.G’ or ‘M.O.I’ can severely affect their game. For the rest of us a few simple decisions will help you select the right golf clubs for you and avoid wasting your hard earned cash. Lets take a look at what you need to know.

How much you spend is obviously up to you. Golf equipment can cost a small fortune especially if you opt for custom made stuff. If you’re a beginner its probably a better idea to look for a less expensive range or even buy second hand (check for signs of rusting and degradation if you do). This game is a tough nut to crack and not everyone develops an addiction to it. You don’t want a thousand dollars worth of golf clubs gathering dust in the closet! When you get to a decent level or are already there it then becomes more cost effective to go for the higher end products.

The majority of your golf bag will be taken up by the irons – generally 3 through to 9. The quality of the shaft is key for these clubs and industry standard is for the irons to be made out of steel. Take note – if your swing speed is slow or your swing speed is decreasing due to age consider buying graphite shaft irons. They are lighter and can help you get back some distance.

The flex of the shaft is another key component. Again slower swing speeds require a more flexible shaft. The extra whip generated helps add yards to your shots. This is not helpful to the golfer who is hitting their 7 iron 150 yards or more as flexible shafts tend to be harder to control at that level. These types of golfer should look at the stiffer range.

A feature of the 21st century golf bag is the hybrid clubs. A mix between the fairway wood and standard iron this club is known to be easier to hit than long irons and can be used in many situations. Generally considered a must for high handicappers and beginners you will also find that the pros have adopted them also. Its certainly worth considering having these in your bag rather than the long irons. If, like me, you tend to spend a little too much time in the rough then these golf clubs can be your saviour.

When you are making your selection be mindful that golf clubs are generally made to a standard length. When you set up, the club head should sit flat on the ground and the club should fall below your waist. The standard length is acceptable for most golfers but if you’re particularly small or tall it might be a better idea to go for a custom made set. This will give you a better chance of solid contact.

The club head comes in all shapes and sizes. You hear much about the debate between cavity backed or blades. The cavity backed club head has a larger sweet spot so is easier to hit but at the cost of feel and control. This is why better players tend to prefer the blades.

The driver and fairway woods usually have graphite shafts to assist in generating club head speed. As with irons the amount of flex you need depends on how much speed you tend to generate.

Loft of the driver head is often overlooked. Slow swingers want a higher loft as it helps get higher trajectory off the tee and ultimately more carry down the fairway. Loft tends to range between 10 and 15 degrees. Better players should opt for the lower end of that range.

Fortunately for some of us you can select the angle of the face of the driver to offset any tendencies such as slicing or hooking. If you slice go for a closed face and if you hook go for an open face. The difference can be between hitting the rough regularly or getting down that fairway.

The putter is all about feel. You need to be able to produce a smooth stroke to get the right contact on the golf ball. As a result there are a great many variations in the type of putter you can buy. See which one sits right with you. The heavier putters can help beginners because they promote a less jerky technique and reduce the chance of the golfer giving up on the putt as they hit it.

The grip has to feel comfortable. You can have golf clubs regripped and this may come in useful if you have small or large hands.

Everyone has their own tastes so not all the tips will apply but its certainly worth bearing these pointers in mind. Buying clubs can be a sizeable investment and the last thing you want is to find you’ve chosen a set that you simply cannot get on with. One final tip is to make sure you are honest about your game with the store attendants when selecting clubs. Yes, they are trying to sell to you but they will want you to get the right clubs. Its no use saying you hit the ball dead straight and play off a 4 handicap when you really have a horrendous slice and struggle to break 100. The needs of these two types of player are very different! Best golf clubs in ordergolfonline

I am a golf lover!

Which is Better for My Golf Game? Graphite Golf Shafts or Steel Golf Shafts?

Which is Better for My Golf Game? Graphite Golf Shafts or Steel Golf Shafts?

Shafts for golf clubs are primarily made of either steel or graphite. The steel shafts are made from a carbon steel alloy and protective chrome plating is applied to prevent it from rusting. A graphite shaft can also be called a composite shaft because it made from multiple layers of carbon fiber and epoxy resin holding the layers together. There are even some shafts made of both steel and graphite. However, you are probably wondering which is best for you?

Steel shafts have been used for golf clubs since the 1920’s, although earlier versions can be

dated back to the turn of the 20th century. Graphite shafts are a relatively new material used in golf, dating back to the late 1960’s, but didn’t gain widespread acceptance until the mid 1980’s. Both materials are used for some of the following reasons.

Steel shafts are less expensive to manufacturer and easily able to make consistent from shaft-to-shaft. Steel shafts are made from a single material, so creating a new model is limited to geometry changes to the shaft such as the outside diameters along its’ entire length, wall thickness, distance between each step (unless it is a stepless shaft) and usage of additional metals (such as chromium, vanadium and nickel) in the alloys. Premium steel shafts cost about the same as low end graphite shafts.

Graphite shafts were originally designed to make a lightweight alternative to steel shafts. However, there are graphite shafts that actually weigh more than some steel models, but this is very rare. Steel shafts range from approximately 90g to 130g, while graphite shafts can be a low as 39g. The most popular weight range of graphite shafts for woods is 60-70 grams and for iron shafts the weight is closer to 70 – 80 grams. One of the biggest advantages to graphite shafts is their lighter weight.

Since the graphite shafts are generally lighter than steel shafts, there is a potential for greater distance because they may be able to be swung slightly faster. Most graphite shafted clubs are assembled longer in length than standard steel-shafted clubs. Golfers that tend to be less consistent may find the steel shafts to give them greater control. But for those golfers, such as ladies and seniors, who need additional length to enjoy the game better, graphite shafts are a welcome alternative.

Another advantage of graphite shafts over steel is from a design standpoint. As earlier stated, graphite shafts are manufactured from multiple layers of carbon fiber. Each layer can be a different modulus (strength) material and can be applied at different angles to contribute independently to the stiffness or reduction in twisting along the length of the shaft. This allows graphite shaft manufactures almost limitless possibilities in new designs.

Because of the various materials able to be used in the manufacturer of the golf shaft, there is a much greater range in pricing as well. An inexpensive graphite shaft may cost .00, while the most expensive shaft can cost as much as 00.00! Although most graphite shafts normally found in – range. Expect a club with a graphite shaft to cost more than with a steel shaft.

This is one reason why you so the majority of golfers have both steel and graphite shafted clubs in their bag. Greater than 90% of all drivers have graphite shafts in them. This is because the driver is designed for maximum distance and is much larger and easier-to-hit than they were just a few years ago. For fairway woods, more than 80% are equipped with graphite shafts as players tend to match the driver with the same type of shaft. Golfers, who tend to hit the ball a long way and/or need more control, may find steel to their liking. There are a number of lightweight steel shafts available as an alternative to graphite.

Irons and wedges are usually just the opposite in the shaft material choice. Approximately 75% of irons sold today are sold with steel shafts. The primary reason for choosing steel may be an economic factor as the irons and wedges make up a great percentage of the clubs in the bag. The other reason why golfers choose steel in their irons and wedges is for control rather than increasing distance, especially among stronger individuals. However, there are a number of quality graphite iron shafts that come in all different weights and stiffness to match nearly every golfer.

The choice between steel or graphite shafts for you will be based on if you are looking at greater distance or not. Greater distance will come at a greater cost, not only economically, but for those who already don’t hit their ball very straight, hitting the ball further may even compound the problem. Make sure to make the choice wisely based on your personal goals and current tendencies.

Jeff Summitt is currently the Technical Director of Hireko Golf. Over the past 18 years Jeff has researched, tested and analyzed thousands of different golf shafts. He is the creator of the Dynamic Shaft Fitting Index, which is featured in the Modern Guide to Shaft Fitting. Additionally he authors the annual Dynamic Shaft Fitting Addendum, which instructs clubfitters in the proper fitting and selection of shafts. For more information visit Hireko Golf at

How to Chip in Golf

How to Chip in Golf

Article by Jamie Faidley

One of the most important things to remember if you want to learn how to chip better is just how important it is to have clean, consistent contact. You will need to strike the ball on the way down, avoiding hitting the ground before you hit the ball. Repeating clean contact is not easy, but once you can do it you will quickly find it much easier to control the distance of your chips. Once you learn that distance control you will be able to putt from closer distances, cutting strokes off of your game.

Ball Alignment

While you are swinging a golf club, the middle of your center of gravity is where the lowest point typically falls. Because you want to avoid hitting the ground before you strike the ball, you should move the ball just behind center at address. For beginners, use two inches behind your center, then you can adjust as you become more comfortable. Just don’t forget to keep this ball location consistent as moving it will change the angle of your club impact and you will find it harder to consistently strike the ball cleanly.

Hand Position

You will need to work on consistent hand position each time you chip. Your hands should be in the same place with each chip you make. You will want to position your hands in front of the ball. Draw a straight line from the point where your right knuckle sticks out the farthest. That line typically falls just in front of your ball and is a good reference point to use for your hand positioning.

Weight Balance

Your weight should be distributed about 40 percent-60 percent with more of your weight on your front foot. This is going to help cut down on hitting fat shots by making the lower point of the swing more toward your front foot. Getting this balance down will help you to your goal of hitting clean chip shots more consistently.

Club Alignment

Make an extra effort to keep your club face squared to your target. While playing the ball back in your stance your club face may float open, which requires that extra bit of focus for chipping.

This setup should help you make more up and downs from just beyond the green. Be sure you check my other golf chipping tips if you are looking for additional assistance with improving your chip shots.

About the Author

My goal is to offer helpful golf chipping tips for players of different skill levels ranging from beginner to advanced. With the articles on our site you will find techniques, lessons, how-to’s, and drills to help you become a better golfer.

Slicing The Ball? Understand Why And Cure It Forever

Slicing The Ball? Understand Why And Cure It Forever

Curring a slice can seem like a lifetimes work but it doesn’t have to be that way.If you understand the mechanics of the golf swing you can get rid of the slice affliction forever. Untill the time comes when you need a great raking curve ball around a tree to half the match with your playing partners.

Ok that said what causes the slice?

The slice happens when the club comes into the impact area from outside the target line, with the club face open and with a steep angle of attack.

This is caused by the upper body ( shoulders ) starting the downswing, throwing the club out and away from the body which is the complete opposite of what you should be trying to achieve.

So if you take the club to the top of your backswing, and we’ll take it for granted that you have made a full shoulder turn ( 90 degrees ) and only 45 degrees in the hips. From here a slice would come from the hips staying still and the shoulders starting things down. This you’ll notice makes the club move away from you and travel towards the ball from about two feet away from your right toes and on a path towards around six inches from your left toes. So steep and outside the target line inside.

Now compare that to the right way.

Back to the top of the swing and now start by rotating the hips first. You’ll notice the right shoulder naturally drops somewhat. Now continue turning and watch the path this time. The club is now coming from about 6 inches from the right toes to impact, more from close to you to impact and away. The opposite to the slice.

The way I got this motion was to hold a football in both hands at your right hip and now take your golf stance and throw the ball over your left shoulder ( right motion ).

Hope this article will help to cure your slice for good.

Steve has been a keen golfer for over 30 years. He still loves the game and plays on a regular basis. His current handicap is 2. If this tip was helpful to you and you would like to see and hear more of the same. Please go here.

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What are domestic long distance calls

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How to Buy the Right Golf Equipment

How to Buy the Right Golf Equipment

Article by melody

Veteran golf equipment writer Scott Kramer has published a new e-book, How to Buy the Right Golf Equipment. The easy-reading book helps simplify the process of buying clubs, shafts, balls, bags and shoes – as well as buying equipment for other people, including your kids. The following excerpts are the chapters on buying drivers and putters (scroll down).PuttersPut more thought into buying a new putter than any other club. Why’s that? Because you take more strokes per round with it than any other club in your bag, and there are so many intricacies to putters that choosing the right one will help you sink more putts. The wrong one will actually hurt you often. And when you consider that most golfers mis-hit the ball toward the toe of the putter, you quickly realize that the wrong type of putter will only exaggerate your misses. What to do?

First, pay attention to the feel of a potential new putter. You have to pick it up and make sure it feels comfortable in your hands. Then consider its looks – any distractions and you won’t be able to focus on the stroke. If it feels good and looks good to you, then you’re much more likely to put a good stroke on the ball with it. But you generally cannot base your choice on feel alone.Strongly consider getting fitted for your putter, to find one suited to your physique, stance, stroke and preference. A fitter will find your proper length, lie, loft, grip, offset and head style. Regarding length, if you need to set your hands lower on the grip, to get closer to the ball so that your eyes are directly over the ball, then you probably need a shorter putter. Putter manufacturers differ in how they measure the shaft. Some calculate it from the butt end to the heel of the sole, others from the butt end to the center sole of the putter. So one company’s 34-inch model may be another’s 35. Experts claim that most golfers use a putter that’s too long for their stroke. Tell-tale signs that your putter shaft’s too long: At address, you stand farther away from the ball and your hands will tend to be too close to your body, and thus you’ll inadvertently raise the toe of the putter and exaggerate the arc of your stroke. Also, the butt end may poke at your gut. Finally, the putter’s head will feel heavier on a longer shaft. If the shaft is too short, you’ll stand too close to the ball and will raise the heel and.

Then there’s loft to consider. When a ball’s sitting on a green, it’s actually resting in a slight depression in the grass. The putter’s loft – traditionally four degrees – helps lift the ball from that depression. If it lifts the ball too much, it imparts backspin. Not enough lift and it forces the ball to skim the depression’s edge, thus causing it to skip. A solid putting stroke naturally closes the face as it strikes the ball. At impact, the ideal loft is bet, because most putter manufacturers derive the ideal loft in their putters. Dynamic loft – the putter’s loft at the point of impact – is the most important loft.But you need high-speed analysis within a fitting session, to know what yours is. In fact, all of these factors add up to justify why a fitting session will save you a lot of heartache on the greens later on. Armed with the right data, you can buy a putter perfectly tailored to your natural putting stroke. A fitting session can reveal exactly what putter you need and why. Knowing if you’re better off with a blade or a mallet partly depends on your stroke path. If you take an open – or inside – backstroke, square it at impact, then proceed with an inside follow-through, you’re probably best off playing a heel-shafted, toe-weighted blade putter. That’s because as you stroke, the heel moves through the impact area faster than the rest of the clubface. But the toe weight helps the rest of the head rotate through the impact zone, squaring it at impact, and imparting a straighter ball roll. If you were to take that same stroke with a mallet, its built-in face balancing will prevent you from closing the toe by impact, meaning you’ll push the putt to the right (assuming you’re right-handed). After awhile, you might even overcompensate for the push and begin to pull your putts.

By the way,if you need another golf clubs,you cannot miss these styles as follows.Hot products:Callaway X-22 Irons Taylormade R9 Driver Mizuno MX 700 Fairway Wood Ping Rapture V2 Driver websites:

About the Author


Teach You to Discover a Fake Odyssey Putter

Teach You to Discover a Fake Odyssey Putter

Counterfeit golf equipment has turn out to be a sizable industry over the ten years, having dubious characters–mostly in far-off places just like China and Korea–manufacturing cheap knockoffs of remarkably well-known golf clubs and trying to sell them in destinations like America and the United Kingdom for severely undercut prices. Odyssey putters, one of the additional famous brands, really are a distinct focus of these putter pirates. Remember these points in mind when you think that you might have spotted a fake.


Step 1 Serial number: Make sure your Odyssey putter contain some sort of serial variety personalized on the once again of the hosel. In case the quantity is printed anywhere else, it is likely some sort of fake. Furthermore, in case the engraving is not level or even otherwise unprofessional looking, it can be the fake. You can also confirm serial numbers with Callaway customer service if you are still unsure of the club’s authenticity.


Callaway Lady’s X-22 Irons Callaway X-18 Irons Callaway Fusion Wide Sole Irons


Step 2 Color: Original, recent Odyssey putters generally have just about flawless finishes and incredibly specific shade schemes. When the putter you are considering gives an wrinkled and also faded finish or even a color it does not match the regular Odyssey colors–look during an authentic putter as well as print advertising materials by Odyssey to compare–you may be looking on some sort of false.


Step 3 Paint job: The title “Odyssey,” model leaders and numbers, and confront markings are usually almost all painted pretty precisely when Odyssey putters usually are manufactured. When the paint in these spots is “outside the lines” and also inconsistent, you may be looking with a fake–or on least the factory next. Create confident the paint job on the recent putter is when flawless when the finish.


Step 4 Spelling: A few counterfeiters usually are not quite careful and opt for not to proofread the spelling with their do the job. If your putter reads “Oddessy” as well as “Oddyssie” or maybe anything other than the suitable spelling, or when the lettering won’t appear degree or right in a few other manners, you will be probably holding your counterfeit club.


Step 5 Grip: Generate convinced the club you’re considering supplies some sort of recent, standard Odyssey grip. These are usually dark-colored using white hash marks, or maybe red or white by using dark lettering. In the event that the grip is a substitute or worn out extra than a new recent grip should be, you may have a very problematic club.

Golfwholesaler18 offers Discount Golf Clubs for sale,including Callaway,Ping,Titleist,Mizuno,Cleveland,Nike,Odyssey,Maruman,Honma,TourStage,XXIO.

Things To Know About Starter Golf Equipment And Gear

Things To Know About Starter Golf Equipment And Gear

Article by Joanna Jacobs

You don’t need as much equipment as you’d think when you first start golfing. You won’t need the fancy equipment until you’ve learned more about the basics of the game. You won’t really benefit from the more advanced equipment until then. As you assemble your beginning golf kit, keep the following important pieces in mind.

The first item you should spend money on is a decent driver. The first thing you need to be aware of is that there are some “specialty” drivers which aren’t quite certified by the PGA. Reliant upon where you are and what your aims as a golfer may be, this might not be an issue for you. Everyone has his or her own needs when it comes to driver. Normally, drivers that have flexible shafts grant greater distance yet a lower amount of control. If you have issues with hooks, slices, or rogue balls you may choose to forfeit distance for additional control by utilizing a steel shafted driver.

You should also take a bit of time to investigate the most comfortable shaft length for you to use prior to making your purchase too. This will take a little experimenting to find the perfect length but it will be time well spent in terms of less back pain after 18-holes. Ball markers are also important pieces of golf equipment to have.

This is especially important if you play with a group. These markers allow you to mark where your ball came to a stop without interfering with the play of the others in your group. Golf etiquette dictates that the person farthest from the hole plays first. So without a ball marker to mark your ball’s spot, it could interfere with the play of the other balls on the green. When playing with a group, it is incredibly important to have ball markers and they’re not expensive.

You should also invest in protective eyewear. Many beginning golfers overlook the importance of this piece of equipment. It is important to remember, however, that golf is a game played outdoors in the elements. The sun can seriously damage unprotected eyes. Additionally, it will be much easier to see where your ball is going as well as where you want it to go if you aren’t constantly shielding your eyes from the sun.

Buying the right equipment can add years of enjoyment to the game but your beginner equipment doesn’t have to cost a fortune. With all the new, fancy equipment, it can be easy to get distracted whether you’re new or returning to the game. Stick with these great pieces of beginning golf equipment and you should be in great shape.

About the Author

Joanna’s websites: Drink Bottles, Liquor Bottles, Pet Bottles and Travel Bottles.

Package Golf Sets versus Buying Golf Clubs Separately?

Package Golf Sets versus Buying Golf Clubs Separately?

Article by Neil Peters

Should you buy a package golf set or should you buy golf clubs separately? That is the question most beginners are faced with when starting out in the game. There is no correct answer of course but there are a few important things that when considered may help you to make the correct choice for you.

The main things to think about are:

Budget: how much money you want to spendCommitment: how serious are you about golfFuture: am I likely to upgrade in future

What is your budget?

So, let’s talk about budget first of all as that’s perhaps the most important consideration for any beginner. As a beginner you’re unlikely to know just how serious you are about the game yet so you won’t want to break the bank. However, you don’t want to waste money on a golf set that you’re likely to want to replace quickly either. Luckily, you can buy package golf sets that have high quality clubs and are modestly priced. There’s no need to spend more than £200 to get a good starter set with all the clubs you’ll need and included will be a good golf bag.

How keen are you?

When you consider that you could easily spend £1000 to buy all the clubs separately then this really is a key factor for most people. Is the much greater invested in separate clubs worthwhile? Well, the answer really relates to our second consideration: how serious are you about golf? If you already know that you’re mad keen on the game then I’d have no hesitation in recommending that you look at buying clubs separately and perhaps even consider having your clubs custom fitted.

Still unsure?

Finally, related to the previous two considerations ask yourself this: am I likely to want to upgrade in future? This is big unknown for most at the outset. I’d say if you are at all unsure then go for a good quality package golf set from a good brand like Callaway, RAM or Wilson Staff. You’ll get a really good set for less than £200 that is ideal for a beginner- or intermediate-level golfer for that matter.

To find out more and to compare prices, just follow the links in the about author section below.

About the Author

To find out more about this package golf sets and to compare prices visit Mens Golf Sets and in particular the Ladies Golf Sets.

How to Buy Suitable Golf Clubs

How to Buy Suitable Golf Clubs

Article by Marina

There are lots of famous golf brands in the world, for example, the TaylorMade golf, Ping golf and Callaway golf. Now, all the golfers should know that you can buy cheap clubs online, or buy discount golf clubs online. But, some golfers think that the discount or cheap golf clubs are not right clubs.

Do you know how to buy suitable but discount golf set clubs online? In this article, I would like to talk some tips to buy suitable golf cubs. If you want to know much more golf information or golf tips, you may read funny article in my blog.

Before you get started you need to decide what clubs that you want to purchase. Once you have done this, then you can begin pricing them out. It is very important to note the type of clubs that you are shopping for, you will also want to take note of the make and model that you are interested in purchasing. Next, you can search the internet to price your clubs.

Find the right shaft length. Shaft length affects the appearance of the club, but most players will fit an off-the-shelf club. When you have questions or are exceptionally short or tall, look for a knowledgeable shop ready to match you to a shaft length. If needed, ask if they have clubs made specifically for children.

Know the various clubs and how they are sold. Because it’s important that they match, irons can be bought as sets, usually comprising the 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 irons along with a pitching wedge. Woods may be sold individually or perhaps in sets. Woods do not need to match. Some novices purchase only a 3 wood rather than a full set of woods.

Understand the differences in club design. Most new clubs are perimeter weighted, with a larger hitting area to lessen the chances of an errant shot. Experts prefer bladed clubs, which demand great precision but deliver more power in skilled hands.

Remember these golf tips to buy good golf club sets such as the Mizuno MX 700 Driver, trust me! If you want to know much more golf tips to buy suitable golf clubs, you may read my other articles. Thank you for reading my article!

About the Author

I am a golfer! If you want to buy golf clubs for sale such as the TaylorMade R9 or reading golf articles in my blog – Online Golf UK Blog,you may also visit the