Got A Slice That You Cannot Get Rid Of?

Got A Slice That You Cannot Get Rid Of?

Article by Chuck Summers


Taken in comparison with other sports golf must be one of the most difficult in the world, many people struggle for years to master the skills and never achieve a great level.

You will find that a whole range of tips and tricks have developed over the years and the list keeps growing as more and more new golfers take up the game every day.

The most popular swing fault golfers face today is curing that annoying slice. Imagine how much more accurate you can be if you could cure your slice and start hitting it straight.

Here is a list of 5 little tricks designed to minimize your slice, and with practice should help you to eliminate this annoying habit.

1. The first thing to do is aim to develop a wide and powerful backswing. You have to keep your left arm straight as you take the club backwards, but you must not keep your left arm straight in your follow-through.

If you deliberately try to keep your left arm straight then this can lead to a heavy slice. This is due to your left arm hindering your right arm’s natural rotation. How to adjust? Easy.

Let your left arm bend during your follow-through. Swing a few times only with your left hand, then immediately do a normal swing.

2. A second thing that can cause slicing is because you are letting your club get too far behind you on the backswing, which makes you get outside your target line on your downswing. Without a club, try swinging your left arm, mimicking a full swing.

Your arm has to cross your chest and meet up with your right shoulder. On the downswing, try replicating that motion exactly, only backwards.

3. What the slice boils down to in reality is simply a lack of squaring the club with the ball. So you need a great finish to square the club with the ball correctly. A good drill to try is to take an 8-iron and tee up.

Swing it back to waist height, cock the club up, and then pull towards your left. You should be aiming to hit the ball about 50 yards. Be sure to make your chest and belt buckle face your target.

4. But what if your problem is a bit worse than above? You are hitting big banana slices. You must square the club to the ball earlier. What you should do is draw a yard long straight line in the sand in a bunker.

Take a 5 iron or 6 iron and swing the club above the line. Try to get your divot to start at the line and go forward. Keep trying until you can hit at least 10 shots in a row that start at the line.

5. Often one’s slice can be eliminated, only to come back stronger than ever. Don’t worry; there are tips for this too. Head on over to the driving range. There you can find hills that place the ball slightly above your feet.

With a strong left-handed grip, start hitting balls on this hook lie. This naturally straightens out your swing. Just keep the same grip as you hit balls on a flat surface. Now you can kiss your slice goodbye.

About the Author

Chuck Summers has been playing golf since school and has heard many golf swing tips both from family and friends.

Visit his site for more great free tips on golf swing technique to save yourself a few strokes next time you play.

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